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  • Yes but also. Wario has like not one moves that goes through Peach moves except for fart and fsmash. It felt good that with Falco Lucario and others I could beat some Peach moves. I can see why Falco and Meta are Peach her worst matchups though. Marth belonged there to? Falco his jab is maybe better than Peach hers or they are equal in startup frame, I dont know.I love ZSS her 1 frame jab too bad she cant complete her jab combo as that can be shielded so dum. Btw It still amases me the disjointed hitbox Peach has with her dash attack. Don't blame snake for having his now :p.

    But you are right sometimes you went nairing towards me which let to your dead. Or fairing too soon so I can grab you but that is also most likely wifi. Sometimes I get hit by fair even though I pressed shield on time.

    Did you enjoy any other character I used? Fear anyone else? or was it just that you were caught by surprise?

    I forget Falco his lasers to but when lag comes he lands and shoots with lag :laugh:. I even died a couple of times because of the lag today. Oh well I still had fun though, I hope you to.
    I could maybe play in an hour or something Rick. I don't know about you? But in the evening I can't play for today.

    Would help if you just install msn :p.
    Very true! It actually hurts my hand trying to type out so much and respond to everyone's posts. I don't know how people do it in general.

    But yeah... hopefully things heal in time. Never thought I'd be this frustrated over swf before. I feel like a moaning parent giving out curfews.
    Thing is... with the peach boards, some of it is quite funny to read =p but the stuff that goes on over here is just soooooo repetitive and boring!
    Also I don't mind using those characters. Maybe I must learn Meta as he is one of the few who can be offensive and I prefer an offensive character. In SF4 I always use rushdown tactics that actually works except for characters such as Zangief as he is the master of close combat :p.

    I maybe have time today but I don't know yet.
    Much more combo oriented and less horrible matchups. Much more enjoyable in my opinion. Although the competition on pc version is not so good compared to xbox.
    Hey Rick we havent played in a while for our doing :). I can play more Lucario and Mr Flat if you prefer that as those are other two characters I find myself decent enough with to stand a chance. Maybe Falco with a bit of practice :p.

    Funny that in Brawl I can really think about other characters, while in sf4 I never ever had anyone else besides Dictator aka Bison over here aka Vega in Japan :).
    GGs Rick.

    Killing and approach that Peach of yours is such a bother lol. Pitting Sonic's slow Fsmash and Bair against Peach's air game makes me sad. You sure can bait and punish me though, reminds me of Sonic :O

    Yep, I saw Snake's Utilt and Ftilt, I lol'd.
    Hehe ggs, I'm getting better at Peach Dittos! You didn't even three-strock me and the two-stocks were pretty close!!

    But why were you playing so badly with Sonic, you can do better than that :p
    It got kind of predictable after while, although it could help conditioning certain reactions which you can punish later in the game. Do you know any good players from Europe who play wifi? All I have to fight are good Peachs and Zeldas lol. I tried AiB, but all the good euro players care about their ratings and I can't be bothered to play laggy matches (since 90% of them are from the US) to get a good rating.

    GG's for the matches, I don't know why I keeping SDing/dying in the gayest ways :<
    Aww I got so excited for team games as well... but yeah I'll be online now so if you're on there already just host and I'll join. I might throw in a mix of characters like diddy, peach and jiggs. Rizul said he might be able to join later on as well.
    omg... if chis is online... and me and rizul were about to play games... and, and... if you're free rick... then BAM! TEAMS! =D Who agrees?
    That is why I also play sf4 which is a lot faster than Brawl. Deadly combos possible on mistake.

    I think I stop using utilt so much as Bowser it really sucks if I miss. It is not safe on block. So what moves I got to work with ftilt jab fortess and claw? So shallow :p. Flamebreath can be usefull for one tick and hoping opponent makes mistake after that.
    Bowser his grab release is not worth the hassle on wifi. Peach her is very easy but Bowser his is just bah.

    Yes the match is dull and ******** but there is nothing that is going to change that. I also can't approach because I dont want to be grab releaesd when I hit 100%. If Peach had such a ko move reliable she would be up with game and watch who also has killer moves :p.

    We messaged a bit at the same time :).
    Dont use Peach bomber unless you want to get hit by forward smash which I did a couple of times. That move is just rubbish. But it works sometimes because input lag thinks I dont airdodge. It is much like pf fire you hear it coming :).
    Lets do it later then as I just returned and now you got just so few left that it is not worth it. Thought you were offline :p.
    Was wondering if you are up for some games today. Or did you had enough for now :p. Either way I will be taking Bowser over the next days. Just say if you want a few against Wario. I feel so sad for letting one favorite in the cold. But then again Sonic is crying harder :).
    I force myself to look at Bowser again. Is also nice to swap the mood for if Wario vs Peach starts to bore me. I try to exploit his good moves and speed to see how far I can come :).
    Ffa is always less frustrating as I have to aircamp less. I reduced it a bit though when it was 1on1 as I don't want to make the other wait that long certainly when there is no timer :).

    I sucked hard as Lucario I rarely used his tilts or up air :p.
    Turnips of course limit options for some characters. Just recently I found out I can safely and easily catch them with my nair thanks to my great air speed. I once tried it on your bob omb and I got blown up.

    The only thing you do wrong is of course sometimes the bad spacing or very unsafe dairing or bairing on shield which results in grab. Although that could also be just on Wario because of his great grab. We are also not all perfect we all make mistakes. Maybe you should put your turnip game more up.

    Also dont fair from to high as that results in 100% shield grabbing I just noticed. Probably only Dedede and Wario though. I cant think of anyone else with such a huge grab range.
    LOL! That greens greens game reminded me of the first time I ever touched brawl! I blame a tad bit of multitasking trying to sort out teams with chis but he didn't come in time it seems!

    Thanks so much for those games btw! My interest is starting to go up again for brawl and I feel like I want to start getting back into the groove of everything now, hopefully without SDing and missing my ledge aim as many times as I just did >_>

    Rick you aren't too predictable - we don't play as often as before and I've just started to get back into everything... so I can't give much advice really... Rizul seems to be better qualified to give advice. I took a break for a bit and came back finding a few more spacing tricks and setups here and there that came out of nowhere. Try experimenting with a few more characters and really learn another character inside out, it will help dramatically... particularly if its your opponent's main or secondary.
    Stop thinking you do anything wrong. That would be like for me you got any advice you all those predictable fairs I cant power shield? Don't forget it lagged even harder now :p. That is why I switched to Lucario at one point as he does not get so screwed up by it as Wario. Wario is a punisher but tell that to wifi :p.

    It is just for fun and I had my fun. Although you calculations were not so wonderfull :(. You killed my poor lucario at last stock at 60% or so while you were somwhere high to and kataefi was only at 10 or something you should have let me lived if you wanted to have more chance of winning as you fell shortly after that :p. But then again maybe you thought you could outcamp miss slowpoke as Lucario has range advantage over Peach.
    At least Peach has a ground game :p. Wario has like only his great grab range. Seriously his grab is just so win and if you compare that with Ganon who is a taller man :).

    So you got a lot of work now or not? As I got nothing to do at the moment.
    Hey Rick school started for you again right? Or did I get that wrong? I want to know so I can leave your profile a bit alone :p. We sure did a lot of brawl over the past few days. I gues we both need to toughen up for the matchup and just have fun with it instead of going random as that is even worse. Still Peach her favor but who cares :). Although my knowledge on heavily aircamping are not so great.
    Ouch you had some fun ffas :(. Something I was so hoping for , oh well I am sure next time. Although facing against 3 Peaches with Wario is a bit to the extreme maybe :p.
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