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  • **** I so thought I could have made it with that falcon knee but I ate that sonic slowpoke punch :p. Epic first kill that is what you get for taunting with Sonic ^^.

    Maybe I must focus more on Marth to make it hard on you. Besides I find it already boring with Wario vs Peach as it is so camp heavy and also not in my favor. But I don't have the patience anymore I used to had. Oh I dont mind the disadvantage though it is just that particular matchup I don't really enjoy. We had lots of Wario vs Peach matches in the past and some were such stale mates :embarrass.
    Well I cango online at this time frame. But if we play I might go afk for a small time to grab some food though. But that is just minor afk time. I might be even on time back when the regular timers run out ^^.
    Hey Rick maybe another day you can play? Maybe we must set something up. Like early evening of a particular day so I can be aware of that and look a bit back and so.

    Old story but I dont realy read the boards and I gues you still do? I only observe the tier list thread often for the lols while enjoying my late afternoon meal.
    I might have some time at this range but I don't know for how long though. Alas you are offline already, wish I was checking sooner.

    I am online on wifi I will look a bit back now and then to see if you are there. I might be doing something else in some time though. If so there is always another day.

    Probably have to do it another time. Someone messaged me for l4d2 which I expected to a bit later. If I only was there a bit at 8 or sooner as you seemed online then :(.
    I notice you logged on again. You got already a day where you can do some brawl games?

    Last time I checked you had some people taking up your Wii or something.
    Beat them up and take it back. I need a good player to play on WiFi ^^. Played Yaaay again yesterday. Because I am so experienced playing against Peach. Played yours so much, I was more than ready.

    Seems my lag with Yaaay is also less than with you. WiFi remains WiFi though.
    Hey Rick you let me know then when you can use your Wii again? I find it then hard to contact you.
    I went straight to sleep. As I was getting tired. After all one hour later at me.

    Falcon is just so unbroken ^^. Your disjoints and priority could even beat falcon punch at the right angle. I gues it is more the disjoint.

    Don't you worry, I loved Marth vs Sonic. Makes you think twice to choose that bad character vs a higher tier :p.

    We should do it again for sure. At least you played a bit offline. But sometimes I could silly shieldgrab you. Better than my rust for sure :).
    All according the rules of course. I am not really surprised to see Zelda that low. I mean whenever people say they can camp with Dins I find that slightly amusing.

    Meta Knight is most like Sagat in SF4 they both have no bad matchups and plenty of advantages so they must be in a tier alone.

    About Peach I don't know. Then I think she is better than that, but then I think who must she pass then? Pit didn't go up that much according to the backroom. They said he just slighty ahead of the ones below him.

    I can live with it, but who am I. I never watch Brawl matches anymore. I have also no idea how high level is played. I watch mostly SF4 pro matches on youtube and sometimes Melee. Must more entertaining and combo oriented.
    You already ready for some matches again Rick? Or how is it going?

    I haven't really played Brawl myself but it can't be that hard to forget. I also still play SF4 so my zoning skills probably remain ^^.
    Going offline for a while yet you are visiting the forum :). I gues you also seen the new tier list. Not that I care much for Brawl anymore but I can play it for fun. I prefer to watch high profile Melee matches, much more amusing :).
    So young and already so busy. Well too bad we couldnt fit any games in. It remains hard to contact eachother through the boards but because you are busy, I gues that is a reason to.

    I visit these boards daily anyway, although briefly. So I see when you return and as you said it is better than if you notify me.

    Good luck with all your work and such.
    The times I check you are not online ^^.

    I am willing to brawl a few though but it is hard to get a hold on you when you are free. Just like before I might play something else then :p. That is where an instant messenger also comes in hand.

    Left 4 Dead 2. A nice tactical zombie shooter. I also played the first one with great success.
    I did not expect that :(. We gathered some friends and did vs in l4d2. You cant really blame me for that as I saw you were gone for quite some time. Normally I do check a bit later in the evening to. But dont worry real life is more important of course.
    Hey when are you up for some brawls again? I gues you are like me and never play anymore :). Last time I played was with you. But if you still want some games I can always find some time to play. Playing with you is the most fun anyway.
    Hey Rick just wanted to tell you that these days I often visit the boards a bit later. Always a bit around 20.30 my time. As I am eating my last meal then a bit while reading. Just handy to know.

    I got to admit I did look a bit more to see if you were online this weekend. But it seems like you are busy. No worries :).
    I was surprised I knew so much still with many of the characters. So at least you had a bit of challenge. As far that was possible with the sometimes akward suicides.

    Donkey Kong vs Fox I disliked the most. I could like do nothing to the oh so obvious Fox approaches :(.

    I like Pit a bit, his recovery is so great with the gliding. Reminds me of Meta Knight ^^.

    I agree that we should try it again one day.
    I think we both can comment on the lag but we shouldnt. It is more than normal though. Can hardly pull of stuff. Not even something as simple as Falco his down throw into running up smash. Dont know why it lagged so bad this time for us :(.

    It was fun for what it was worth.
    Me neither but I can play now if you want. Was just eating and reading some crap. Diddy is so overrated. But what is it with Peach she has nice matchups against Wario and Diddy? Peach is an odd character :).
    Btw Rick. Let me know when you got some free time coming. I do a lot of other stuff myself to. But I can make free time for you if you say it :). I just play a lot of games these days and always being on smashboards like old days in early evening doesnt really count anymore.

    I warn you, I probably be very rusty. But so will you ^^.
    I am fine myself to.

    I gues you let me know when you are ready again. But ****, you sure got a lot of exam time. I recall it from some time ago as well.
    Well there are a few smashers around your area,it'll probably be better for you to look them up,I know Trio3 lives very near you.
    Hey Rick how are you doing these days? It has been 3 days since your last login so I gues you are busy. I am not really active anymore myself on these forums. I often just visit every morning as part of my daily browsing process. Then there is the evening which I often read the tier list thread, mostly for some laughs.

    Many we can play one day again. Mind you I havent played Brawl in quite some time. I am more busy these days playing tf2 and l4d2. But I thought you would have stopped playing WiFi like most people.
    Hai, you say you live in West Yorkshire, well I'd be happy to come up there and give you some matches if you want.
    The month of Christmas I dont really expect anything from anyone. Besides I am focusing more on SF4 now. Seems like some newer matches of mine have been uploaded :). Only two the player said. Better than nothing, some friends asked for some replays with me. Also those that are not outdated or me cought on my weakest point. Yes they are there to :p.

    But I agree Ricky. Too much orks is indeed unbearable.
    To anyone whos posted me stuff recently, sorry I'm only quickly replying here. Last week and this coming week have been hell for me, so much ork its unbearable

    I'll get back to all of you later :) Cya all then
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