I know. For me it is easier because your Peach does not change and I know exactly what to expect. But if you enjoy that I play these characters I can continue to do so.
Btw what was with Sonic? I 3 stocked you
. He is really bad and cant kill Dedede, poor Sonic
. I might be slow but better than you
Maybe you can ask the Peach boards about Lucario. I know it is all lag of course and I dont know if you would have the same problem offline. Probably not. But if you have no clue at all it is better to know what moves to do and what not.
If ZSS had no horrible short hop I would probably main her. My habit generally lies in shorthopping and full hopping. Although I mix it up now, in early days I always jumped like a ******
Sadly it are the high tiers I can only have fun with. I don't see the joy in Ganon anymore. The Bowser vs Ganon was just me picking my nose and tie one hand behind my back and play with poor Ganon
. So you were random for a slight moment? Lower tiers can so do nothing compared to higher ones that it makes it boring. I don't refuse anyone for taking them though. I gues SF4 made me change on that matter.
I better stop talking before your profile crashes
. But just tell me what you think.