“This unforgettable adventure brings new characters, music, and gameplay to the popular The Legend of Zelda series. It’s a tale of two warring kingdoms and the people caught in the middle.”
Among those characters mentioned in the trailer was a kid known as the hero Anankos who would go on to be shown to be quite ruthless.
“The game’s unique battle system allows you to strategize with friends and fellow Link and utilize more powerful tools to overcome enemies, bosses, and other obstacles in your way.”
If this description doesn’t sound familiar to you, it’s because it was nearly exact to the plot of Breath of the Wild, save for the addition of the young hero Anankos.
When the trailer was brought to the attention of our readers on Reddit, some folks were quite confused, with the thread quickly becoming a “Who the hell is Anankos and what is the title of the game” debate.
Dungeon forever
One thing that seems like it’s most certain in the timeline of the trailer, however, is that Breath of the Wild was released in March of 2017, which is when the two kingdoms mentioned in the game’s promotional material do appear to be at war.
“Clearly, that tells me this has to be going on in the past or we wouldn’t be seeing any footage of it in the future,” wrote Redditor VikingLama. “It means we are either getting a remake or a new entry in the series. What’s the resolution? Do they split the series?”
As you can see in the trailer, the two kingdoms were locked in a battle for several years, but eventually, Anankos began sending threats to Zelda, who was at that time the princess of Hyrule.
According to one fan theory, that is why the hero, Link, seems to have survived for the duration of the game’s timeline despite Zelda’s belief that she killed him.
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments section below.