LOL, I understand most of what you just said. I've been in a relationship for 2 years this august, Before that I was a hoe, A smooth hoe that knew what he was doing, what to say, just enough of a douche to keep them interested, but also like a Caring guy, i will be a jerk, but if someone said something to them that really hurt them I'd be on that guys *** in a second. Apparently girls love that. Girls, not women
every girls opinion counts, every girl is differnet but honestly most of them have about 50% of thigns in common with every other girl. their tastes may vary but they are still girls. Hence the more I knwo about girls, the easier tehy are to understand.I'm not doing this to pick up girls, I merely doing it to understand human beings better if you can believe it. I will not lie though, it has helped me out countless times knowing how girls are and will act when I say certain things.
wow sheeit! I am tired! I'll talk to you tomorrow if you wish to continue this lol. If not I'll drop a friendly hello and see how you are sometime. See you around the boards