I tested out some new codes for disabling the Z button without much success. Nopping out change actions that are tied to 020A0100 move-specific IASAs works, but subroutine-ing them to another location results in a crash. As you wanted to remove Z-button activation to several moves, that requires addition of several lines to multiple of these locations, meaning it likely will never work. I think this is because character pacs make direct links to these routines and it messes it all up.
Instead, I recommend you do the following:
Unrestricted Button Mapping Editing [spunit262]
211973CC 7CC6F82E
051973CC 38C20060
05197468 38620060
05197574 38820060
05197680 38E20060
051976B4 38620060
051978CC 38E20060
065A9380 0000000A
00010203 04050A0B
0C0D0000 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Use that to remap a taunt to the Z-button and you should be a-okay. If you need me to disable taunting from action 0, thats cake.