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    Pokelego999 Pokelego999
    KneeOfJustice99 KneeOfJustice99
    So I think I want to reboot the thread on the Pokemon Warriors Project
    So I was thinking that the thread I made was made without me expecting the thread to be such as success, as a result there are some parts that I wished I could of made better. The jobs I admit were a bit repetitive and some parts i wished we better than others. Plus with all the new developments involving Legends Arceus and me not utilizing Hisuin forms I feel like I want to remake the thread using modern sensibilities, stuff like the moveset template justice gave me will still be used hut now this thread will. So are you two and anyone else up to a Pokemon Warriors Reboot.
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    Also do you two prefer the Gen 7 Tapus or Gen 4 Matter Trio (Dialga, Palkia, Giratina), or Gen 5 Tao Trio (Reshiram, Zecrom, Kyurum), as this game will feature a divided faction storyline based on these legendaries and these seem to be best fist when it comes to divided nations.
    I made a reboot for Legends Regigigas, hope you enjoy.
    Voting for characters and the first board is now open.
    I felt like my Pokemon Warriors, Legends Regigigas thread had some missed potential, does anyone want a reboot of that thread?
    With Biden going off of tangents about the senate I need to know when he goes as far to say "I am the Senate" so I can devour all the memes in its wake.

    Specifically, I'm talking about this senate.
    FazDude FazDude and Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom

    Continuing on that wiki conversation I've been having with you two earlier today, I decided to make a wiki for my universe idea and now I'm working on it on Miraheze.

    Here is a link if you want to see it, under heavy contruction.

    Okay I want to make a wiki, but I want the wiki to not be behind a paywall for me to get the full experience, any suggestions
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    Venus of the Desert Bloom
    That would be if you can trademark it and then sell it to an interested party. Whatever you plan to make, if you truly any to protect it, trademark it. Otherwise, no one has to pay you a cent for your idea as you technically don’t own it. Saying “but I made that!” won’t do you any good. That being said, your idea has to be good enough to put in the effort of taking. Not trying to be mean but that’s the sad truth - a lot of what people make will never actually become anything. I’ve made countless stories but I never sought to “own” them because I knew they weren’t good and no one would bother to steal them. I would recommend focusing on forging your idea and worry less about people stealing your ideas.
    Yeah, I should, i should aim to be like the SCP wiki as there are monetary projects based off the ideas on the wiki, but they also give credit where credit is due
    Honestly, I might just let whatever happens happen with my current stuff. I probably will make characters/worlds which I will trademark/monetize, but for now, I’d rather just enjoy making them rather than stressing about people stealing them (assuming anyone wants my garbage)
    I dont get it is Bluestacks a true emulator?
    In layman's terms, yes - It's a Windows application that can be used to run Android apps.
    So it replicates the console to download games made for Android, its kinda confusing for me
    Yeah, I think it replicates the Android OS used for phones. It kinda confuses me too, but that seems like it's the case.

    I'm just bumping evanwoo10 evanwoo10 's thread because its been quiet there recently and I like it
    So why do people hate Illumination Entertainment, I seriously don't get the hate. While I wouldn't say their filmography has any masterpieces in them, films like Despicable Me 1+2/Minions, Sing, and Secret Life of Pets have loads of charm to them and have some genuinely great moments. Sure I wouldn't say they are revolutionary, but they are pretty good pieces of entertainment with a lot of wholesome heart to them. They do have some stinkers, such as the Suess movies (Once-ler notwithstanding) and Despicable Me 3 but at least they are consistent. Plus I don't hate the Minions, they are a mascot and a mascot should be marketed, plus in all honesty, Illumination hasn't pushed the Minions as much as they did a decade ago. So can someone tell me why people hate Illumination?
    My favorite thing about Smashboards is that 75 percent of the chat isnt about Smash Bros
    I'm surprised there aren't any Angry Birds Fangames, there are mods and stuff but I never say any from the ground up original fangame, since the physics would be easy to port I think it's all just a matter of graphics and bird roster.
    Wario Wario Wario
    Wario Wario Wario
    I think it is probably a case of 1. the physics being really precise (if a game involves physics, you can gaurantee there's a lot more going on under the hood than outside), and 2. Angry Birds' fandom at it's peak being split up between the really young and really old, with the prime age for coding and making professional-level fangames now being the kids who thought they were "too old" for AB, while the adult peak-era AB fandom likely already had jobs when it first came out and the kid peak-era AB fandom are just now getting to grips with code.
    Hmm yeah, but since the new remake is on Unity I think people could just rip the physics or make a close approximation, with the new goodwill involving the remakes I think Angry Birds will have a resurgence in popularity enough to make fanworks.

    You have no idea how much I hate Silver from Angry Birds 2, this gray chicken is possibly the worst playable character I have ever used of all time, ask me why in the coments
    I think the reason there are less premium mobile games is that you can only gain so much money from having an upfront cost of 99 cents, plus there is the store getting a cut of profits, so I can get why mobile gaming is focusing on microtransactions (not that its a good thing they are.)
    Why do you think there is a 3 99 Steam version, you can only make so much money from a one time purchase, which I think why multiplayer games are getting free to play, to get a constant stream of revenue.
    The Steam version was released on December 22 2014, which I think is before free mobile games really started to take off. And making it free and ad supported would probably just cause way too much controversy for what it's worth.
    I still am impressed that after Angry Birds and Plants vs Zombies became free to play that Geometry Dash is still 1 99 on the app store, same with Where's my Water.
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    I'm going to make a series of posts praising parts of movies that aren't critically liked, I might make this a regular thing, tell me your opnion on these points

    So I am part of the later camp that thinks that Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is better than the Willie Wonka version. And in today's day and age I think there are some moments that aged pretty well.

    1. Burton's gothic art style fits the book more, the orginal book is about a bunch of brats vying for a trip to Wonka's castle so it would make sense that the world in this movie is colorful with a dark undertone like the kids.

    2. It gives more context to Wonka's character, while mystery is good and all Wonka should really be fleshed more as a character, Gene Wilder is always memed as a sort of phycopath but this Wonka I belive is superior due to his more fleshed out characterization.

    3. Charlie's family is also more deeper, while we dont see them much we do see distinct characters who seem relaistic in a world like this. Uncle Phil having a personal reason to visit the factory also gives him much more character debt.

    4. The kids are more fleshed out and in a detail in the end, their punishments are proportional to their behaviors. TV gets stretched for cheating the system for everyone else, Veruca's dad grows a backbone from her bratty behavior, Augustus only gets his clothes dirty due to him being more a victim of stupidity rather than malice, and Violet is the sole one to gain any benefit from her predicament much to her mother's dismay as she was the one who gets punished.

    5. It predicted Karens
    Okay I am seeing a lot of conflicting posts about the multiversus roster and I really need to know if this is true of not. Is Gus Fring in the roster?
    So I guess Pixar is making an animated adaption of Fireboy and Watergirl I guess now.
    Why does apple get all the cool stuff, they got a from the ground up remake of angry birds and an exclusive movie and game streaming service with the former I think being the only place to watch anything Charlie Brown related
    There's still a few Peanuts movies on Hulu for some reason, but I think the Charlie Brown exclusivity otherwise has something to do with a buyout.

    (that said, none of that matters if you want to hop on a ship and sail the seas, if you catch my drift)
    Apple TV I think is the worst streaming service of them all because not only do you need to pay to get esclusive shows, you also need to make sure you have the right devices to even stream the shows

    Edit you can but it still sucks that Apple Arcade isnt on non apple products
    The Peanuts movie is on Disney+
    The Star Wars Prequels has the best culture, I e the best species introduced and planets originated from this era

    The OG Trilogy has the best set design and effects

    The Sequel Trilogy has the best ship and building design of all the films
    I think with free-to-play games, if most of the content could be unlocked through strategy and not waiting Im totally fine with that.
    I am going to be controversial here, the Sequel trilogy is actually okay if you consider Force Awakens and Last Jedi as a duology
    I once made a concept for an episode series for the Amazing World of Gumball, you know how in Family Guy they parodied the Original Trilogy, well in this case Gumball and co were to parody the Prequel Trilogy, but the twist is that Gumball's family was the Sith with Gumball as Darth Maul, or in this case he would be called Darth Ball, with Tobias being the clone army, Darwin being the Battle Droids (Darwin is also Darth Ball's personal battle droid bodyguard) Richard as the Emporer, and Nicole as Dooku (there was even a joke pointing fun at the then-current craze of remaking movies with a genderswapped cast). Also Jabba the Hutt was played by Prinicble Brown and Hector was the Ranco. They would have been called The Phantom, The Clones, and The Sith. Does anyone else want this concept to happen?

    Ther is a new wiki for documentatating fanon works out now that I have been following closely. It's like Fnatendo but for gaming as a whole and without dealing with the morality of dealing with Fandom. If anyone is wanting to make their threads as wiki articles they are happy to do so. Hopefully we can meet each other.
    Opinion, if Luke and Leia were to be switch at birth (Luke is on Alderaan and Leia is on Tatooine) what do you think would change in the saga of Star Wars.
    Leia would pretty much be an even cooler than she is. But then what would become of Han?
    Luke would probably be killed after Vader did some digging into the family tree of the Alderaanian Royal Family

    Leia proceeds never to do anything notable and is eventually eaten by Jawas.

    Lando ends up leading the Rebellion after losing a bet with Ackbar on a drunken night out and they somehow still win

    Remember when Angry Birds had its own line of Amiibo before it was cool
    Is it wrong to like a everything about the game, (story, music, graphics) EXCEPT the gameplay
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