Hmm well I think we can get second. I saw Breez play at that tourney play tournament you all went to, and he was having problems with a bowser lol... He's probably gotten a lot better, and I probably shouldn't base his skill off of a couple matches, but it seems that because he doesn't know the bowser m/u he did bad. I don't think anyone in BC, except for you, really knows how to fight a GaW, especially in teams, for he can be really tricky to vs. They'll learn to start fearing random judgements, and when that happens we'll start pressuring them into stupid mistakes.
As far as strategy goes, I wouldn't mind if you played your typical egg planking game. I think if you can stock tank like that while keeping up good damage output, we can kill MK's really fast. And if breez decides to use snake, we'll for sure win.... I DON'T LOSE TO SNAKES!