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  • I was going to suggest that. I do warn you, when it comes to competition, I dont hold back, nor do I show my usual state, I attack fierce like the savage wolf

    *Hypes self up WAY too much*
    I thought youd never ask, tell you what, if you win even one match, Ill tell you a secret =) (which wont be hard gainst my rusty old self)
    OMG I SAW DUAL YOU WON!!! =3 AWESOMENESS! KB had great taste in you when he was amused with your fighting skills good job! =3 -SQUEEZES HIS HEAD- XD
    Indeed You just had to pull kirby with my marth. XDD Ironic. It's so funny how our kirby was sorry about the first time matches with marth, and my kirby they were just warm ups to me. XDD As you can tell I was moving up a bit with my gameplay, but I hope your impressed a bit with my kirby when I did finally get going! =3

    And good luck in the battle YOU BETTER WIN! =D
    Yeah sure make a room. =3 Sorry about that. XD Yeah I was watching the battle. Let me know when your ready! XD
    As long as marth and kirb is on top at least I hope kirby is I'm still happy. :p But yeah it's okay I understand I hope we can brawl sometime this weekend if nothing jumps in my face like always, but yeah I learn some new marth moves and kirby moves, but mind you If lag screws up I'll eat it's soul later. XDDD but hopefully will have a good clean battle, but man I wish we could do those stay up battles those were fun. XD
    XD Yeah, the grabs. Once you learn to escape the first hit though I can probably only do only 18% but thanks! Haha, now I just gotta learn to deal damage like that without grabs. Oh, and I reeally like your use of arrows. Especially the ones that feel straight down! It looked like Zues just smited me.:laugh: Way to go on the aerial battles. Very nice! I'll be looking to brawl ya soon again. My rooms will always be open to ya, except well... when an OTL match is hap'nin', y'know.:bee:
    LOL that song xD

    That is going on FD in a couple of days. Might even make a CSS for it too!
    Honestly I havent even started yet, becasue I dont have an idea down. Didnt you want a moon included in it?
    Heheh, my Kirby is alright. If anything I'm just a determined Kirby main. 'Nd yeah, I wouldn't mind Brawlin' sometime! I'll add in your FC for now.:bee:
    -Slides over all dramatic.- I'm back. With some new marf moves. <3 And with a sexy attitude. but yes I miss you too Dual things been pretty busy with me my mom surgery turn out awesome! God had touched her, now she has to go back to do one more thing and hopefully she won't have to go through anything again. But hey we should catch up and brawl sometime. Hit me up a message to me know. Been mostly also hanging on facebook. O; sorry about that. XD
    don't worry about the time dual just get it done as soon as you can please i'll problably have to extend the tourney due date sense only one person has done there match and don't worry about running late sense school makes this really hard to get done so don't be sorry :)
    Friday evening will probally be best. Otherwise it'll be late Saturday. I'll try to get back to you with a more specific time.
    I actually haven't really checked out much of anything you've linked me, sorry. I've been too busy keeping up with all the tv shows that have started recently, my chess games and the PC, and trying to catch up on Terywj's Emerald Nuzlocke videos.

    Which story was it again? I might check it out later this week.

    Have you had a chance to read the Serebii and Smogon links I gave you recently?
    I don't follow smash tier lists so I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to and am not too interested.

    It does bring to mind a quote I saw recently:
    "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." - Albert Einstein
    Fox is too high! D: That's what I think of Fox's rise. I dunno if he even deserved something higher than a +2, I personally don't see what is so special about him that warrants a huge jump for him.

    And no prob about not posting much in the Kirby Boards! We're there to clarify questions, you shouldn't feel forced to post there at all. We just help people start out/get better, no need to worry about posting "enough". ;)
    no u can sign up for both, from ur post before i wasnt sure if u wanted to be signed up for both so i just vm'd u just to make sure.signing u up for both right now
    uh just to make sure did u only want to be signed up for mid tiers or regulars as well (for the weekly)
    hahah DS!!
    it HAS been a long time :ohwell: but its not your fault! lol i could have made an effort too.
    I don't think it was him holding back because I'm a new opponent. We've played twice before: once here through VMs, in which he won; and once on ChessHere, in which we drew. I'm thinking his seemingly sub-par performance is due to distraction or something.
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