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  • Actually I remember, 21 wasnt it...thats what I think I heard.

    Ok, cool, I just want lots of support over it =)

    Maybe...I should just fly the plane...XD
    Oh, how old is SKy anyway? But all right, Ill ask her if she ever comes online =).

    Sorry about the randomness of the Bi thing...I just wanted to start being honest to straight people, too get used to that feeling (though now I have the feeling your weirded out...)

    All right, but if I suffer greatly, I'm blaming you XD (jk)
    Err, that's not quite what I meant...I meant more along the lines of like the people I meet at real life tournies. I told you, because your my friend and I trust you.

    All right, Ill do that...I hope your right that its not that bad..

    I don't suppose you know her name...then again, it'd probably be weird if I added her...well I'm sure she wouldn't mind...well...maybe...I don't know, maybe I should just ask X.X (unless you do know it)
    Well, I mean I'm happy about my state...but like, I'm trying to get used too being open about it publically...mostly since I'm worried biggots will judge...that, and I don't want my Smash friends to find out (or anyone irl yet)

    Everyone keeps saying that...does it really hurt that much T__T *getting scared of the inevitable pain*. But ya, its my first flight ever...and I've always been iffy on heights..

    Nah, just like on wifi, but I haven't seen her since Monday, and I've been so tired, I haven't really played anyone else X.X
    Well...I'm scared about my flight tomorrow, because it'll be my first time flying...and I gotta do it alone, so it just sorta freaks me out A LOT.

    I'm also worried because I never saw SKy, and never had a smashfest, so I'm afraid I'm really under practiced atm (thankfully, I did play with Ugg and was starting to get my flair back, but I don't think it'll be nearly enough x.x)

    And I just feel anxious atm thanks too that thing I was gonna tell you....Ill just say it aloud, I'm Bi, and like, I just feel awkward atm x.x
    Sorry I wasnt around at all, I was SO tired after work, so I just slept after I got home. Im hoping too Brawl SKy today since her Mom's surgery is done (I sure hope it went well ^^), but if not, we can definetly talk then if your around long enough =D. Ttyl
    Im amazing ^_^.

    I just recnetly got plane tickets for the BC tourney on Saturday, I already got a money match with Tero (the Ganon), and Im gonna rep Ike as best I can ^_^. Im also looking forward to playing with SKy when she can, as well as lots of other people....and....umm...there is one other thing thats making me really happy as well
    Yeah that helps a lot about the tournament, but I do need the link to where the tournaments are hosted that would help again that way you would go. "SKY I AM HERE JOIN NOW I MEAN NOW!" Lmao.. Forgive me for not showing up for a couple of days been contacting old friends on another site those that still willing to hear me out. Lol, but yeah that helps. ( No problem dual I'll always be happy to cheer for you. You still did a awesome job. )

    As for marth on wifi, Yeah it is deadly depending who is in the room with you and how terrible the lag is, but do your best being who you have to be. I probably will often play as marth in the tournaments depending who I fight. It's just all about planning who you need to fight and at what stages. Cause I often have to practice like hardcore before I win. You witness that before.
    Yeah, I spent some of my grade on keeping all of my monsters that I acquired from my last playthrough and keeping all of their levels that they had from their last playthrough. I also spent some grade on getting 2x experience to make getting levels easier, and I've kept all the artes and skills that I acquired from the last playthrough. Second playthrough has been a sweep so far. xD
    INR, that and I only got to use Raining Fangs with Aqua equipped for two and half fights. Q_Q (I don't really count fighting Lloyd and Marta as a full fight... because I just let myself get owned.)

    Finally decided to do a second playthrough, got a bunch of stuff from the Grade thingy which made the beginning levels a breeze. (I actually won that first fight you have with Lloyd that you would normally lose. Lvl 70 something Wyvern Lord FTW. I jumped from lvl 3 to lvl 12 xD)
    mhm :3
    I liked the second one just about as much as the first. <3 (Getting an awesome item set for completing the first game made me pretty happy too.)
    Colette just makes me laugh so much. Her Mystic Arte in ToS2 just made me lol so much. "Oops I messed up."
    Yup I'm HOLOpaW XD I should've said something lol.
    We should brawl sometime those games were fun. You have a nice Pit.
    Nice Noel avatar too. I would main her but I like approaching ;_;

    reminder: 30 minutes until those lazy blokes low tiers starts please within 30 minutes of this message go into this chatroom http://xat.com/ThoseLazyBlokesWeeklies


    i appologize for the lateness of this reminder, lost track of time while working on a school project.
    Go MSN if you want, Itll be easier too talk about this on there, hope you got a while, because I have a bit too say...of course, Im a wind bag, so I always say a lot XD
    Maybe your just in a rut, tbh, after a while, online will make you...peak a bit. You need real life competition after a certain point, then online becomes useful again, and you keep getting better, especially when you can rely on real life. Im stale as heck still, but thats cuz of my Brawl hiatus, just dont worry too much on it.

    You gonna reply to my long post btw (not pressuring you too anytime soon, just curious), or maybe we could practice for low tiers or something, or talk, w/e is good =)
    Im not, but I just wanted to have a chance, however, I was robbed of it, I legitmetly just had to throw the match game, and leave immediately x_x

    You know Pit wasnt banned right XD. But ya, I look forward to tmrw, going Ganondorf
    Man I suck, had to throw the last match (IE. Half *** playing it) thanks to my family, Grr, I hate Thanksgiving X_X.

    Hopefully I can catch you in a few hours when I get back...man, I wanted to win, but wont even get the chance =/
    reminder: 1 hour left until those lazy blokes regulars starts please within 1 hour of this message go into this chatroom http://xat.com/ThoseLazyBlokesWeeklies
    XD!!! Tager was probably the best, his was fantastic, but all of them were great. Haku-men learned omni-slash, Arakune doing 750 hits, Nu....I didn't notice a difference >.>. Shame its a hack, but its an amazing hack.

    Kk, Ill be home in a hour, looking forward to it bro, and all right, Ill check them out then =)

    That tiny area would have more say then half a country, so likely, the way things are run would likely follow around the more popular/larger smash scenes, its like any government ran by representation, it can cause large power shifts in the hands of a few collected individuals. Let alone the numerous rules (or bills as it were) that would likely be deadlocked or just ignored out right given this system, if it changes the norm even the slightest. Government is a useless procedure, honestly, itd be better if a council was given control, which is kinda what we have with the BBR already, though it should probably be thinned out more.

    Sure, but what time is 4pm est? I think thats 2 pm for me, and I wont be home till 4 my time, but as soon as I am, Id love too
    Thats not exactly what I mean. Think of it like this, think of each scene itself, and how we all do have our rule variations. Now obviously, some communities should have more say if they are a far bigger community.

    Ex. Alberta basically has one source of tournaments, as well as BC. Therefore, our communities would likely have to be combined, and all of West Canada given one rep. Compare to a really popular region like....umm.....for sake of arguement, lets just say California, since I certainly dont know what the huge scenes are off the top of my head XD. But ya, that certain area would need 2 or more reps, since there are a lot more players and tournaments going on.
    Half and half, it should be obvious which I refer too XD.

    Also, I entered into that tourney again, but Id like to warm up as well tomorrow. I wont lie, that leek spin is pretty cool, where did you even find it?

    I was actually thinking over some of the things SuSa has mentioned, however if I understand the gist, I dont think itd work, not just because of change, but because of representation and dividing it as well. But hey, all communities have rebel rousers.
    If MK gets banned, it will be because the majority of the community chose to. (2/3rds of it in fact) and therefore would actually help the community. (Players returning whom quit due to MK, etc.)

    I don't need the BBR to accept it, I need to get enough of the COMMUNITY to accept it... then the BBR will become forced to accept it, or Smash will split into two communities. The BBR community and the CH community. I don't want that...

    Noel is amazingly adorable~ .... Hands off the panda!
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