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  • Nah, it's OK. Did you have fun? ^_^

    No, "De Nada" means "Your Welcome". :p

    Nooooo, the ridiculousness!!!! It's gone!!! :mad088:

    My weekend has been very lazy. I bought Kirby's Epic Yarn today! It is love. <3

    Haha, nice. I'm actually going to make what I said earlier my sig now. :ganondorf:

    Thanks again. I haven't watched it yet, though. <_<

    Fine! :mad088:

    Terrbily long? You mean like Doraemon? xD

    Hm...I'll have to listen to Lelouch in the Dub, then. ^_^

    Well, I'm almost the same way. I love other languages, but I love English, too.
    I <3 language.

    Yea, Japanese is pretty fast. xD Did you know that, provided the same reading proficiency in both languages, Japanese is read faster than English? I Just thought I'd point that out.

    Yea, people die sometimes. It's a shame, but necessary death due to ignorance is necessary. :glare:


    I know your high or top in the Japanese tier list, if that counts. :p
    Other than that, no. xD

    Kirby = In my Wii right now. <3

    Don't worry, it will eventually. Have I ensured that this longer is longer than my last? We'll just have to wait till I post this to see. :awesome:

    Edit - Nope, I failed. xD
    reminder: 1 hour left until those lazy blokes regulars starts please within 1 hour of this message go into this chatroom http://xat.com/ThoseLazyBlokesWeeklies
    Thanks, lol; I get lucky ^_^ I usually look in deviant art, but if not there than google or bing images can work. I think I got this one from bing. Also, I ALWAYS change the color and what not using GIMP. You can also use photoshop, but since I didn't have the money for it, I found GIMP which is free and does the same exact things, but in a different way.

    I usually search "fallen angel" or "angel" for my avatars, but you can always change it up.
    Gracias. *Embed Mexican fight song*

    Truer words were never spoken about those words said by you pointing out my correctness regarding the input of the others' by way of words even though the words they spoke about your words about mine were the same as mine regarding yours. Thus, the words I've yet to say about your words are correct, my friend. <3
    ...OK, this is getting ridiculous. xD

    I'm sure I could find some time. ^_^ At least, I'll try.

    I creep around in His beard while embracing His darkness. When I leave The warmth, I am blinded by the hideous happiness of the world around me. :ganondorf:

    Thanks, I'm sure I will. ^_<

    You will! :023:

    Yea, I prefer short Anime myself. You know, around 26 episodes or less. <3

    Oh, well, I can at least tell you why I don't like them.

    1. They aren't as authentic.
    2. The lines are messed up.
    3. Seriousness and humor don't come across as well.
    4. The same VAs keep showing up.
    5. The same VAs keep doing horrible.
    6. I love the Japanese language more than English. It's beautiful. <3
    7. You miss out on the puns that the Japanese and I so enjoy.
    8. The openings are generally better when they aren't sung in English.
    9. It's the original: Subs are hw it's supposed to sound.
    10. Ouran's opening in English.
    11. Ouran's VAs in English.
    12. Ouran in English.
    13. The fact that I'm even on number 13.

    Well, there you go; those are some the reasons I don't like Dubs. <3

    It can't be as long as Doraemon. I heard that one is more than 1,000 episodes. I need to check that myself sometime. If I ever get hooked on that... I won't be back for a while. xD

    No problem, my high tier buddy. :040:

    Kirby = The only one who truly understands my soul...and my sucking issues, but that's another story. <3

    By the by, our messages are getting longer over time, lol. :woman:

    Sorry, I had to go with very little notice yesterday. :/

    Truer words were never spoken about the false words spoken by others about my true words about my words proving their words wrong and thus proving your words about my words about theirs correct, my friend. <3

    Ooh, Pit and Marth. I'd love to play you sometime. ^_^

    Thanks! You just can't handle his power.

    I'll have to check out that one, too, then. :D

    Cool, I hope you enjoy it! ^_^

    Now that I think about it, Yu Yu Hakusho may not be as long as I thought it was when I was a kid, lol. I think it may be around a hundred episodes. Maybe? I dunno, to be honest. <3

    Ah, I wish I could do that. I can't stand Dubs. <_<

    Yea, AS works pretty well except for some of the more popular Anime, like Ouran and Shugo Chara.

    Thanks. I'll show you it if I find one. <3

    Yea, it's really good. I'm watching the Anime, and I'm somewhere in the second season. *Is lazy* xD

    Of course, my friend. ^_^

    Kirby = My fantasies and wishes. <3

    Edit - Lack of color.
    Truer words were never spoken about the true words spoken by others about the words I used to describe those words stated about my words, friend. <3

    Oh, lol. I just have Ganon. :ganondorf: His beard is all I need, though. ^_^

    I'll keep that in mind. <3

    Oh, well, Yu Yu Hakusho was all about tournaments. It was pretty awesome when I was a kid. :D
    If I told you that DBZ is Dragon Ball Z, then would you understand? :p

    By the by, they're really long.

    I wouldn't know, I don't watch them. xD

    ...So you don't tell me the site, lol. I mostly use Anime Fushigi, Anime Season, and CrunchyRoll. CR is the one my friend showed me. <3

    Too bad there isn't one, or I would be in it. ^_^ I'll have to search for one online soon!

    Yuuki Cross is the main female in Vampire Knight...it's a romance. xD

    It depends on the blue, lol.

    Kirby = All my hopes and dreams. <3

    Edit - Lack of color.
    Well....all right....if you say so =).....I believe you

    Btw Dual, how come you never go on Moots xat ever? Itd be nice to talk to you like that (or MSN)
    Truer word were never spoken about my true words, my friend.

    Oh, definitely. I noticed we both don't main Kirby, though. xD

    Good luck, man/female/kirby/it/Ganon/whatever you are. :ganondorf:

    Oh, that reminds me. I watched Yu Yu Hakusho and DBZ as a kid. :D

    can't. <_< I watch subs, so I've been having trouble finding some of the ones I want to watch. Subs are surprisingly rare, lol. A friend just pointed out a good site for me to find a lot of the ones being removed, though, so hoozah! ^(^_^)^

    Join the Romance club. We have Yuuki Cross. <3

    Kirby...Kirbyyyyyyy......Squeeeee!! <3

    Indeed it is. Kirby will never die! :D Any who think otherwise are heathen!

    Oh, my! You are taking a liking to my hearts, aren't you. <3 I post them everywhere.

    Haha, thanks for the luck. I'm sure I'll need it. *Watches video again and throws up...again*

    Mmmm, Anime. <3 To be honest, I was late getting into it, so I've only seen a couple. (5 or 6)
    I tend to like Romance and Comedy, though. Or both. :3c

    I will try those two soon! I've heard good things about both of them.

    Kirby, MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmm....mmm.........mmm. <3

    Edit: My orange compliments your blue. <3

    Umm....I havent told him yet ^^;. I just figured quitting would be like running away though....and I don't want to do that anymore ever again

    Do you really mean that...it might just be my mind acting wonky again, but I swear Im a burden to everyone I know
    I love how you capitalized epic. xD I will try to get it as soon as possible. That basically means sometime this year, unfortunately. DX

    Oh! Some of my friends on here were telling me about Touhou a couple days ago. It looks really hard, but I may try it soon. ^_^

    Do you like Anime? :3c

    Edit - Unnecessary lack of love in that post. How could I. <3 Ahh, that's better. <3


    And well....right now I just feel guilty and sad over everything's thats been happening. I hate being a burden to everyone so much
    Gosh! Thanks! ^_^

    I haven't played it yet. D: I plan on getting it this weekend, though! Kirby is love. <3

    Is that an Anime avatar you have there? I must know who that is. :3c

    Oh btw rachel can win. It just requires ALOT of Patience, lol. Rachel is gonna get buffed to where she is probably gonna be top tier again.
    Hmmm a Blazblue player? Tsubaki? I presume after I read your wall. She's a rush down Like ragna but not as serve She needs to charge after some of her Knock Down moves like 22D Fully charged or something like that since its unblockable. But, I mean with the new patch coming out I wouldn't even try to use tsubaki anymore. Im gonna drop hazama and go to rachel soon anyways. Since hazama is pretty much getting nerfed to where he cant even scale 3000+ combo's <_<
    Well, so can Ragna, not all Rushdown are trash at mid range. Tsubaki doesn't though, her range is pretty bad. Generally a Tsubaki string will be entirely low. She olny has 1 overhead (her 6A......I think it's her only overhead on the ground, and basically any jumping move is considered an overhead, so generally just block low, except if you see her lean over and create a gauntlet out of no where). She also has an unblockable, her D move where she stops, then swings her sword. You can see it when she has an aura like thing circling around her, it's only unblockable if you fully charge it, and only the D version. Youll notice these thing's soon enough
    Her A version and D version Dragon punch can be annoying, but its like Ragna, don't leave openings.

    Rush down is a character type that basically revolves around getting in close too your opponent as fast as possible, with rapid guard block strings. They function only at one distance really, and that's close, keeping the pressure on always without stopping
    Too be fair, with full Install meter, Tsubaki can actually do good damage (like 6k+), has amazing options, a projectile, her rush down becomes insane, etc;. The problem is, without that, she can do at most 2.5k tops, and she is a rushdown character. You either have too give up rushing down too charge meter (and against other Rush down like Ragna, that's not really an option) or use her rushdown giving up her damage potential.

    In the end though, until the patch comes, the only character who can't really win is Rachel (speaking on a competitive level).

    Christmas da bess
    I suck at them, my reflexes are trash >_>

    I hate Halloween, so I just stayed home...I'm AMAZED you didnt do anything though o.o
    We had sigs with the HOR logo on it? Can I have one??????
    Ere' you go

    As for the logo, can you not see it in the top right corner when you go into HOR? lol

    I can speak a little bit of Spanish my mom is full Spanish. XDDD I got a little bit of asian blood in me I'm really mixed up. XDDD Loll, but yeah, we need to brawl whenever it happens Dual, but I'm happy you love my avatar. XDD I loved it too It was like drama for marth, and by the way.

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!! Cause I'm late for saying that yesterday. My gift to you.-Points below.-
    HAPPY HALLOWEEN ^__^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    (these images were taken from http://www.brawlinthefamily.com/?p=1741
    They aren't mine in any way shape or form, neither were the Pumpkins carved by me)

    :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:
    reminder: 1 hour left until those lazy blokes mid tiers starts please within 1 hour of this message go into this chatroom http://xat.com/ThoseLazyBlokesWeeklies
    Wierd, you're half registered on my Wii.:laugh: It says awaiting registration yet it shows our connection status.:confused:
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