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  • Thank you, side effect of planning an entire new world order (see: weareearth.com.. I own that URL, but need to start making money to host my website for it..)

    Side effect of that is seeing the major flaw in how this community works. All communities need a leader, and depending on the size of said leader - you could go as far as to call it a government body. Which is what the Smash Community now has.

    I want to change that, and to balance it to become fairer for everyone as a whole. If it turns out the majority of regions believe MK shouldn't be banned for instance - the issue is settled. The minority is unhappy, but at least we proved they are the minority. They can feel free to split off.

    This is just to address and patch issues which are existing today. It's not actually meant to completely rewrite the rules or enforce them. Just make a closer community where the rules are closer to eachother.
    Hyphen smash is a term used for....uhh...wow, my Smash memory is terrible, but its basically while your dashing, you press up on the C-stick too do a sliding Upsmash. For some characters, its useful, others (like Snake for example) have the better option of the DACUS.

    Dont worry too much, I know a little about SuSa, and he is a very knowledgeable player with lots of tournament experience (name dropped you, now you have to say Hi =3). Once you go to more IRL tourneys, you'll learn much more. Generally, just learn what you need about your characters inside and out, and know what the opponent character can do back, from there, its just experience. Ive actually been planning to head over to BC for a tournament with the rest of Alberta, as my way of unretiring..

    Nu is only an unlimited character in CS, so shes basically banned, trust me, hes referring to CT (where I mained the two worst characters in CT, thus Nu made me sad.....not as sad as Arakune made me though).

    Good night Bro
    Seems like you were having an interesting conversation, Im amazed you can still have a CT convo without talking about CS *Hugs CS*.

    How are you today =)
    I didn't make the website. :B Just a user.... although I do design websites. XD

    Uhm.. lots.. search on Youtube. =P

    I don't currently own BB, my cousin does for 360... =\ I need to buy a copy.. getting it for Xmas. And yea... it's to balance long/repeating infinites so they don't kill.

    Not so much anymore =P that was a few days ago.

    Oh, you checked out my anime planet? :p

    Yea... that's a pretty good place to go for anime... some are just there because I want to know how much I've watched, but most are there because I enjoyed them. Still need to update quite a bit on that list...specifically the ecchis.

    I know all of Nu's combos. ALL. OF. THEM. Also BB's online play is ****ing insane... like no lag. Oo

    Nu has like a 45ish hit combo that does less damage than my 17 hit combo... =P Gotta love how BB fixes combo chains to eventually do no damage at some point...
    Its fine. =P And no problem.

    Higurashi no Naku koro ni
    Highschool of the Dead (really ecchi, but I think its really good too)
    Drawing blanks right now? D= WTF IS WRONG WITH ME I CANT REMEMBER ANY ANIME...

    Haha.... Nu is sooo much easier to understand, and combo with... I've created a 17 hit combo that takes away 1/2 your health... :3 it's ownage, and I've yet to see anyone do it. (Yes, it's a true combo.. but it does involve a grab... =\ so)

    Hehe, I'll let you know if I am able to.
    First person to use that much SUUUUUSSSSAAAAA in their greating of me. Also, EVERYONE does that it scares me. oo

    Haha, your welcome. :) I have others to suggest if you wish.

    I main Nu, but secondary Noel. If I could ever get down Noel's freaking 1-hit-combo crap I'd main her instead. (You should know what I'm talking about... 1 hit, dash hit 1 hit dash.... that bs)

    I looooove her character, and the fact Nu is... well... pretty much her but Top Tier... XD

    We should, if I ever get my wii hooked up and IF my Mom wasn't serious about giving my sisters the TV... T_T after I finally decided to use it.
    I love you.

    I mean... I love your avatar.
    Noel Vermillion FOR THE ****ING WIN!
    It is free btw....I think....well....I dont know, its way too complicated X_X. Maybe I can find someone to ask whos already registered.

    Well, if you say so, Im certainly patient enough for the reply to a friendly challenge =)
    Im making it all up now, what would you like to do for a Team name...atleast...I think we team...I rally dont know, its so confusing
    Would you like to be part of the same team, Im really chill too team with, and any prizes would go to you since I cant get them. I think thats how it works...the rules are hard to understand about the team talk.

    She seems really nice, but Ill have to see if she replies to me =)
    I dont know yet, I did it like....JUST before you got on.

    Today was just a lame day overall, of course, I bet you can relate with school. I was looking up that Gamebattle thing btw, Im sorta interested, what about you?
    Im really well today, even though today sucked a lot. Ive been thinking a lot today o.o

    Oh ya, I also challenged your friend SKy to a Brawl, I figure the best way to get a long is through a friendly Brawl =)
    Wonderful though I wish I got the chance to go and join the tournament for my kirby, but oh well. O: Maybe if there is another just send me a link so fast. <3 Or try to if I happen to be online.

    But yeah I'm happy I was there to watch you. I think you can do a lot with kirby, but yeah I know marth and lag just a horrible way of using him in brawl I wish lag wasn't such a **** problem. o;

    That ok?

    And not a problem I'm kinda happy I did this. Havent made a sig in a while actually... lol
    Looks like I've done my job then =)

    Glad you like it dual, and no I am not the president of the AE lol too bad.
    Oh ya, that screws me up ALL the time for some reason x_x

    But ya, I just dont like doing as well as I should thanks too not playing forever
    cant believe I lost so early....oh well, Rust just killed me, that and Ike dittos, next tournament Im going to make sure Im ready to win instead of making the same mistakes
    I saw with the up-b but other then that your still a pro fighter in my eyes dual you have skills I think you would of done more if lag also wasn't ****** you, but it's a fair game I was still cheering.

    SO DON"T YOU DARE HOLD BACK ON ANYONE! <3 BE YOUR BEST AT FIGHTING FELLOW MARTH! <3 XD though I saw you marth on one of the battle but you chosen your fighters well. :3 Still you probably would of have Nyke better with marth but either way worked well. =3

    And no problem for watching you keep it up I'll be happy to always watch~!\

    As for KB I think he's doing okay he probably doesn't know you won yet but I'm sure he would be proud right now. :3
    Hey maybe if your in a tournament tell me about I'll hop in and try my best, but yeah they were trolling about what you did but don't let them get to you I was cheering for you every bit in the way. Plus you had the best advantage against cruise place with the air place, That is one of pit's best places, I was worried with the olimar thing, and Nykes's Ike, but I remember we played battles before with Kykes ike, but it's all good you did a wonderful job though Dual don't let them pull you down.

    But I'm happy to have brawled with you to keep you pumped up, But I think you could do sexy moves with kirby in a couple of other battles too it wasn't only olmiar
    Hey no problem!

    And nah, you didn't cause any trouble. They just like making big commotions out of everything, those trolls. (d)

    Good stuff getting 1st yo!
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