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  • GGs dual

    Don't be so hard on yourself, most of our matches were pretty close, even the pit dittos.

    And no I got a loooooooooooooooooooooong way to go to be able to even be a high lvl threat in tourneys lol
    Everyone gets upset a little after a loss, even if they don't notice it themselves - it's human nature.

    Yeah, it was chess. I think it felt hollow because he didn't seem to play at his usual level. ChessHere gives number of wins out of total games completed as each color along with the percentage. Mine happens to be 2 wins out of 8 games, with 1 draw (first win came from a timeout).
    just look back in our convo, you'll see we did all of this cp stuff once already. by the way, i strike yoshi's.
    Feel the Heat lol we need to pick 6 CPs since it's first to 7 wins. We've done this before -__-
    My cps: BF, Delfino, Yoshi's, PS2, PS1, Mario Circuit
    holy sdhasgdfhakfhgasdjkfghakfdgkfgh. your pit is annoying as crap! and really good! honestly it makes me want to punch a hole in someone's face. no lie. haha but srsly great games, some really close ones, some where i made some reall stupid mistakes. i wanted just to beat your marth with my sheik ONCE. :p really great games, we need to do this again some time!
    Lol it's okay, and i guess i missed that 10 p.m. marker but i see that you're still on wi-fi so if you want we can still do them.
    Yea on universe I've actually started doing the side missions and creating items from the beginning. I've made a item that lets me listen to the game's music lol

    I spent alot of time on Roak, and it was awhile before I actually went to the Purgatorium to get Sarah :laugh:
    I wasn't implying that, just emphasizing my constant use of it.

    I'd check AS anyway since I've known the tv guide to be wrong in the past.

    Beat Terywj yesterday, but for some reason the victory felt hollow. I now have a 25% win rate on the site.
    I dont think it has been yet.

    btw I restarted Star Ocean and Universe mode is too easy! My Faize is the broken character now. Actually most of my characters are defense oriented now.
    Fixed that. It wasn't white, more like a pale version of my normal royalblue. I've posted in white before, but it was waaay back (like a year ago).

    If my tv guide is right, AS has changed its schedule a bit and Inuyasha won't be on until 5, but it'll be two episodes.

    Yeah, I moved too. Now we're both out a Bishop. I think I'll start leaving daily reminders if/when your time gets down to 3-4 days, or some other amount of your choice, just in case.
    It's alright. If the opponent times out, it gives the option to continue the game, end it in a win for the one who didn't timeout, or just cancel the game entirely. I chose the first so you've got a second chance at your turn. Gogogo. Nao.
    dont worry about it you werent the only one, the tourney still turned out just fine. you'll be able to participate unless u do something out of line which forces me to ban u from joining them. lol
    Actually, i think he coinflipped the match and gave you the win xD but i'd really rather just play the match since it's GF's and we both seem busy. So tomorrow at 5. good d:
    *See's that 10 next to name*

    Can someone explain to me why that's there?

    EDIT: Never mind. I found out. Screen Tips FTW ^__^.
    Warehouse 13 marathon kept me offline yesterday.

    Make time for our game tomorrow - you've got just over 23 hours from my posting this to make your move. That equates to about 9pm EST.
    Lol cool. Well lets see..i can defenitely play on the weekend. If you can't during the weekend, I might me able to do it during the week but it'd have to be on your schedule because alot of random things come up for me (so no promises l: ) So yeah, i fail at planning things so i'd prefer it if you would decide on the day/time.
    And good luck to you too d:
    Good luck in the reading. Some of the stuff is confusing the first time through and some you need to put into practice before it truly sinks in. Let me know if there's anything you need help understanding.

    No, you haven't asked me that. It was a discussion at one point in the PC so I'll link you to my [post=10040416]response there[/post] since it's likely too long for a VM.

    Don't forget about our game; because didn't make a move oveer the weekend you've got 2+ days left.

    Be sure to see my edit.

    For the Marth vs Roy thing I was still referring to the use of up-b under the fin on Corneria.

    I recommend you read many of the guides from Smogon's ingame section or the ones listed on the right of Serebii's Game Mechanics section. They'll tell you things you didn't know, give you tricks to do things faster, clarify confusing concepts, etc.
    I've got two links, one from serebii and one from smogon. They give basically tthe same info, but word it slightly differently and in different order.
    Smogon EV guide
    Serebii's EV guide

    Damage eats away at a shield, so in a way yeah. And Roy's was better because I remember it being easier to survive Marth's. If you miss it, start playing it again.

    EDIT: Completed smogon link. If you aalready tried it, it lead you in the right direction, just not to the guide itself.
    List of useful guides for ingame things
    I'd be happy to give you the tips. Would you rather I tell you or would you prefer to read about them yourself? I've got a couple links I can give you if you'd rather read about it yourself.

    even getting beaten by cpus diodn't lend me toward shielding. Then again a lot of the smash I played before meeting Nasanieru was on 2.0 damage so shielding didn't help all that much. The friend I last played chess against before we started recently loved to camp with Roy's up-b on Corneria under the fin when the damamge was that high. Eventually we decided to add cpus and Falcon managed to get him out from there. Fun times.
    You know that EV training doesn't speed up training (levelling), just betters their stats right? There's a trick (or a few of them) to speed up EV training that I can tell you (or link you to if you'd prefer that). It can cut EV training time to about 1/10th the time it would take to earn the EVs through just battling.

    I actually learned to survive by not getting hit (mostly due to staying away from the worst of the fights). Before meeting up with Nasanieru and the others I was seriously bad: basically only used specials and NEVER shielded or grabbed except by accident. He just hangs out until someone come after him. Most of the ffas are 4-way, so naturally we pair off; two fighting on one side of the stage and the other two either fighting each other or chucking projectiles into the first two. He's not often part of the first two, and I go back and forth between the first and latter two depending on how annoyed I make any of them with my Pika :chuckle:
    Sorry for late response. I spent yesterday catching up on tv shows before the new seasons start this week (Two and a Half Men tonight @9 on CBS) and forcing myself to make progress on my teambuilding for my battle with my friend(s) later this week. Apparently I had most of one of the teams done, just need to EV train and powerlevel.

    Did you notice I said "Of course this is just Melee?"
    I always lose in 1v1. I think I do better in 1v1 against you on Brawl than I ever do against friends in Melee. In ffa I just make use of my survivability and last until its 1v1, then lose -_- And it's kinda hard to learn from him because most of us try to avoid fighting him when given the choice (and he takes advantage of this by waiting at the edge of the stage), so we're either killing each other or trying to survive against him (especially his edgeguarding which is insanely good stupid Jiggly's Wall of Pain).
    It's from the anime/(PS2)game "Tales of the Abyss" bro.

    My favorite game. <3
    Err, I can give you a link to the anime if you want. o.o
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