I know, it's still probably way to early to be thinking about this, but it's always great to have a plan, right?
I really want to head a creation thread for the sequel/followup to Brawltime!, or at least be a much more major part of it from the start, but I'd need a way to really differentiate it from the first, especially if I decide on the "bring everyone back" route... then it hit me like a tank engine. Or a trolley, if you prefer. So basically, one name I had floating around was "Beyond the Brawl," just a funny neat little alliteration that sticks with the word "brawl," and inspired by the "Infinite Beyond" thread.
But then I also realized, the main setting would have to be that Neon Gaming City if this is a direct story sequel, right? But it's a "Gaming" city... so why limit it to just the platform fighter genre? It's still the main mode of course, but instead of smaller multiplayer modes, there would be fewer yet more substantial modes that span genres (which would be proposed and voted for in jobs, of course). So think stuff like a kart racer, or a board game à la Mario Party, or whatever! That's what would make it "Beyond the Brawl"; it's now a substantial, multi-genre party game that feels much more in line with the network and its values, as opposed to just fighting. It's something that's probably impossible in real life (the closest to this is maybe the 3D Era MK games in a way), but hey, it's all in good fun right?
...Oh, and the story mode might be SF6 World Tour inspired with a custom avatar character, because I just think that would be neat, lol. Maybe try to go for a more lighthearted tone compared to all that Anomaly stuff from the first game too, but we'll cross that bridge if we get there.