Smash Ace
Alright, guys, possible new thing to research.
I was testing out the effect of inclines and declines (slopes) on the Daz lock. I found it didn't effect it at all. But while I was testing this in yoshi's island (melee), I remembered a youtube video I saw a loooong time back, before I became part of the competitive brawl community.
The video was called "Wave dashing in brawl?!?!" or something along those lines. I can't seem to find it, though I have found 18 billion videos of people doing useless sudo-wavedashes in brawl. =\
Anyways, it wasn't really a wave dash at all. What was happening was that ZSS was using her down-b flip on a steep slope (in yoshi's melee), and because of the slopes steepness, the flip was canceled after a few milliseconds of animation, with ZSS crouching (because I was holding down =P) and completely lagless, about one pace in front of where she originally was, facing in the same direction. It looks kinda weird, and each time you do it, you sorta just land right with the usual "poof" of dust. Because it is lagless, you can just hold down and mash b over and over again, and as long as you stay on the slope and do it in the upward direction, you will do it in a line, and it sorta looks like a weird wavedash kinda thing. Let's just call it "wave-flipping" for now. =P
Now, I thought very little of this when I first saw it. I thought it looked cool, and I figured I'd do it in a match to show off if I got the chance. But I wasn't aware at the time that her flip had invincibility frames at the beginning.
Now, this really isn't that big of a deal, but it's an interesting little trick you could keep in mind for when you're on yoshi's (the only other tourney-viable stage it seems to work on is Corneria, and only on that really small section of steeper wing). Basically, now knowing that her flip had invincibility frames, I was interested in it again. I spawned a sticky bomb, threw it onto snake, ran and got it stuck onto me, and then around when it was going to explode, started wave-flipping along the slope. Lo and behold, it did no damage. Because the flip auto cancels on the slope and then immediately buffers into another flip, this easy-as-hell glitch keep you completely invincible while you do it. =\
I think it's pretty cool, actually. Might be worth something. Not much, but something.
EDIT: NEVER MIND!!! O_O Didn't test it out enough I guess... It looks like while doing it it's 50:50 chance of having something hurt you, because it's a few frames of invincibility and a few frames of you being in crouching position.
That makes it all but useless I'd say... could still be an interesting aproach though. I mean hell, I'd be like "WTF WAS THAT?!"
I was testing out the effect of inclines and declines (slopes) on the Daz lock. I found it didn't effect it at all. But while I was testing this in yoshi's island (melee), I remembered a youtube video I saw a loooong time back, before I became part of the competitive brawl community.
The video was called "Wave dashing in brawl?!?!" or something along those lines. I can't seem to find it, though I have found 18 billion videos of people doing useless sudo-wavedashes in brawl. =\
Anyways, it wasn't really a wave dash at all. What was happening was that ZSS was using her down-b flip on a steep slope (in yoshi's melee), and because of the slopes steepness, the flip was canceled after a few milliseconds of animation, with ZSS crouching (because I was holding down =P) and completely lagless, about one pace in front of where she originally was, facing in the same direction. It looks kinda weird, and each time you do it, you sorta just land right with the usual "poof" of dust. Because it is lagless, you can just hold down and mash b over and over again, and as long as you stay on the slope and do it in the upward direction, you will do it in a line, and it sorta looks like a weird wavedash kinda thing. Let's just call it "wave-flipping" for now. =P
Now, I thought very little of this when I first saw it. I thought it looked cool, and I figured I'd do it in a match to show off if I got the chance. But I wasn't aware at the time that her flip had invincibility frames at the beginning.
Now, this really isn't that big of a deal, but it's an interesting little trick you could keep in mind for when you're on yoshi's (the only other tourney-viable stage it seems to work on is Corneria, and only on that really small section of steeper wing). Basically, now knowing that her flip had invincibility frames, I was interested in it again. I spawned a sticky bomb, threw it onto snake, ran and got it stuck onto me, and then around when it was going to explode, started wave-flipping along the slope. Lo and behold, it did no damage. Because the flip auto cancels on the slope and then immediately buffers into another flip, this easy-as-hell glitch keep you completely invincible while you do it. =\
I think it's pretty cool, actually. Might be worth something. Not much, but something.
EDIT: NEVER MIND!!! O_O Didn't test it out enough I guess... It looks like while doing it it's 50:50 chance of having something hurt you, because it's a few frames of invincibility and a few frames of you being in crouching position.
That makes it all but useless I'd say... could still be an interesting aproach though. I mean hell, I'd be like "WTF WAS THAT?!"