I thought I made it obvious that Otori didn't know the MU. Obviously you can take top players to game 3 if you're not 100% free and they don't know the MU at all. How do you think I took Ally to game 3
Uh maybe you'd like to point out what these small things are and change our perspectives? I saw nothing new, outside of the bad stuff.
First off. Otori>Ally. Second, I'm sure quick knows more about this than I do, but Japanese tournaments have 1 game rounds. Which means they have to learn how to completely adapt within 1 match. Otori's adaptations and reaction times are incredible. This set goes to game 3! this is way more than enough time to simply adjust to a "Bad zss player" You would have to be naïve to think that some random would take one of the best Mks in the world to game 3, LET ALONE 2 STOCK HIM!
Come on guys. This is the same metaknight that came and wiped his dirty boots all over America at Apex
K, sure Ill point out why this guy is super pro.
So start of the match, his armor game isn't Salem status, but it is really quick and flowed super smooth. I think he throws his armor parts off because he doesn't seem like he wants 3 (much like nick riddle does)
Then he makes an amazing punish with diar. Theres no way I would have seen that option. I've only seen Salem make those kinds of punishes.
Directly after this he stops tornado with N special (which I'm pretty sure it was a fluke) But its interesting to know that its an option.
This zss is AMAZING at doing the turn around Forward Roll. This makes him incredibly hard to follow around. Especially when he does it so quick! like at 0:30. He does this a lot though, and it's definitely something I need to work on myself.
Then he does a few technical mistakes, like back rolling and missing and Down B kick cancel. :/
at 0:45 He lands a jab combo. He knows full well that it shouldn't of worked, but otori didn't shield it. So why not go for it again?
then at 0:50 get up to dash attack? wtf..brilliant. Who sees that coming? and then Otori techs the ground. Instead of going for a hard read, Kamemushi goes into pure reaction mode and grabs once he sees otori just trying to stand straight up. It takes a lot of skill to have that kind of patience with a tech chase against a character with so many options.
One bit of criticism though, I hate his Down Smash Combos. So far the only Zss with Good down smash combos are Me, V115, and quicksilver. Nick and Salem have terrible Down smash follow ups XD <3 especially when they think its an awesome idea to stale bair at 95%
I think Kamemushi could be a lot better if he learned how to B stick really well (delux can attest for how hard it is to fight against it ;D)
1:09- He takes the worst recover route ever!....or does he? yea he does
but it could have worked out fine for him. The point being is that he went for a super obvious recovery. When we reach a high level of play, Its all about thinking 2 steps ahead of your opponent. I have no doubt in my mind that otori's gears were turning trying to figure out what weird way he might recover. Thats why Otori tried to turn his Gimping game into a reaction game. This recovery style will win Kamemushi the 2nd game.
Now this is what I'm mostly impressed about 1:21. He shields a glide attack and then proceeds to take shield pressure from down tilts. Seem Familiar? Both player remember what happened at 0:45 when Otori lost a down tilt battle by being jabbed. Obviously being the top level play that Otori is, he will adapt to beat the jab. So Kamemushi shields the down first 2 down tilts. Otori pull but his shield expecting to be jabbed like he was the first time but instead Kamemushi rolls and then Jab 1s. At this point Otori adapts buy trying to Up him; however, Kamemushi does a mix up roll instead of finishing the jab combo. This is adapting at its best!!!!!!!
I don't think I like his grab release combos but he did well in getting the grabs in the first place.
1:36 Otori starts to condition with a Down tilt trap. which he does through the set
2:30 nice recovery
2:39- Otori gets caught in jab and IS LIFTED OFF THE GROUND. That means he needs mad sdi to even have a chance of shielding the third hit. If I caught someone off the ground, why not finish the jab combo?
2:47 --hard fail
3"02 here we are again. Kamemushi is being down tilted again. After the second down tilt he rolls (like he did last time). Otori wasnt quick enough last time to punish it and got jabbed. So this time he adapts by shielding immediately after Mushi rolls behind him. Mushi decides to down tilt instead of jabbing this time. which turns out to be a great option for him. This is really high level adapting <333333
4:19- otori is off the ground again when jab starts, he cant shield it V115
and now Im getting tired of typing. All sorts of things happen through out the next matches.