It's hard to make a good Trick Room and Hail team when the concept just doesn't work period. Trick Room doesn't last long enough and too many things can go wrong with Hail, especially now that weather is going to be running around everywhere.
From my own experiences, making a team entirely based around Trick Room just doesn't work since too many of your Pokemon become dead-weight when you don't have Trick Room up. From a neutral position, you lack a lot of options. If anything, I just build my teams like normal and have 1 or 2 Pokemon designed to **** during Trick Room. Do more with less. Nowadays, I only use 1. The rest of my team is designed so that they can function perfectly fine in Trick Room absence, but are not hindered when Trick Room actually gets put up. (Torkoal, Tyranitar, etc.) These Pokemon are also useful for forcing switches, since they wall certain types of Pokemon. I think that's very important with Trick Room teams, since even if you get Trick Room set up and you get your sweeper out safely, there's no guarantee that you'll be able to kill something. Your opponent can just switch into a wall and laugh as you've wasted your setup. Forcing your opponent to switch a lot is good, not only because you have rocks set up (you better have rocks set up...) but it allows you to scout your opponents team. If you know that your opponent has nothing to stop your sweeper, then it makes those 3 of Trick Room worthwhile. 2 of my favorite Pokemon to use during Trick Room are pretty fun.
Life Orb/Choice Band
252 Atk / 252 HP / 0 Spe IV
~Head Smash
~Pursuit (only with Life Orb)
Idea is simple. If you've scouted correctly and you know what your opponent has left, then Head Smash everything you see. If you don't know what your opponent has left, then Head Smash everything you see anyway. Pray and you don't miss. Pursuit is just there if you're using a Life Orb and you want to revenge kill whatever killed your Trick Room-er.
Life Orb
252 Atk / 252 Sp. Atk / 0 Spe IV
~Fire Blast
Sort of a funny setup involving a Heatproof Bronzong using Sunny Day and then Trick Room. Afterwards, you just blast your opponent as hard as possible. Scout early to see if they have Heatran or not, and then just keep swinging. Go out with Explosion on your last turn, unless you know you can kill them with something else guaranteed. Fire Blast is there just in case you actually get weak enough to the point where Eruption isn't worth it.