Smash Hero
1. Exodia decks draw a LOT more than eight cards in three turns. The probability is complicated, but testing shows the chance of a well-built, fast Exodia deck getting all the pieces by turn three is a lot higher than 8%.
2. Exodia has never been banned.
3. The existence of and recent hype surrounding Dark World makes running hand discard a bit of a sketchy proposition right now, or has something new come up that makes me wrong?
Opinion: Exodia was a reasonable (if never popular) strategy at one point, using the level-8-destiny-heroes engine (or whatever they're calling it now). A user over at TCGPlayer (I think his name was Card-Trader) once won a regional (or came very close, it's been forever) using that strategy. I personally messed with the Cards of Consonance / Trade In engine a while ago (using BEWD and that egg thing) and found it inconsistent, but not nearly as bad as this thread makes it out to be.
tl;dr I've been gone forever, but Exodia is better than you think (or at least was).
There is so much wrong with this post my head hurts. Factually:Also that deck with Exodia coming up on average on turn 2 - 3 Luke means your best possible win % would be less than 8% of the time.
Considering that there are only 5 possible cards that can draw on play or out of hand during the same turn. 2 of which were restricted up until recently. So by turn 3 you have drawn 8 cards. Of the 40 minimum you must have in a tournament deck, 25% of them can draw the cards you want, (unless you draw Exodia off the first draw, which is highly unlikely but still possible). Out of those 5, only 2 give you redraw on each consecutive turn. This means that out of your 40, there are a possible 6 cards that can increase your chance of drawing by one more on turn one, 2 on turn 2, and a third by turn three. Add to this getting any one of the exodia in your hand on the first draw, which then restricts your ability to draw the other exodia cards. There were 2 cards available when Exodia was available that would allow you to sort through the deck to find any one of the pieces. However, when exodia was introduced, it was banned in competitive play.
So as Grim said, the Exodia deck has never been a very viable deck. Especially now with cards that make you discard on draw and destroy your hand entirely.
1. Exodia decks draw a LOT more than eight cards in three turns. The probability is complicated, but testing shows the chance of a well-built, fast Exodia deck getting all the pieces by turn three is a lot higher than 8%.
2. Exodia has never been banned.
3. The existence of and recent hype surrounding Dark World makes running hand discard a bit of a sketchy proposition right now, or has something new come up that makes me wrong?
Opinion: Exodia was a reasonable (if never popular) strategy at one point, using the level-8-destiny-heroes engine (or whatever they're calling it now). A user over at TCGPlayer (I think his name was Card-Trader) once won a regional (or came very close, it's been forever) using that strategy. I personally messed with the Cards of Consonance / Trade In engine a while ago (using BEWD and that egg thing) and found it inconsistent, but not nearly as bad as this thread makes it out to be.
tl;dr I've been gone forever, but Exodia is better than you think (or at least was).