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Yessssssssssssssssss Obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
Obama in the White House.

That's one small step for man... one giant leap for the status quo.

While Obama's election is a milestone for race relations (which could arguably be the most important factor), the "Change" candidate is likely to change little, if anything. I know most of you are very young, but as part of the growing internet consciousness, you all should know better than to be naive enough to think that there's any real, fundamental difference between McCain and Obama outside cosmetic and ideological differences. At least, you should be a bit more critical.

Presidents don't run this country -- international corporations and bankers do.

Regardless, cheers to the potential progression of humanity. Hopefully, his actions in office won't have a debilitating and adverse effect on that potential.

(Ron Paul for 2012)


NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Obama in the White House.

That's one small step for man... one giant leap for the status quo.

While Obama's election is a milestone for race relations (which could arguably be the most important factor), the "Change" candidate is likely to change little, if anything. I know most of you are very young, but as part of the growing internet consciousness, you all should know better than to be naive enough to think that there's any real, fundamental difference between McCain and Obama outside cosmetic and ideological differences. At least, you should be a bit more critical.

Presidents don't run this country -- international corporations and bankers do.

Regardless, cheers to the potential progression of humanity. Hopefully, his actions in office won't have a debilitating and adverse effect on that potential.

(Ron Paul for 2012)
Out of all your good posts, I think this is one of your best. Ron Paul is also awesome even if I don't believe in his foreign policy a 100% cause his understanding of the economy is too good.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Synikal is correct. The presidency, overall, does not really matter. It is a political puppet figure system of black and white (democrat/republican) that is molded into a very large gray. While the changes resulting from Obama will be subtle, I don't expect any major change as international bankers run it all.

Basically, the "men behind the curtain" inevitably had to choose Obama (just as it was rigged for Bush eight years ago) because the American population in general was getting heavily suspicious and you had conspiracy videos flying everywhere, hatred for a war that was never suppose to occur or had any basis, etc. If McCain had won, there would have been riots. Obama HAD to win, hell, before the electorals were even counted did anyone not note that you could just SENSE the media already knew Obama had it in the bag. It was obvious. Democrats and Republicans are secretly the same. Wake up. The ideological differences is what keeps this country separate (allowing the bankers to rule) and the split of the American people biasedly leaning towards one party is what keeps the corporations in power secretly.

Regardless of truth, though, I did vote Obama and I am happy, and I did prefer him over McCain. McCain's campaign wasn't even real, it was fabricated and cheesy on purpose, I mean, complete self-destruction. Picking an Alaskan woman as a counter strategy with no brains was ******** (DOES THAT NOT PROVE THAT THE COPORATIONS NEEDED A LIBERAL TO CALM THE MASSES DOWN?) Using cheesy campaign ads such as "Obama... too risky..." "Radical"LOL RADICAL? Who the **** uses such horrible slander in a campaign ad?

It is devastatingly obvious that the country secretly needed Obama to win. Presedential elections aren't even elections, they're selections. Having a black man is perfect for calming the masses down while the corporations go on and do their thing anyway. Regardless, I'm happy, and I hope we do get some positive change out of it.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
Synikal is correct. The presidency, overall, does not really matter. It is a political puppet figure system of black and white (democrat/republican) that is molded into a very large gray. While the changes resulting from Obama will be subtle, I don't expect any major change as international bankers run it all.

Basically, the "men behind the curtain" inevitably had to choose Obama (just as it was rigged for Bush eight years ago) because the American population in general was getting heavily suspicious and you had conspiracy videos flying everywhere, hatred for a war that was never suppose to occur or had any basis, etc. If McCain had won, there would have been riots. Obama HAD to win, hell, before the electorals were even counted did anyone not note that you could just SENSE the media already knew Obama had it in the bag. It was obvious. Democrats and Republicans are secretly the same. Wake up. The ideological differences is what keeps this country separate (allowing the bankers to rule) and the split of the American people biasedly leaning towards one party is what keeps the corporations in power secretly.

Regardless of truth, though, I did vote Obama and I am happy, and I did prefer him over McCain. McCain's campaign wasn't even real, it was fabricated and cheesy on purpose, I mean, complete self-destruction. Picking an Alaskan woman as a counter strategy with no brains was ******** (DOES THAT NOT PROVE THAT THE COPORATIONS NEEDED A LIBERAL TO CALM THE MASSES DOWN?) Using cheesy campaign ads such as "Obama... too risky..." "Radical"LOL RADICAL? Who the **** uses such horrible slander in a campaign ad?

It is devastatingly obvious that the country secretly needed Obama to win. Presedential elections aren't even elections, they're selections. Having a black man is perfect for calming the masses down while the corporations go on and do their thing anyway. Regardless, I'm happy, and I hope we do get some positive change out of it.




Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Obama in the White House.

That's one small step for man... one giant leap for the status quo.

While Obama's election is a milestone for race relations (which could arguably be the most important factor), the "Change" candidate is likely to change little, if anything. I know most of you are very young, but as part of the growing internet consciousness, you all should know better than to be naive enough to think that there's any real, fundamental difference between McCain and Obama outside cosmetic and ideological differences. At least, you should be a bit more critical.

Presidents don't run this country -- international corporations and bankers do.

Regardless, cheers to the potential progression of humanity. Hopefully, his actions in office won't have a debilitating and adverse effect on that potential.

(Ron Paul for 2012)
Once again, Kye blows smashboards out of the water. I'm pretty sure I only lurk to see if you post, now.


Smash Ace
Jan 31, 2008
Grayson, GA
Am I the only one that doesn't find these kind of jokes funny?

That said, there is a lot of amusing **** in this thread aside from the above.
Wasn't a joke. PLACE BETS.

Out of all seriousness...if you think he isn't going to be killed then you haven't been alive too long.

Obama in the White House.

That's one small step for man... one giant leap for the status quo.

While Obama's election is a milestone for race relations (which could arguably be the most important factor), the "Change" candidate is likely to change little, if anything. I know most of you are very young, but as part of the growing internet consciousness, you all should know better than to be naive enough to think that there's any real, fundamental difference between McCain and Obama outside cosmetic and ideological differences. At least, you should be a bit more critical.

Presidents don't run this country -- international corporations and bankers do.

Regardless, cheers to the potential progression of humanity. Hopefully, his actions in office won't have a debilitating and adverse effect on that potential.

(Ron Paul for 2012)
"Presidents don't run this country -- international corporations and bankers do."

Cite the source. The rest I agree with.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2007
Miami, FL
My middle school teachers always told me that the president and his cabinet together with congress and the judicial system runs this country.

The liars.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
I'm willing to admit, I was one of the people that believed that conspiracy theory sh*t for a short time, because I also believed that if those in power now used their powers to further their time in office (IE rig an election in favor of McCain, their candidate) then this country would truly be moving quickly to a form of fascism that seems so inevitable for long time Democracies.

I think the problem we have here is the under appreciation of what this means. I was under the impression that my voice counted very little, maybe even not at all. I believe that Obama would be widely accepted and that McCain would be elected anyone, simply because the powers at be would not allow their overseas oil ventures to end. You say the president has little to no powers, but you forget that direct power can't hold a candle to influence used to gain power (Hitler had no power in Nazi Germany and 60 days later he was dictator). The president may not be able to make every call he likes, but he's certainly the one to get the ball rolling. I don't know about you guys, but I heard McCain say he wanted to bomb Iran, I heard him sing about, and I also heard him mention that things like the draft might be necessary again to fulfill his agenda. He may not be able to make all this happen himself, but being president doesn't exactly create any enemies for you within the groups of people that can.

Obama being elected is so much more than anyone thinks it is. It isn't just a new hope that every person, regardless of race, can move to become anything they want, even president. It isn't just that there's now a 95% lower chance I'm going to be drafted to fight Iran is some pointless political war.

It's a symbol of hope and understanding displayed for the rest of the world. That anything is possible if you're a good enough person. This being a milestone in American history also means that Obama is under more pressure than any president before him. To criticize him is to add to the problem, because by now you must realize that whatever he does isn't simply going to be written off as a presidential mistake. Whatever Obama does from this point on, like it or not, is going to become a direct reflection on the entire black race. He's setting the most difficult example in history, and he definitely needs our full support, regardless of what crazy *** conspiracies you may believe (because there have been massive groups of conspiracy theorists for just about every minor political event since World War 2).

I know that if Obama weren't elected, it would have been a long, long time before we saw another black candidate. But he is making history in the best way possible. He's doing something no one else had the balls to do and he's managing to maintain. His being elected stands for freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of all of your dreams. When I looked into his crowd of supporters as he made his speech, I was finally truly proud to be an American again.

Obama doesn't stand as a symbol or motivation for just those who are black, because regardless of your own race, this is proof that our country is actually capable of intelligent thought in mass numbers. At least, 51% of us are.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Really guys? Really? I'm pretty sure this thread was about Obama's victory. If you want to go and quote Zietgeist and the other loads of similar documentaries out there, please make your own topic about it. No one needs a dampener on their mood from your comments about a secret global domination plan by the few men who run this country, secret agendas, or RFID chips. Believe what you want, and I'll do the same, just believe it somewhere else.

EDIT: Chad, you are the man.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Really guys? Really? I'm pretty sure this thread was about Obama's victory. If you want to go and quote Zietgeist and the other loads of similar documentaries out there, please make your own topic about it. No one needs a dampener on their mood from your comments about a secret global domination plan by the few men who run this country, secret agendas, or RFID chips. Believe what you want, and I'll do the same, just believe it somewhere else.

EDIT: Chad, you are the man.
No. We're quite thrilled, actually, don't get me wrong. I'm ecstatic that Obama won, it's just that we also understand why he won. I've wanted a black man in charge of this country for quite some time, so regardless of it being part of the inevitable conservative to liberal switch process it is still CRUCIAL at this point that he won, to avoid war and numerous other reasons.

I highly doubt anyone actually gets their mood ruined from realizing that presidential elections are puppet feasts and that their roles are a distraction from what's obvious behind it. It's pretty obvious, anyway. And everyone wakes up to this reality inevitably. It is not meant to ruin mood, it is to be alerted that Obama will likely be critiqued for similar mistakes that Clinton made because of having to co-spire with 'Republicans' forcibly during his era making many of his decisions inadequate and hypocritical to the masses. Knowing the many reasons why Presidents do so and so and go back on their word with so and so is essential in judging a how the President does his job accurately, so while we should be ecstatic that change is inevitable, we also need to be alerted to the motivations behind the change.

And yes, Obama will play his role these next four years being that the democrats control the senate, but do not expect any substantial change.

Also, your remark to believe what we want is pointless. It's called a forum.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Wasn't a joke. PLACE BETS.

Out of all seriousness...if you think he isn't going to be killed then you haven't been alive too long.

"Presidents don't run this country -- international corporations and bankers do."

Cite the source. The rest I agree with.
A source isn't really required. As a prime example look at the actions of Bush for the past eight years, none of them being at all beneficial. Do you honestly believe that he wasn't making these decisions for the corporations behind him and businessmen that rigged him into office in the first place?

While this is a common, overused example with Bush being the easiest target due to all the recent negative montage of him, does this not apply to other presidents as well, no matter how subtle?


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
everyone should just keep posting hilarious photoshops and obamalinks from youtube.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
I'm willing to admit, I was one of the people that believed that conspiracy theory sh*t for a short time, because I also believed that if those in power now used their powers to further their time in office (IE rig an election in favor of McCain, their candidate) then this country would truly be moving quickly to a form of fascism that seems so inevitable for long time Democracies.

I think the problem we have here is the under appreciation of what this means. I was under the impression that my voice counted very little, maybe even not at all. I believe that Obama would be widely accepted and that McCain would be elected anyone, simply because the powers at be would not allow their overseas oil ventures to end. You say the president has little to no powers, but you forget that direct power can't hold a candle to influence used to gain power (Hitler had no power in Nazi Germany and 60 days later he was dictator). The president may not be able to make every call he likes, but he's certainly the one to get the ball rolling. I don't know about you guys, but I heard McCain say he wanted to bomb Iran, I heard him sing about, and I also heard him mention that things like the draft might be necessary again to fulfill his agenda. He may not be able to make all this happen himself, but being president doesn't exactly create any enemies for you within the groups of people that can.

Obama being elected is so much more than anyone thinks it is. It isn't just a new hope that every person, regardless of race, can move to become anything they want, even president. It isn't just that there's now a 95% lower chance I'm going to be drafted to fight Iran is some pointless political war.

It's a symbol of hope and understanding displayed for the rest of the world. That anything is possible if you're a good enough person. This being a milestone in American history also means that Obama is under more pressure than any president before him. To criticize him is to add to the problem, because by now you must realize that whatever he does isn't simply going to be written off as a presidential mistake. Whatever Obama does from this point on, like it or not, is going to become a direct reflection on the entire black race. He's setting the most difficult example in history, and he definitely needs our full support, regardless of what crazy *** conspiracies you may believe (because there have been massive groups of conspiracy theorists for just about every minor political event since World War 2).

I know that if Obama weren't elected, it would have been a long, long time before we saw another black candidate. But he is making history in the best way possible. He's doing something no one else had the balls to do and he's managing to maintain. His being elected stands for freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of all of your dreams. When I looked into his crowd of supporters as he made his speech, I was finally truly proud to be an American again.

Obama doesn't stand as a symbol or motivation for just those who are black, because regardless of your own race, this is proof that our country is actually capable of intelligent thought in mass numbers. At least, 51% of us are.
Except that fascism is not an ideal form of government to rule all, as proven in the past. Democracy is just as capable, in fact, global domination involving democracy is happening before our eyes, however subtle, well, stealthiness is the only factor that allows a democracy to accomplish this. Your Hitler statement is persuasive, but it's a different set of circumstances because the German people were roaring for change, they were WAY more desperate than we are now in America. Hitler used this opportunity to seize power. While we are facing a critical economic crisis, a direct economic correlation as an example between America and Germany isn't really accurate.

It sounds ridiculous as the term democracy is practically an antonym to this possibility, but it is also the only method for a wordly governing regime after past failure.

It's not that Presidents don't have power, they do. It's that this very power that got them into office involved them having to sacrifice a large amount of their beliefs and their true governship, basically to become President you have to sell off your soul and rule the country in limited, governed fashion because they got you in the first place or else you'll be assassinated. Look at Kennedy, he had marvelous ideas and got a little too independent of corporation in fact his quote prior to assassination: (I don't know the exact quote, it's a variation of this)

"It is important, in the progress of man and this country, to disestablish ourselves from the governing corporations"

And then. Bam. Dead. I'm not trying to dampen the mood of the topic, I didn't want to go at this great of length. I'm ecstatic for Obama, I'm just saying understand the spectrum of balance and why Obama won and why he will choose to do such and such and the motivation behind it. In other words, as Americans, let's just keep our eyes open.

And thank god this draft thing won't happen. I'm thrilled for that, and I can't wait until Obama retreats the troops. Though correct me forum, didn't he plan on stationing them elsewhere?


Smash Champion
Oct 25, 2007
Miami, FL (Ives Dairy)
Obama in the White House.

That's one small step for man... one giant leap for the status quo.

While Obama's election is a milestone for race relations (which could arguably be the most important factor), the "Change" candidate is likely to change little, if anything. I know most of you are very young, but as part of the growing internet consciousness, you all should know better than to be naive enough to think that there's any real, fundamental difference between McCain and Obama outside cosmetic and ideological differences. At least, you should be a bit more critical.

Presidents don't run this country -- international corporations and bankers do.

Regardless, cheers to the potential progression of humanity. Hopefully, his actions in office won't have a debilitating and adverse effect on that potential.

(Ron Paul for 2012)
Kye! You're too good man.

However, I disagree with the word "idealist" because I strongly believe Obama ideals and overall morals strongly lead and advocate towards consequentialism. In the mere conclusive fact that he provides and strong well founded structured plan. The idea Obama is striving for is not one that supports the elitist, but rather support the middle/common man. I think that because were young we know how the culture around us has changed as 2008 and how political ideas, culture, and society overall as progressed. These archaic beliefs of fiscal conservatism have to change. It just takes a open-minded sense of optimism followed by a systematic plan. People claim that Obama leads his political views towards socialism. Obviously fluctuation within the economy which ultimately lead to inevitable gradual diminution. I agree wholeheartedly with Chaddd (must be a Ganon thing :laugh:) that Obama has the intrepidity to strive and make a better change of what his goals are for the U.S. I love the overall charisma Obama carries and his overall acceptance to challenge conviction regardless of what it takes. Here's to a better future. Obama 2008. :3

(Btw Kye it was mad fun playing you at Nexus. I need more Marth/Ganon training) :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL

My friend John makes the best videos ever.

While I don't have much to say on the topic in general, as I didn't entirely love either party (technically, I wanted Obama to win over McCain, because the idea of Palin even POSSIBLY having the chance to become president scares the hell out of me -- I dislike most pro-life women), I didn't even vote. I knew Obama was going to win, similarly to what Dock (Equi) said. Everyone knew. It seemed like not voting, voting third party, or voting McCain was proverbially throwing your vote out of the window.

I don't expect much to change myself, but this is the first time in my life I've taken any interest in the presidency, and I have to say, it was a pretty exciting feeling to be apart of (while not literally, due to my not voting) such history for our country.


Retro Gamer
Sep 8, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Switch FC
oh man i can't believe obama became president. unbelieveable! i felt so happy last night! we do need change. it won't come right away, but we can slowly start getting back on track, step by step. obama inspired the world. i only hope for the best for him. i can't believe that all of us witness history! this is a day i'll never forget...


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
omg c@sh mooney everybody.
Don't u mean "omg everybody, its cash mooney"? :D

jk sup will long time no talk

oh man i can't believe obama became president. unbelieveable! i felt so happy last night! we do need change. it won't come right away, but we can slowly start getting back on track, step by step. obama inspired the world. i only hope for the best for him. i can't believe that all of us witness history! this is a day i'll never forget...
I'll bet $9001 that hes going to pull a richard nixon and drop out of office because he can't handle being president.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yay I voted for Obama as well, haha. and so did my dad. :3


Retro Gamer
Sep 8, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Switch FC
[QUOTE I'll bet $9001 that hes going to pull a richard nixon and drop out of office because he can't handle being president.[/QUOTE]

already judging so fast. i doubt it. i can't wait to see what he does. but he inpsired the world last night. unbelieveable...


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
Different or not, just be glad that Obama beat McCain if, for anything, this reason:


just think of the look on their faces now :laugh:
I couldn't finish watching that shit. I totally understand if you don't want to vote for someone based on their ideals, their platform, or anything else that is relevant to the job of president. That's a reasonable decision, albeit one that makes me sad in this particular case. But when you're saying you refuse to vote for someone based solely on the color of their skin, that just makes my blood boil.

I wanted Obama to win over McCain, because the idea of Palin even POSSIBLY having the chance to become president scares the hell out of me
You know, I have no idea why more people didn't feel like this. Seriously, you have the presidential candidate who is most likely to die of natural causes in years, and he picks the sketchiest running mate I've ever seen. Wtf.

*EDIT* Comparing obama and hitler has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. Hell, bush comes waaaay closer in that regard, though I wouldn't stretch to make that comparison with him either.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 4, 2008
*EDIT* Comparing obama and hitler has got to be the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. Hell, bush comes waaaay closer in that regard, though I wouldn't stretch to make that comparison with him either.
Agree with the rest of your post, just wanted to point out that the similarity between Obama and Hitler is that both are extremely influential speakers. I think that Obama is more likely to be assassinated for being charismatic than black because the ability to influence people the way he does scares people. I've heard there have even been people chanting slogans during his speeches.
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