Shoutouts brooooos!
LoZR- You're sooo f-ing amazing at Meleeee!!! I need to play you soooo much man! I thought I had that set that I didn't get ***** on all wrapped up, but I got denied....AGAIN lol. Good stuff all around beast.
Ali-Gimme dat Snake son! For realz, I'm sorry about how you felt while you were playing bro. Don't worry though, you'll bounce back man. I wish we could've played some though! I wanted to see if my thinking was right about the matchup now. Guess it'll be a while lol.
Boss Nasty-Amazing Peach! Do you still practice, or was that all instinct? Great matches with Adam btw, I thought that was soooo gay when you SD'd, but you do that alot against him don't ya? Please smash with me more man.
Ph00tbag-Great to meet the man behind the fun posts. Erm, Marth is gay? lol. I don't think you knew the matchup personally, while I've played Peter a few times and learned some of ZSS' moves. It was definately pretty fun playing you though. The Gboro guys wouldn't stop talkin bout that West Coast stuff either, it must've been good.
Anthony (if someone relays it to him...)-Great matches! Much improved man. I like the new uses you have for your Thunder man, I learned a little more about Pikachu watching you. Good stuff. Also, I'm flattered that you went to this partially cuz I was gonna be there. That's pretty cool of you bro. Btw, my name is English, not French.
Arc (same as above)-Obviously I don't know you as well, but still liked your great chemistry/teamwork with Anthony in doubles. That TL is pretty beast, keep it up.
Karn-You're really starting to impress me man. That ROB is getting very close to beating my Marth WITHOUT gimps! That's really good man. Sucks you barely didn't get money, but maybe next time you can kill it bro. Have faith son. Oh yeah, thanks for hosting.
Billbillbillbro-Wazzzup mang! I was worried you were gonna break my neck after our doubles matches, but then you go and surprise me soo much with that DDD at the end! Good stuff! You know I'm gonna cover every inch of that matchup now though bro. Gotta stay on top of my game after all lol. Thanks for hosting dawg.
BEHR-Didn't take a dump while I was there. Liked the hat. Main ICs, secondary Kirby. Get firm tech skill. BEHR POWERS!
Onlymasde-Fun times bro. I need mo Jiggz experiecne, and you need more jiggles knowledge. I suggest going to the Melee Jiggz boards and looking back a few months when heavy discussion was going on. Learn as much as you can about strategy and apply it as much as possible. Good luck to you!
I miss your mom bro.
Vilt-Thank you so much for driving me man! We almost died that one time when you were laughing, but I'm gonna pretend that never happened lol. Thanks for being so cool and playing Samus and jumping around aerialing, soo good man. Can't wait till another tourney with you guys!
Baconater-WFT KO'd by Vilt's epic order.
Creepy guy behind us at Wendy's-What are you smiling about???
Corey-Always a pleasre bro. Incredible teamwork man. I feel like you'd be amazing if you studied this game a little (on the boards that is). You're still beast though, much love.
The Kids-Where were you guys??
Malk-I knew you'd take boulders over bros.
Speedsk8er-I missed youuuuu!!
Peter-Duuude! Sup.
IHOP-I didn't even get to see you this time. Guess you had to share your sausage with someone who didn't deserve it then...
SC bros-thanks for coming!
Everyone else-Either I forgot you, or I didn't ever meet you. You're gonna have to come up to me and talk or play me in tournament to talk to me. I don't bite bros!