What funny? It's the truth. People take the **** personally, same who preach "can't take it seriously" also say "how dare you attack me, I clearly don't want to fight, **** you." Can't even take a digital punch, what hope is there for them?
5% of taunters are actually friendly, they honestly don't care, rest are angry quickly and resort to gang banging. Clearly there is no respect for the fellow player. No constructive criticism can penetrate, only interested in taking big ****s on a game they don't enjoy.
heres my response to those types;
1. If you **** with me, i'll **** you back
2. if you kill me, i kill you back
3. if your planking(yet still attacking) or avoiding conflict, you will be chased after and destroyed -- these people are dead weights and need to be pushed out of the room
4. if you spectate thats fine-- if you get
in the way you
die very simple
5. if you AFK in my room while theres fighting-- i will also toss your sorry *** off stage because your taking up space
Zizz, to truely be able to handle some people, you first have to get into their mind and see everything from their perspective-- thats when you make a judgment call as to what to do with them
People make 3v1 rooms because they're weak. Its a naturally born instinct for other humans to band together to fight off a common foe. Hell i've spawned into a room, only to get my *** beat'en up by 3 people. I usually dont bother staying in 3v1 for very long any more. 2v2 is fine because if i get a good assistant, we can do some team work related combos.
I've also gotten into situations where i get a Kirby or Pikachu that is in dire straights and doesnt know how to handle the bully. I mean these kids dont know how to survive in the jungle. IF anything they'd need a guide on how to survive the situations they come across in BB.
To add here's some other situations i've gotten into;
2 people spectate, other 2 fight
FFA where everyone has this weird quiet respect for each other-- and everything is organized-- the combatants know who they wanna fight
then theres a FFA were everyone wants to stomp your balls
but really if you dislike being in one, then feel free to leave nothing should ever really keep you in one if you dont want to be there--BUT taunt parties are a good place to rest for 2-3 matches if you were in some serious **** for awhile
But why? What is it about taunt parties you hate? If it's because you want competition, it's almost futile to try BwA. Nearly all the good players on there will stall when they get the lead in FFAs. >_<
i've played against these types, they're annoying on every level-- because they get the kill lead then avoid/plank for their life. If you get on a neutral stage [smashville, or yoshis island brawl] and can manage to stay on a neutral they cant pull that **** any more. I'd recommend switching to a character like ROB, Snake or Pikachu
I had a Samus do this to me a few days ago, i was failing pretty bad trying to kill her on snake, then i hopped on ROB switched to Lylat Cruise-- gimped her *** in the first 15 seconds of the match, taunted, she respawned with a grey shield
eat **** plankers