hmm, this is my last post for a long time.. better make it good...
ok... how many people eve know who I am? I am s.b.soldier, and extremely avid and active smasher in the MA community, who has poured his heart and soul into tournaments, smash brawl, melee etc.
Now why does eveyone seem to be confused as to why I am mad? For starters, I have NEVER ONCE received any credit for helping orgainze, set up (evey frickin tv), helping with, and the like (for tournaments)... Try setting up Mass Madness for 2 hours to not even be given on ounce of praise on any post on any result or any message... To have attitudes thrown at you from players who don't want to listen to the rules (the last 3 tournaments I went to).. people could at least pretend to be f-cking polite for christ sakes... You take me, an extremely hardworking college kid who lives on his own, with a girlfriend who lives 7 hr away due to a messy eviction, with a very demanding job, tons of bills, who still, for whatever miraculous reason can find time to invest in this community... and.. well you make me feel awful,, the people who give me attitudes when its my turn to play, the as$h0les playing friendlies who ignore the call for tournament standard rounds, then get in my face or are just plain rude when they are threatened disqualification... then there is the lack of any ounce of respect... Recognition is not hard to give to people who deserve it... Even PC Chris was rude to me, although I dont remember about what exactly that was my first impression of someone who I had nothing but respect for...
In life, people like me can only go unnoticed for so long... I won 19 gold medals in high school for track (never got even a cheer or a thank you or a high five) and even treat my gf like a f-cking queen and her parents hate me... i am getting respect NOWHERE and im sick of it so theres your explanation.. whats sad is that the one asking me what I'm talking about is the one I helped the most at Mass Madness...
this is it for me for a while so dont bother saying that i suck or that im an a-hole or whatever i dont need the stress.. bye