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Wings and Brew VI: Name TBA - Columbus, OH - FIRST POST UPDATED WITH NEW RULES!


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2006
Springfield, OH
I routinely grab the edge up to 70?!times a match with ROB.

If the poor soul mains Marth all he CAN do is grab the ledge. This rule is an auto-loss for Marth, and makes him unplayable. He auto-grabs the edge, or he dies. If you hit him off the stage, he has to do it again. If he up+bs to land on the stage, he gets a fully charged smash... and it hapens again. Snake is boosted from this for sure, but Marth? Totally kicked in the gnads.
I'm kind of on OS's side with regards to the ledge grab rule. I've been somewhat concerned about it since its inception. With numbers going as low as 45 I'd be almost guaranteed to hit it at least once in most sets, probably more (I grab the ledge more often than I dsmash with ROB :laugh:).
So if im trying to get back on the stage and playing a falco who is doing nothing but spamming laser all the way from across the stage, someone needs to keep count at the amount of lasers he fires, 40 lasers then he is disqualified! This I demand!!!!
First off I think this rule is excellent and has been from the start. I'm still not sold that 45 is the proper amount yet but it needs to be determined through testing. OS I do understand that you use the ledge for all it's worth when you play ROB but the real truth is here that no one has really done testing on there own. AZ asked me to watch our edge grabs when we play a few months back and I am going to relay some of the info to everyone here.

The average edge grabs for us in a game is around 11 with any given character. Now some characters grab the ledge less (Snake) and obviously some tend to grab it more often (MK/ROB). There are also other variables to be taken into consideration (Playstyles, Matchups and Stage Selection) but the results tend to stay around the same except on norfair which it is increased somewhat. Since no one seems to take AZ or some other peoples word around here I rounded up a couple of example sets to show you.

OS in our last MM at the first circuit event you played ROB vs my Snake, the games were each 4-5 minutes long and we went to 3 games. Did you know you grabbed the ledge LESS then 45 times in all 3 of those games total? It was somewhere around 35 grabs for the whole set. When you played Vidjo MK vs ROB (Link here) you were ledge camping and shooting lasers/gyros to keep yourself in the match and stay on the stage the whole 6+ minutes of the game. You still only had 31 ledge grabs. Against Bowyer at the first circuit event in MK dittos you grabbed the ledge under 10 times in the first two games. Sure you grab the ledge a lot with ROB but lets be honest you don't play him much anymore unless it is against Snake. My whole point is here that most people don't even look at there ledge grabs after the game and then they complain about this rule. No character really gains an advantage or disadvantage from this rule. Even characters that play on the ledge a lot can still relax and play there normal game and have no concern of ever hitting this number.

I'm just asking for everyone to do some research yourself and come in with actual facts before you make outlandish claims. In fact I would love to be proved wrong if you will show me some matches that were played seriously and have more then 45 edge grabs in a game. I would be willing to bet it's rare and when it does happen that the play is boring and not a test of who has the best skill.


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2008
Central Ohio
Even when I thunder-plank with 'Chu or Skull Bash I don't exceed 30 grabs... and I do that a lot. And I never even make it to the edge with Lolimar :<

I haven't really exceeded 45 grabs unless I'm blatantly planking my *** off, stalling, or playing my scrubby MK.

My two cents.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Reston, VA
I think people are overreacting to the ledge grab rule... :/ Unless you're actually intentionally trying to plank the entire match, I don't see what the problem is... The other night when we were playing doubles, PK Fire planked on his last stock and took out the last three stocks of both his opponents... He barely hit 30 ledge grabs...

IMO, there's nothing wrong with the rule... It just needs to be tested and tweaked to find a good number...


Smash Lord
Nov 3, 2005
Springfild/Columbus OH
So if im trying to get back on the stage and playing a falco who is doing nothing but spamming laser all the way from across the stage, someone needs to keep count at the amount of lasers he fires, 40 lasers then he is disqualified! This I demand!!!!
I agree, 50+ projectiles and your disqualified. Bananas, bombs, boomerangs, arrows, and most importantly GRENADES. I guess I cant use the OP chef anymore :(


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005


This will prevent the infinite from being an issue! Let's limit grabs to a certain amount per match, and ledges to a certain amount per match, and projectiles to a certain amount per match. Then EVERYONE WILL HAVE TO PLAY THE GAME THE WAY IT WAS MEANT TO BE PLAYED.

Heh. That'll learn 'em good.

*I'm being facetious, and all those rules are stupid*


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington

If you don't like the rule you don't have to show up.

This will probably be the last time WaB uses the rule. I might use it one more time at WaB III but thats it. I simply want to look and see if anything is actually effected by it. At WaBI NO ONE had any problems when it was at 60. I don't think anyone even came close to 30 edge grabs. So, if you are going to be that one player that is effected by this then you should consider not showing if you really don't like the rule.

EDIT: I should probably update the rules to mention that this is not in effect for doubles.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
*confused about absence in doubles*

I should be going to this if you still need a teammate. AZOS?


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
Per doubles:

1) I don't think I have ever in my entire life, in Melee or Brawl, seen a match go the time limit in doubles
2) If you are excessively edge grabbing in doubles your partner is probably getting 2v1'd.

OS: lets bring it back Melee style.


Former Smashboards Owner
Jul 6, 2003
Bellevue, Washington
May 2
1. AlphaZealot
2. Baro
3. Lou
4. Hence
5. TheKeist
6. Katon
7. The Jerk
8. Mr. E
9. Quivo (singles only)
10. Argentstew
11. Overswarm
12. Tyr03
13. d2law89?
14. Zach
15. Reinhart X
16. Infern
17. Upa 101
18. Cake
19. Champ
20. Capem
21. Fromundaman
22. King Beef?
23. Paranormalsin?
24. dj_Iskascribble ?

Setups (may 2)
1. Katon
2. Katon (Reinhart X)
3. The Keist
4. Lou (Keist will help pick TV up)
5. Champ
6. Cake
7. Argent ?
8. Overswarm ?

So, does anyone know the status of:

22. King Beef?
23. Paranormalsin?
24. dj_Iskascribble ?

And if
7. Argent ?
8. Overswarm ?

Are bringing set ups?

All and all I think for this venue 20ish people is PERFECT.

Please Arrive between 11AM and 12. Doubles will start PROMPTLY at 12:30. Lou will be handing doubles registration which will take place around 12:00ish. I think last time I let the start of doubles get delayed a tiny bit because King Yoshi's car was running late. I can't let that happen this time because we have to be out of the booths by 7:30PM.

Speaking of which: guys, around 7:30PM they get a small dinner rush, so we need to clear out of the booths and stick to the wall. If you are eating in the booths that is FINE though I do request that if you see customers arriving who have no place to sit then to relocate. Also do not leave your stuff in the booths.

What this means is that at around 7:15PM probably 2-3 set ups will have to be move back into people cars. We will then have about 4-5 set ups on the wall (basically what happened last time minus the 1 set up we left in the booth until about 8:30 and the other set up we had until about 8:00 in the booth).

After nine we need to knock it down to about 2-3 set ups on the wall. WE CAN STAY FOR QUITE AWHILE AFTER 9:00PM BASICALLY AS LONG AS WE KEEP ORDERING FOOD ROFL. Thats actually the best part of this tournament IMO because it was ssssssooooooooooo much fun last time chillin with everyone, eating, relaxing, playing matches here and there. So, if you can, stay late, order dinner, have a few drinks, have some fun, chillaxxx.

One last thing: there is construction going on in the sidewalk/street right outside the venue. They just put in a new side walk, they are almost finished, but in the meantime there are barriers/cones set up. So, if this is your first time heading to this venue and you see construction just know that you are close. The big landmarks to look far are: CVS and Buffalo Wings Wings. If you see these things then start looking for parking (check the maps I provided, best bet is the parking garage, I think last time most people found street parkiing) then head for the intersection of Buffalo wild wings and you are with 100 feet of the venue (its about 4 stores down the street from Bdubs, directly across the street from CVS.

If all the set ups get here that people say they can bring then everyone will get tons of playing in the entire day. I think everyone was quite happy with how things went last time and how much playing they got done.

Also remember, there is the $5 mandatory meal fee for everyone (not waved if you bring a set up) the options are:

1)9 inch cheese pizza
For this if you want a fountain drink you have to pay at the register an extra $1. Also an addition dollar for toppings. This was the most popular choice last time but almost everyone who ordered it was unable to actually finish their pizza because the portions are actually quite huge

2) appetizers and a fountain drink: there will be 5 different appetizers to choose from, I'll have to list up on the counter when you go to order food with your meal cards

3) 8 wings and a fountain drink
They have a ton of different choices for wings from mild to hot, choose wisely.

Fountain drinks are included in options 2/3. Extra dollar for option 1. Additionally these fountain drinks have infinite refills ALL DAY. Please don't leave your drinks laying around near set ups though. Also throw your trash out when you are done eating. Also don't leave food/drinks unattended for to long, if you do they may get thrown away when I do random clean up sweeps.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I like the "meal fee". You get something for the venue fee!

I might look into something like that for the next circuit...


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2008
Central Ohio
The pizza is quite hefty nice thick crust. Infinite refills is amazing, I'm bringing a sharpie, I'm not losing my cup again.


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2008
Reston, VA
I can confirm that I'm bringing my TV... I'm not bringing my Wii... Blame whoever stole my stuff at King Yoshi's... :/


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2003
Lima, Ohio
You can buddy it up with my Wii, just like we are buddying up for doubles!

DAMMIT AZ NO SPACE IN MY NAME :mad: like Samurai(no space)Panda


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2007
Buckeye Lake, OH
Hey AZ, just to make things clear, Reinhart_x and The Jerk are one in the same! Right now you have me signed up as both Reinhart X and The Jerk, but only my alter ego The Jerk will be attending. You dig?! Thanks :chuckle:


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2008
Yea, except now the Brawl equivilent, Diddy and MK.

Oh, I'm frightened. :'(
Diddy and MK are easily my favorite matchups as ZSS. Although, I may consider Lucario, as my Lucario isn't terribleLOL now. Besides...Lucario is amazing, DI alone is enough to outlive your opponents. He's quite heavy, ya know.

Also team scrubtown will be here. I believe all three are coming, but two for sure. Schwa and Mars will be there
The third scrub's name is Nest!

Btw, Zero Suit Samus is an asset in doubles!
If Baro doesn't wish to partake in doubles, is there anyone who still needs a partner?


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2008

Lucina Clash

Smash Apprentice
May 9, 2007
Sorry, guys, I gotta sit this one out....

For two reasons: onme there is a party tomorrow and my parents are not letting me leave. Two is I am getting sick.. :|


Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2006
Springfield, OH
Champ is driving to this and they will only be bringing one full setup AZ they will have two wiis though


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Doubles Results
1. AZ OS
2. ???
3. Tyr Infern

Singles Results
1. OS
2. AZ
3. Q
5. Infern Angelis
7. Tyr


Smash Ace
Dec 7, 2008
I'm so disappointed in myself for not making it out of pools this time.

Using characters like Pit and G&W against Paranormalsin and The Jerk was a terrible idea.
I'm confident that I would have at least beaten one of them, securing a spot in the bracket.
OS and Capem were in my pool though, which is kinda saddening.

Next weekend at Katon's tourney, you're all going down. D:


Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2006
Akron, OH
This'll post will probably get lost in a flood of shoutouts but I just wanted to let you know that I am now a "maybe" for the tournament on the 16th. This most likely includes my entire car. I'll let everyone in my car know to look for another ride. To quote good will hunting. If King Yoshi calls about that ride, just tell him, sorry, I have to go see about a girl.
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