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Will we have Smash Ball activated as an item in the pro/competitive scene?


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
I understand that final smashes can be skillfully used but the fact that it depends on a random floating ball that swings back and forth compared to a smash that's already part of the character just makes it split between luck and skill.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Hmm. I think you have found me on the wrong side of the arguement, Bento.

I'm not saying that zero to death kills take no skill, same with Final Smashes. As a matter of fact, I think both take quite a bit (as well as luck).

However, I'm not talking about a 0 to death combo. What are you argueing? Sorry, I'm confused.


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
It goes back to this I guess~

For starters, no it's not, second of all, what's your point?

You don't have to be skilled to shine spike someone or skilled to forward smash someone. There's no difference. It's a simple button combination. Besides, it was an example, I could've picked any character: Marth, Kirby, Dr. Mario. You name it. You are missing MY point. Gimps happen, things are cheap, and that's without items, so the fact that everyone complains that items are cheap and shouldn't be used is ironic and hypocritical. Just complain that the game is cheap in that case..

EDIT: I'd also like to agree with fr0st2k, to a certain extent.

FS =/= Instant Win
It does take more skill to shine spike someone than to Fsmash. And as a matter of fact, shine spiking does happen to be a more devastating attack than Fsmash. Now going back to my previous post; it does take skill to 0->death someone using regular combos. It doesn't take as much skill when you 0->death someone by the aid of an item that took off 60% alone. It wouldn't be fair to reward the player in both scenarios the same way, imo.


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2007
Isn't it common sense to you to use already established facts in order to evaluate new situations? Items are banned because random factors are bad. I claimed SBs will be banned because of the same reason. Looks like I was right. Now how bout you try and think about why exactly it's going to be banned?
It's common sense to wait for a statement regarding a new gameplay mechanic when it comes to tournament play. Since items and FSs are not based on the same mechanic, it would only make sense for a certain level of evaluation to be performed before coming to an ultimate conclusion.

In other words, you never had the answers to begin with so lets stop acting like you did, eh? If it was determined that Final Smashes were to be banned, they would have been the moment they were introduced.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
I understand that final smashes can be skillfully used but the fact that it depends on a random floating ball that swings back and forth compared to a smash that's already part of the character just makes it split between luck and skill.
The spawn times may be random but they are out for long enough for everyone to change their zoning patterns. And for this reason alone they do not rely on much luck and all and end up being in the strategic realm as well as in the skill category.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2007
let me point this out... when Samus does her Final Smash against... ugh, who was it... not Sonic... Mario! When Samus does her Final Smash against Mario it is a direct hit, does 44% and doesn't kill him... guess what? That is HALF the damage that a good Peach's Dsmash in Melee would do. What's that say to you?
Peach's Dsmash doesn't take up half the screen. :p

Also, you can DI out of it in most cases. So it's not really the same. Do think that her down-smash needed some balance adjustment in Melee however, just for the sake of what happens when everything hits.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
I'm not talking about rewarding them...

I would never say that someone is as good as someone else when one 0% to death comboed someone and the other 0% to death killed someone with nothing but items...

But I think if you mix the two together then it adds a whole new element.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
For the first few tournaments EVERYTHING will be on. All items, all stages, and then, only after a while will things start to be turned off. Just by taking a glance at something you might go "well that's banned" but after a while of playing with it, you find it's easy to avoid/stop.


Smash Master
May 22, 2006
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Peach's Dsmash doesn't take up half the screen. :p

Also, you can DI out of it in most cases. So it's not really the same. Do think that her down-smash needed some balance adjustment in Melee however, just for the sake of what happens when everything hits.
In MOST cases... not all, and so? It's not like Final Smash's are unavoidable either...

OOPS! I jumped above Samus' final or dodge rolled behind her. Guess I get a free fully charged Fsmash now.


And some balance adjustments!? 80% ATTACK MAN!


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
The spawn times may be random but they are out for long enough for everyone to change their zoning patterns. And for this reason alone they do not rely on much luck and all and end up being in the strategic realm as well as in the skill category.
still, the fact that it's reliant on the smash ball just doesn't seem right. I also don't like how it usually does a ton of damage compared to combos a skilled player would have done.. and all it takes is the push of a single button. (not to sound redundant from Bento's post but I pretty much agree on that heartily.)


Smash Cadet
Oct 13, 2007
For the first few tournaments EVERYTHING will be on. All items, all stages, and then, only after a while will things start to be turned off. Just by taking a glance at something you might go "well that's banned" but after a while of playing with it, you find it's easy to avoid/stop.
And there you have it. Guess I was following the wrong guy.

Well then, as stated before *gasp* test and see!

Who's up for tacos?


Mighty Soul of Woapgang
Nov 11, 2006
G-Town, Murderland
still, the fact that it's reliant on the smash ball just doesn't seem right. I also don't like how it usually does a ton of damage compared to combos a skilled player would have done.. and all it takes is the push of a single button. (not to sound redundant from Bento's post but I pretty much agree on that heartily.)
Let's say the Final Smashes were NOT trigger by An item, but was accumulated by K'O's or something. Don't you think it would completely change this entire argument? No, it seems as though some people are more focused on the attack itself than the fact that it comes from an Item


Smash Master
Aug 11, 2005
Let's say the Final Smashes were NOT trigger by An item, but was accumulated by K'O's or something. Don't you think it would completely change this entire argument? No, it seems as though some people are more focused on the attack itself than the fact that it comes from an Item
Actually, my position might've shifted around. PCChris does deserve to get his FS before me, because he's better than me, and because he would've worked for it.


Site Owner
Oct 13, 2007
Ontario, Canada
A thought I had:
What if you could change the damage the Smash Ball had to take. That'd add a twist

As for in tournies:
I think it should be allowed as a lot of Final Smashes require you to be in a particular area for effectiveness. Also, in a tourney, if they are on, EVERYONE will be going for it probably. So the person who grabs it will have very little time to unleash it. Especially if they need to position themselves.

Team Giza

Smash Lord
Mar 5, 2006
San Diego, CA
still, the fact that it's reliant on the smash ball just doesn't seem right. I also don't like how it usually does a ton of damage compared to combos a skilled player would have done.. and all it takes is the push of a single button. (not to sound redundant from Bento's post but I pretty much agree on that heartily.)
It may not seem right but thats only because we have been playing tournament rules too much. I used to think that items were simple like you make the Final Smashes to be... easy to use to make you in instead of relying on skill. However when I went back and played with many of them I noticed a lot of them were not that bad. But you know what was a big problem with items? Explosions. Boxes and capsules had no invincibility frames at all when they were following and they would kill you while you where in an attack animation... no time to respond. I do turn off some items because they just give too much of a random advantage when I play with items on (which I usually don't). Smash ball just seems weird because it is an item but it works differently then any other items so we really need to test it out. It moves so you cannot camp for them which makes it impossible to do some of the item + level combination camps in melee.


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
PA - Philly - North East
Everyone arguing AGAINST FS in competitive play are just delusional.

FS's are extra special moves. They are EXTRA SPECIAL MOVES. They are unique for every character, and they avoidable(easily-watch yoshi vs pit..lvl 3 yoshi dodges all of pits FS), and must involve some sort of strategy to unleash them.

The way they are put into the board give ALL players a chance to break it. Strategy would be involved on how to open it.

The only time it could POSSIBLY be considered unfair is if it appears when a character is returning after being smashed. And even in this situation, I dont believe that any character would have enough time to break it open before the opponent could offer some sort of opposition.

Im sure that FS's would be considered tournament legal, but im also sure that just as people in this board are split, tournament goeres will also be split. I wouldnt be surprised if tournaments simply marked whether youd be using it or not on the advertisement.

"Tournament XXX, In Philly, @ BattleField/All Chars/FS's Allowed"
"Tournament XXX, In Philly, @ BattleField/All Chars/FS's Banned"

And Mic, im sure that this topic, and all the discussion around it invovles what happens following the initial tournaments, after people know the game mechanics better.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 11, 2007
Okay, since we're so fond of "hypothetical situations", let me tell you a story about something that actually happened.

I was playing with my friends on Hyrule Temple, 4 player FFA, all items on. I was playing Mewtwo, and one of my friends was playing Samus.

A heart drops on the stage. I need the heart badly so I run for it. Right when I get to the platform that it's sitting on, Samus nails me with a fully-chaged Charge Shot and KOs me.

Me: "You KNEW I was gonna go for that didn't you?"
Him: "Yup."
Me: ... (Thinking: so that's why he's better at this)

Items don't negate skill. Mindgames are still there. Knowledge of the game is still there. Ability to react and adapt are still there. However you want to define "skill", items don't remove it. All items do is change the rules of the game so that different skills become more important than others. I don't like playing without items but then... I'm not playing in any tournies either, so what do I care? I guess I'm just making a point.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2007
Conveniently adjacent to Alabama
Its important to have an open mind. Why? Because some people are not looking at the big picture.

1. We have NOT played it yet. This is an obvious statement, but one that seems to be continually ignored. We don't know if some final smashes are "super death" or "really lame" on their own or they're the way they are to help with additional balance.

2. (some random anti smash ball guy who chooses to neglect logic: "Uh...we saw from the videos that samus's final smash is was way over powered while sonic's sucked")

Uh huh. Such a convincing argument. Especially, since you could also tell from the videos that each member of the press were complete pros. They demonstrated such skill, but were unable to find ways to aviod such broken attacks. (sarcasm) You can't tell from the video what each final smashes' strengths, weaknesses, and what they do to balance out the characters. Gameplay is the one and only way this can be answered.

Bottom line: This question can't be realistically answered yet until the community has played as a whole.


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
PA - Philly - North East
Okay, since we're so fond of "hypothetical situations", let me tell you a story about something that actually happened.

I was playing with my friends on Hyrule Temple, 4 player FFA, all items on. I was playing Mewtwo, and one of my friends was playing Samus.

A heart drops on the stage. I need the heart badly so I run for it. Right when I get to the platform that it's sitting on, Samus nails me with a fully-chaged Charge Shot and KOs me.

Me: "You KNEW I was gonna go for that didn't you?"
Him: "Yup."
Me: ... (Thinking: so that's why he's better at this)

Items don't negate skill. Mindgames are still there. Knowledge of the game is still there. Ability to react and adapt are still there. However you want to define "skill", items don't remove it. All items do is change the rules of the game so that different skills become more important than others. I don't like playing without items but then... I'm not playing in any tournies either, so what do I care? I guess I'm just making a point.
Ok .. firstly, this isnt a discussion about items, as we ALL know, for FACT, that items are unbalanced and add randomness and subtract skill from the fight.

Secondly. In another hypothetical situation. You are on Hyrule, you have 100% and your friend has 0, 1 live left for each. Youre on the bottom, and your friend is on the top. A capsule falls right at your feet. You hit it, and its a heart. Your friend makes a mad dash to the bottom. Then before he even gets to the cave, he you pick it up and are at 100%.

Tada! its unfair.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Santa Barbara, CA
because items appear out of nowhere, and can blow you up. Also, as soon as an item appears it becomes an attack, something that can up odds in their favor.

A FS ball wouldnt do that.

FS ball appears out of nowhere. Whoever it appears next to has a HUGE advantage in getting it, just like an item.

For most of the characters, it has been shown to be better than almost all items, and some (Metaknight, Samus) have almost one hit kill potential.

Just because you have to hit it a few times doesn't change the fact that it is RANDOMNESS, and tourney rules are all about REMOVING RANDOMNESS.

If it was something like "Smash ball appears at the center of every stage every 2 minutes, and doesn't move until someone gets it" I would be fine with it, because that is something that is predictable.

Just like the top UT players know when the redeemer respawns, people will know when the smash ball is coming...well, unfortunetly, they won't :D


Smash Journeyman
May 23, 2006
PA - Philly - North East
FS ball appears out of nowhere. Whoever it appears next to has a HUGE advantage in getting it, just like an item.

For most of the characters, it has been shown to be better than almost all items, and some (Metaknight, Samus) have almost one hit kill potential.

Just because you have to hit it a few times doesn't change the fact that it is RANDOMNESS, and tourney rules are all about REMOVING RANDOMNESS.

If it was something like "Smash ball appears at the center of every stage every 2 minutes, and doesn't move until someone gets it" I would be fine with it, because that is something that is predictable.

Just like the top UT players know when the redeemer respawns, people will know when the smash ball is coming...well, unfortunetly, they won't :D
I understand what your saying, but youre missing my point. The point is that it takes time to break a FS ball. Unlike every other item(or sets of items that can be turned on for that matter...as in, turning one 1 item or 0 items creates containers and crates with bombs inside) which become weapons as soon as they are spawned.

That time, the 3-5 seconds it takes to break it open, are what needs to be argued about in this thread. Is 3-5 seconds enough time for the person furthest away from the smash ball to make a sufficient counter-attack to turn the tides and get the smash ball themselves.

Also, in connection to your item arguement; Are the FS's ALL dodgeable? They could very well be.


Smash Lord
Aug 14, 2007
What about the Heavy characters?

They can perform their non-flinching moves and can't get knocked away by quick moves like Samus' FS.

And what about Kirby's FS?

3 items come out! Maximum tamatoe, warp star and super spicey curry, the curry I don't think will be much of a problem but the Maximum tamatoe and warpstar probably will, but it will probably make Kirby's final smash a bit weak.

And if you havn't yet seen the article


It says Ike's final smash, Metaknights (Pretty much instant K.O apparently) and Zamus.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i say its in. final smashes is a big part of the new game, and most likely nintendo has been changing em (giving some ppl better FS's to help balance it). the big thing that you have to attack the smash ball to get the power, and that it can be stolen evens it out so much more. im so glad they made it like that.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 26, 2006
Only posting this here because it's the only dedicated Final Smash discussion thread I've seen at the moment, but this thread has someone state that Peach's Final Smash is actually any one of her "vibes" from Super Princess Peach, and one other that is known is one that "makes spiky balls rain down", most likely Rage Vibe. So if this is true, we don't know yet about what her other Vibes will do (Gloom and Joy), but it makes for interesting news, 'cause a Peach Player can't expect to get her rain of recovery every time she gets the Smash Ball. Interesting prospect.


Smash Ace
Oct 26, 2004
Atlanta, Georgia
I can understand the FS being in.. but the other items.. no. just can't do it. I acknowledge that they take some amount of skill but it's definitely not allowed in tourney play.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 19, 2006
I understand that some strategy could into play with breaking the small bash and pulling off a Final Attack most effectively.

... but Samus' Final Smash KO'd Sonic at 58% in the Gamespot interview video. Sonic wasn't even near the edge when it happened; he was firmly planted at the center of the stage.

Then look at Peaches. grab lots of items that heal 5% health, nail your sleeping opponent with a smash before they wake up, and grab even more health while they fly away.

Point is, Final Smashes are MEANT to be game breaking. They're supposed to create turnovers to keep things interesting for casual players wanting more random chaos. That comes at the expense of making how you play otherwise matter for less. In other words, the 70% damage leg-up you worked hard for matters for nothing once a smash ball pops in. Whoever gets that most likely gets the kill (or a free comeback/advance).

That alone is enough to keep them out of the tournament scene. Add to that the random spawing, semi-random trajectory and it's a deal breaker.
I agree with what he said. Final Smashes shouldn't be used in competitive play.
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