Not too reasonable in my opinion. I still only see that video as bait. I especially didn't like what he was saying about Sakurai.
Sakurai didn't want Brawl to be competitive from the get-go, that much is true. Despite that Brawl was played competitively for years despite it's problems. You think Smash 4 can't do the same when it's fixing most of the problems it had? You think if Smash 4 doesn't meet the expectations of a select few people it'll just die out competitively? Smash is a series that isn't easily killed. I know a lot of people have been scared off by Brawl and what it turned out to be, but I also think that fear is carrying over to Smash 4 and is fogging the judgement of some people.
First of all, there's something that's important for people to realize. Brawl had its shortcomings, but specifically saying its bad because it isn't Melee is both a poor generalization and too broad in scope to have meaningful discussion about. The things you want to consider in this topic are the following:
1. What did Brawl remove from Smash that was in previous installments? How did this impact the game?
2. What did Brawl add in to Smash that wasn't in previous installments? How did this impact the game?
3. What bugs, glitches, oversights had significant impact on the game, and why. Were they positive or negative?
Brawl removed a lot of things from previous titles without adding a lot of things that were new. That was a problem all on its own. Then you have the fact that Brawl also had a very large laundry list of problems associated with bugs and glitches, along with poor design choices, things the development and balance team missed, so on and so forth.
In regards to 1 and 2, I think it's pretty safe to say we know what to expect for Smash 4. That is to say that if you consider Smash having aspects removed during each new installment and not a lot of new aspects coming in to supplement a problem, then no, they're not fixing these issues. As for 3, we can see they're fixing many of them, yes. But how do we know new problems won't surface? Well, we don't. That's something we need to wait and see.
At best, problems associated with 3 will be fine, and Smash 4 will be a relatively 'clean' game, so to speak, if Sakurai and co. did well. But I mean, talking about this is silly because even thought this attracted a lot of hate towards Brawl, things like this should be expected to be handled properly, especially from a big budget title like this one.
For 1 and 2, it's looking disappointing unless some reconsideration's are made by Sakurai and the development team.
Also, as per Smash Wii U dying off or not as a competitive title. Things are quite different this time around. For one, it doesn't have the Melee hype train backing it up. In fact it's quite the opposite. People and players are giving exclusive praise to Melee as the competitive title that kept the series going. The Wii U is also not doing as hot as the Wii first was, and the sales of the console aren't going to carry the sales of the game regardless of how good or bad the game is. And finally, people are skeptical. Real skeptical. They remember what happened when they started dating Brawl and found out how deceitful she was. People, myself included, aren't even going to buy the game on launch day until we confirm it's actually worth buying. With Brawl, people were lining up at the door because they thought it was going to be the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Yeah, but that was Brawl. At the time Brawl was in the works, Nintendo was making the game for the casuals and only the casuals. But now since Nintendo knows the competitive side, their supporting them while developing Smash 4, other than pretending they don't know it and tries to kick out Smash from EVO from the past years. If Nintendo still doesn't support the competitive community today, then yes. Matt will be right.
It's like I said though. The game still have its chances. It'll be tragic if the game dropped outta the competitive side of Smash.
Um, yeah. Refer to ^.
Also, I think people need to realize that Nintendo isn't balancing this game. Sakurai and his team are. I actually genuinely believe Nintendo is jumping ships the way they should be, and actually has legitimate interest in us now. Unfortunately I don't think that means anything with Sakurai not on board the hype train.