I had serious problems with my Gamepad since a fews days.
I already posted in the Smash Wii U section but my thread seemed to be completely ignored, and actually it's worse than that.
Sometimes I have several gameplay problems when I play with the Gamepad:
- The one I already described in the thread I mentioned. This also applies to the trophy section. It almost always occurs.
- Still on Smash Wii U, the camera automatically slowly moves down when I pause the game. It occurs somewhat frequently.
- Still on Smash Wii U, I become sometimes completely unable to move my character. It happens fairly rarely, but it is frustrating when it happens on Master Fortress, for example.
- Sometimes in Wonderful 101, a Wonder Line appears automatically like if I pushed down the right stick.
- Finally, the last time I booted Wind Waker HD, the camera automatically slowly moved left.
Does anyone know if it is related to the Gamepad or the Wii U itself? Can it be fixed by sending either to repair? I could play to Smash with another controller, but the only other controller I have is a Wii Classic Pro Controller which is a third-party one with an horribly unresponsive stick, it's impossible to play accurately with it (walking instead of running in SSB in particular is a real pain). I guess I really should buy an official (and expensive) Wii U Pro controller.
Edit: looks like the scrollbar problem in the trophy section can be solved by just pressing the AB+- buttons. Most of the problems I listed were related to some defective stick-related RAM, as this button combination has for purpose to fix this issue. Though there's still the risk of being brutally unable to move my character... hopefully this button combination can solve this issue too, but I don't put my hopes high for this.