<3 said:
Most people seem to think for some reason people with GC games don't have GC controllers... There are GC controller ports in the revelution, I hope I'm not going out on a limb here assuming the GC controllers can easily be used for GC games..
As I said in my other post, What I'm trying to point out isn't nessisary, but since my own controllers are crapping out, it would be nice if nintendo gave us the option.
<3 said:
Using tilting and rolling as mock button features would become confusing and combersome to play.
As opposed to, say, using an analog stick? *coughC-stickcough*
For my Shell-less GC play idea, the tilt
is the Cstick. Rolling would be a new 'direction'.
I also suggested that, IF they add tilt sensitivity to the analog side, it effectively replaces the GC Dpad into a D-Stick, only better. This is the same thing the did when the went from 4 C buttons on the 64 to a Cstick on the GC.
<3 said:
A D pad can't act as a analog stick, it only has four possible (8 if you get fancy and start adding directions) imputs where an analog stick has alot more.
Where did I say THAT? I said that the REV Dpad could be used to replace X/Y/A/B, not an analog stick.
<3 said:
the rev controller has plus the analog attachment has a total of 8 "buttons" not including the second a and b buttons, home, power , ect. the GC has 12. If anything, I think the shell will be used for GC games if people are too lazy to plug in thier existing controllers.
Treating the Dpad as 4 buttons, like I suggest, you get those 4+ A,B, Z1,Z2, Start, Select, Home, and the NES a/b buttons. that's 13 buttons, although really only 8 are accessable, plus equivilants for the C-stick and, I'm hoping, the Dpad. (see above) The GC has L, R, A, B, X, Y, Z, and start, (which is relatively unaccessable), plus the Cstick and Dpad. This actually puts the Rev controller one button ahead.