Revolutions said:
No, Vir was right. I wish you people would check before you make unbased assertions and then say stuff like "PWNED," which isn't even a word.
that's a joke. no one actually says that. its gamer speech.
1. Orbital motion about a point, especially as distinguished from axial rotation: the planetary revolution about the sun.
2. A turning or rotational motion about an axis.
3. A single complete cycle of such orbital or axial motion.
2. The overthrow of one government and its replacement with another.
3. A sudden or momentous change in a situation: the revolution in computer technology.
4. Geology. A time of major crustal deformation, when folds and faults are formed.
1. To turn around on an axis or center. [aka, to turn 360 degrees. -Rev]
2. To proceed in sequence; take turns or alternate: Interns will rotate through the various departments.
well guess what?
my dictionary doesn't agree with you.
according to the random house Dictionary of the english language, second edition, unabridged.
these are the [applied to this topic] definitions of revolution
1. A procedure or course, as if in a circuit,
back to a starting point.
a single turn of this kind
3. A) a turning round or rotating, as on an axis
....B) a moving in a cirucular or curving course.
a single cycle in such a course.
according to this, for a circle to make one revolution, or a body traveling in a circle to make one revolution, it would therefore have to return to its starting place, and therefore traveling
360 degrees.
In addition, i'm sure that you are aware of the unit of measurement,
WHich stands for
revolutions per minute(also according to my dictionary).
we can infer from this that a revolution is a defined measurement of rotation.
i happen to knwo from both PreCalculus and Physics courses i have taken that one Revolution of a circle is defined as
360 degrees.
The conclusion, based on all this evidence, is that
One Revolution is equal to 360 degrees.
I don't think you can argue against this.
I'm curious, where did you find those definitions?
edit: That doesn't sound very reliable. Don't you have an actual dictionary?
Giygas, we know what it is meant to imply, i just like debating.
EDIT#2: I made the 666th reply to this topic. Is something bad going to happen to me?