Destiny, try going to an out of town store. One way out in the country, where nobody know about. The cities have too many people in them.
I know, I tried that, I LIVE in the middle of nowhere, no dice here.
Sensai:, that sucks.
They're releasing them weekly (and a lot at Nintendo World Store daily, right? Is there still a line?). Just call one of the not-huge-Nintendo-stores and see when they get their shipments in.
Yea, you're right, they do--they all did. Every one said they'd be selling a new shipment the next day, and ALL said that they'd sell early so I'd have to wake up and get in line early.
OH, wait, I don't LIVE in New York City, I was only visiting. =P
So that didn't help.
Paranoid Android, I have every right to ****, I have the money, I have my support in Nintendo, I have faith in them, I have EVERYTHING put into them and I'm behind their back DESPITE all of the mistakes they have been making (just as everyone does) and I get rewarded for all of my searching and such with people telling me to be more dedicated because I CAN'T get to a store and wait in line because I'm a college student with no car?
So somehow I lack dedication because I have been waiting 2.5 years to play Zelda, I have saved the money, I have LOOKED actively, and I can't get one?
People should not have to stand in lines all night two weeks after the thing comes out, I'm sorry, that;s ridiculous.
Yes, part of this is me personally being annoyed, but the other part is me being disappointed that Nintendo is advertising this thing like mad but the only people who can GET one are the ones who are psycho about it and have to stand in line in the wee hours in the morning.
I would stand in line for a while, but not for a whole night, and not when I CAN'T in the first place because I simply have other things going on.
This is me more annoyed at the state of the gaming industry and how ridiculous it is that you can't get a product weeks after it's been released in a city as big as NY.
I mean, they don't even have the Wiis fully ready yet, even--channels that they said would be there are missing, virtual console games are crap compared to the Japanese launch (and for NO logical reason at all) etc.
And despite all that, I am still willing to adopt early and place my money down and actively look for one.
And I'm treated with nothing. Such is the economy, I know. Doesn't mean I have to enjoy it. I'm not saying I should expect more, I'm saying I'm disappointed that it's the way it is, and I KNOW it didn't used to be so bad years ago.
And by the way, could someone please clear this up, I know I brought it upbefore, but...
What's with the half-second delay in the remote sensing? Seriously.
I have PLAYED it know, so now I am sure of it, I felt it and saw it, there is a delay in aiming your cursor. Sword motions, I understand, but CURSOR lag?
I swear there was cursor lag, but I'm wondering if this was due to all of the other Wiis in the nearby vicinity, or what-have-you.
Could anyone else confirm or deny this in their home environments?
Because while its liveable, to be sure, it's also very annoying.
Imagine typing and using a mouse with a half second of lag. That doesn't seem like much, but i is when you're trying to shoot something that is moving, and it's simply annoying when it's noticeable.
I also noticed that it will take getting use to to shoot things, as releasing the B button causes my hand to shift enough to throw the aim off a bit--if there was no lag, this would be fine because my shot would hit AS I pushed the button and not afterward.
I will definitely have to get a steadier hand I suppose. Aiming is intuitive, but will take a steep learning curve to get good, just as with Metroid Hunters.
Swordfighting is very fun, I definitely enjoy it more than button pressingf IMMEDIATELY. I wish there was some motion-sensing to do with those special moves like that jump-stab one that finishes over enemies.
The shield bash is great, too.
And if you figure out how Link moves in different circumstances, you can train yourself to attack the way he does--stabbing your remote and making him stab, for example.
Obviously, it's kind of silly to do that, but I personally want to because it's more fun for me for whatever reason.
All in all, I was very impressed with the demo, though the lag in the controller has me a bit grumpy because if all of the tech is in the expensive controller and the sensor isn't even wireless with the system, I can't see why there'd be such lag. I've used wireless mice before and there's no lag, I've used Wavebirds from farther away and there is no lag, so it's just a little disappointing and I hope it's not as noticeable when I finally get one.
I did like the store, the guys there were cool (like I said, they let me finish the demo because I was doing so well) and I even picked up a copy og TP and some clothes at the store (especially when I found out there is no sales tax there and they only had three copies of TP), so it was enjoyable--it'd be more so if it weren't so ridiculously crowded, but it's expected in NYC.
Also, the disc to Twilight Princess is extremely sexy, I have to admit.