Well, ultimately everything sans analytic truths are based on circular argumentation; the premises just become more accepted as they become more inductively sound, i.e. there've been enough instances invest faith into a given premise. The same goes for Protestant Biblical exegesis. Also, when you say other theologies, that's introducing an external conflict rather than internal. I was asking where any of the Biblical contents contradicted themselves.
Scriptural exclusivism (SE), which is believing that Scripture is only authority, as opposed the Catholic belief which says that Catholic Tradition is what validates Scripture is logically circular because SE requires Scripture to be self-verifying. That's much more logically fallacious than most beliefs people normally have.
How else would one find answers? You're saying that answers are found either Biblically, or externally, so there aren't many other options. o_O
What I'm saying is that the Bible appears contradictory without external theology. If it was truly the word of God, it wouldn't require external theology to explain alleged biblical contradictions and problems.
The fact that it requires external theology for the Bible to be considered logically conceivable or self defeating basically kills any eligibility it had for bridging the gap between logical conceivability and being the most reasonable belief compared to alternate possibilities.
For example, for the rational neutral to consider the theology to be the word of God, they need reasons to believe it more reasonable to accept it than not accept it. But if you have to refer to theological premises to justify belief in the Bible, then that shows it isn't the more rational belief for the neutral, because theological premises assume the theology to be authority, when the the authority of the theology is what's in question, making the argument logically circular.
I'm not saying the Bible should be self-proving, that'd be logically circular. What I'm saying is that without external theology the Bible is self-disproving, meaning it is only logically conceivable at best, it can't make it to the next step that I explained above.
Are you prepared to make good on such a monumental claim?
The claim isn't that monumental. It's like how the claims that knowledge is attained through both faith and reason equally, or faith alone are only asserted by religious people.
It's one thing to rely on external sources to verify that something is the truth, not doing that is logically fallacious. It's another thing to rely on external agents to verify that the source in question is not self-defeating. The problem is in the case of the Bible, all those external sources are theological, they require belief in the theology first to have any validity.
While I understand where you're coming from, I strongly disagree. Can you use an example from the Bible that you believe to be logically conceivable, but offers itself no credence?
You're using way too many unsubstantiated anecdotes for my taste, Dre. Instead of making up, what seems to be intentionally fallacious arguments, give us a few examples.
The problem of evil and the idea that the universe is designed for humans.
First lets look at the PoE. The world does not appear to be designed by a good God. A neutral doesn't look at the world and think that it is. In fact, this was an internal problem to theism. Theists were trying to answer this question before atheists were writing critiques on it, so theists themselves didn't think the world appeared to be designed by a good God.
The fact that the concept of gratuitous evil exists is simply enough evidence. Gratuitious evil is evil that has no purpose, or leads to no greater good, or at least appears not to. Whether G evil actually exists or not is irrelevant, because the fact is it appears it doesn, otherwise we'd know the purpose of all evils. The fact we don't know shows it appeers evil appears to be G.
Technically, by Christian theology the world isn't supposed to appear to be deisgned by a good God, because according to T the world is corrupt and evil due to the Fall of humanity. So even by Christian theology neutrals aren't supposed to believe the world is designed by a good God.
Let's look at the common defences to the PoE. The two main general ones are the free will defence, and that God has purposes and motives that we don't understand. The first one assumes theology, so it becomes simply logically conceivable. The second one goes back to the G evil point, it's not evident to us that God has a greater purpose for the all the evil, it may be the case he does, but it doesn't appear to be so to us. So this also doesn't go past logical conceivability.
Now onto the universe being designed for us. Let's look at some facts of the universe.
We occupy literally less than .01% of the known universe. Something like 400 billion galaxies have been observed. Probably 99.99% of the known universe is naturally uninhabitable for us.
But let's just look at our own planet. 99% of all animals that have ever existed were extinct before humans even existed. The human race at one point dropped to only thousands in numbers, and came very close to going exitinct itself.
Or let's look at the ocean. 71% of the world is occupied by water. It's said that there is something like 5-6 times more marine wildlife than terrestial life ever to be in existence. The ocean is roughly 35 000m deep. At 200m, sunlight stops penetrating the water, making the water completely dark, rendering the water unseeable for humans. Not only that, but the water pressure becomes too high for humans to survive in. In fact some wildlife down there don't even have colour, because they weren't designed to be perceived by humans. Eve?n the majority of our own planet, let alone our own galaxy, or the entire universe, is naturally inhabitable to humans, yet the neutral is supposed to belive it's more rational that the universe was designed for us?
None of this is reasonable to believe for the neutral. Belief in it requires appeals to theology, which are logically fallacious because the authority of the theology is what's in question.
Not evident? Do you mean that as in, no where in the NT does Christ acknowledge the OT and abolish it? Also, nowhere in the Bible, OT or NT, does God demonstrate a difference in behavior aside from restraint, and any instantial discrepancies can be explained.
The OT God is much more like Greek Gods. He's jealous and wrathful, and commits genocide. He even tells people to stone their siblings to death if they try to seduce you away to other Gods (Deut 13 6-16). There's plenty more examples of things like that.
The NT God basically behaves like Jesus.
There is no mention of why God behaved differently in the two OTs, and why he behaved in a way we are now supposed to consider wrong in the OT. OT NT law theory isn't featured in the Scripture.