3DS Version
Shoutouts to my faithful people whom lost and gave me something to learn and watch out about (I'm on the left, opponent on right):


EianCos...(full name unknown); your Ness is quite scary compared to the cast, and it's quite fun when fighting a fellow Ness player with the same color. Your PK Fire usage was scares and conservative, and your PK Flash was a bit overused. In the end, however, I won.


Rubeno; damn, you have a very, very fierce Ness, and compared to most others, you scared me when I fought you. You caught me a lot with your grabs, and when I thought I was done for, your one error made your dire mistake from my 150% Mario.


(Japanese Player); your Falcon was fierce, with the constant combos, but your combos still lacked linking up toward one another. Still a fun couple of matches, though.


jakey; so much projectile spamming, and so much...but suffice to say...it ended with one simple Flame Choke to 0% death on you. Sorry I went cheap, I was desperate.


Awesome; great Link, and it made me truly utilize Ness to one of its best. Lovely matches.


(Japanese Player); Lucina was counter-crazy, but holy hell was it effective. But yet you lacked true combo potential, thus allowing me to gain an edge.


gusi; wow...challenging fighter, dude, but you lacked offense against my defense, and defense against my offense, and tactics to get out of combos.


E-BOT; Annoying to say the least...but you at least used projectiles to good uses, and aimed very, very well. Almost got me if I hadn't hit you right.


Dakota; you fought well with your characters, and made me use all eight of these characters (yes, I used eight different characters), just to beat you. Suffice to say, you were fun and I want rematches.


Mason; for a second, I thought you had me, because you were really combo-heavy and ended with the F-air, but I always ran into that, I digress. Anyways, spectacular performance undermined by simple combo-reliant strategy.


Future...(full name unknown); great attacks, little Neutral Special spamming and great combos, but you ran right into my D-Smash to seal the fate. Too bad you left after the only match.




(latter 3 are Japenese players); let's say that you guys were fun, but you all ran into my attacks.


Vosk; great match, and you'll be easy to find again. Loved playing against you.


Daniel; once more, another fine person with matches, just the attacks and running into them sealed your fate.


NuttySw...(full name unknown); one of the best twists I've done yet...first, we double-KO'd our first stock, but on the second one, you hit me and combo'd me so much, I went desperate...so Flame Choke suicide KO at 0%.


Masta K...(full name unknown); you went weak, but you tried your best. Ended very quickly on the second stock with my combo.
Very fun guys...so much character usage...so much wins...so much recordings.