I fought this incredible Mega Man named "Locke 06", who basically kicked my butt on FG earlier, even with my main SHulk, who i barely managed to win 2 matches with. I havent' fought someone as good as him since i met these 2 named "Link404" and "Dayi".
Remember that one match where we were on Luigi's mansion, and i was Ness, and we just stood there for like 2 minutes? I get the feeling you probably had to go away from the game in RL or something to do something else, but i didn't attack you since that'd be cheap and unfair IMO, heck, even on FG i'll suicide if someone suicides by accident, lol. Then we both teabagged for a few seconds and went back to fight, then after we had a few matches, i said in the nicknames that i could only do one more game "GGLastgame" and you wrecked me that last one, when i finished i said "Dang" and you said ": P". XD
We also already friended on NNID, but i wanted to see if i could find you on here too, so then we could actually chat. You were a great opponent, and i'd love to train with you and fight you again.