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Which will sell better: Halo 3 or SSBB?


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
No offense but your version of zombie sounds like the people who say you can use AIM in place of chat in Brawl. Lame.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Qualicum Beach, BC
yea i know what the forge is... thats not a stage that bungie made... its what u made so technicly im right.


Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I never thought of that, it'd be nice to have that in smash [only more thought out] but I doubt it would happen. We are pretty limited when it comes to different types of matches [as opposed to affects in matches, we have a good a, that customization update the other day was helpful though.

EDIT: Unless Brawl's stage editor [if one were to ever come out] lets you actually make platforms there's not going to be much point to making one.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Qualicum Beach, BC
well i ment jus playing with friends cuz online u cant talk

and as for chatting online with my friends im using the d pad hells yea

Edit: edits ftw


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2006
The Woodlands, Texas
yea i know what the forge is... thats not a stage that bungie made... its what u made so technicly im right.

Technically you are not right at all because many of those "user-made" stages will be implemented into the official playlist. If we're going to speculate, then we can only go by what's available now. There has been no announcement of any stage editor in Brawl, there's the Forge in Halo 3, so saying that "Brawl has more stages" is completely incorrect. Even if Brawl does eventually have a stage editor, that doesn't mean Brawl will have more stages. Let's say both will have stage editors, then there won't be any "more" or "less." To say one has "more" without any fact to back it up is wrong.

I don't see how you can say that more = less.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Halo has way more customization than brawl, that is for sure.

Had a cool match where someone shot 3 warthogs with one spartan laser? Record it

Got problems with the way items spawn in certain maps? Use forge and have it your way.

Want to play Zombie? [where one person, the zombie kills the 'survivors' and turns them into zombies until only one person is left, this was an idea sparked by a player, bungie worked it into the game btw] Now you can without having to deal with asshats that don't want to follow the rules.

Want to blast through online co-op with 4 people? Go ahead

Brawl has more customization now, but it pales in comparison to Halo. I'm not a halo fanboy or a smash fanboy so it's easy to see things as they are. If you think SSBB is more customizable you are fooling yourself.

P.S. Not directed to anyone.
Halo 3 is more customizable...as of now. ;) Keep in mind the whole Special Brawl, 40+or-10 characters, more stages, more items, damage ratio option, the four game modes [stock, time, bonus, coin], and any new ones, all the event matches, all the special 1P stuff, etc. Plus ya know, we've seen like 2% of Brawl, and 50% of Halo 3. As far as we know, you can record Brawl matches in the game, play and watch them fast/slow, put them on youtube directly from your Wii, and Adventure Mode supports 4 players, etc. Smash actually has more options if you think about it. Until I put my hands on both games and play them, I'll wait and see.

I never thought of that, it'd be nice to have that in smash [only more thought out] but I doubt it would happen. We are pretty limited when it comes to different types of matches [as opposed to affects in matches, we have a good a, that customization update the other day was helpful though.

EDIT: Unless Brawl's stage editor [if one were to ever come out] lets you actually make platforms there's not going to be much point to making one.
That'd be sweet. Mixing OOT, elements with TP, with DKC, and with SMB3 FTW! I doubt it, but it would be cool. :)

I definately think Brawl can outsell Halo in the long run despite being outsold initially. Brawl will likely see a jump due to online play and it seems to have a longer shelf life than Halo. I was just pointing out the flaw in the 'x amount of wii owners will buy brawl' argument.
^ Seriously, n00bs deciede who wins. N00bs, not dedicated gamers. n00bs were stocking game stores at Melee, in a event in which only Halo 2, GTA III, GTA Sand Andreas, and GTA Vice City topped, in sales and all. GTA is overrated. People don't realized the best selling games last gen went like this:

1. GTA: Vice City
2. GTA: San Andreas
4. Halo 2
5. either Melee or MGS2: Sons of Liberty.

And since I think GTA's overratedness is over, expect that not to happen again. GTA is good, but not THAT GOOD.

I think halo has already sold more than anything else....its not even out yet. If the mahority of Wii owners get Brawl..it will sell better. I henstly think the xbox is a better system but the Wii will dominate the sales charts

1st post!:chuckle:
Woaw, ever considered 3 years from now=???? If the console sales keeping going the way they're going, the Wii will have sold around 40-60 million units in 3 years, AT LEAST. They're selling like crazy, almost as much as the DS.


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2007
19th ave & Ocotillo rd
"Casual games aren't that great. They don't last long, they don't take much thought, are just aren't as wholesome as other games.

Look at wii sports. How many people do you hear saying 'I gonna play Wii sports now, it's so awesome', even though it was out for over a year? It's casual, no one is going to consistently play a casual game for such a long period of time."

God of war and gow 2 would tend to the hardcore, so would the last splinter cell and another hardcore games, but you wouldn't play that game everyday. The last I played gow seriously was when I finished both games, though I thought they were fun as hell.

No? Brain age, wii sports, mario party 8, nintendogs, oh hell; solitaire, diminoes, checkers, chess, basket ball, all casual games by the way.

Long periods of time? I guess if you play halo, but that's just about replay value. And really, how many hardcore games out there have replay value? Bioshock is big, but when halo 3 comes out, it's yesterday's great shooter along with gears of war and other shooters.

Just like with hardcore games, if you find a game that caters to the public(wii fit?), you'll have the masses playing causual games forever.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2006
The Woodlands, Texas
And since I think GTA's overratedness is over, expect that not to happen again. GTA is good, but not THAT GOOD..
I won't be surprised if GTAIV is going to top sales charts when and after it comes out. Not very many "open-ended" games are as fun as GTA. GTAIII was big because it revolutionized the genre. State of Emergency and Driv3r were a joke, and then came the clones like Mafia and The Godfather, which were good games but not as fun. I personally think that Vice City was overrated, but not San Andreas. The gimmick of doing anything you want plus character customization and stats don't exist in any other game. Well there are, but they aren't usually weaved together in an appealing fashion. Crackdown's and Dead Rising's elements pale in comparison. The Elder Scrolls IV isn't in the same genre, but sometimes I relate it to GTA: SA.

Anyway, there's not a series with more hype than probably GTA. Almost nobody knows about online multiplayer of the GTA series, but the replay value comes from just mindlessly playing and relating the games to your friends. Once a series enjoys success, their sales usually don't dwindle. The only two that I can think of off of the top of my head are Sonic and Megaman. I sorely miss the difficulty of the early iterations of those two series, and speedrunning them was a blast.

XxVerry BerryxX

Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Halo 3 is more customizable...as of now. ;) Keep in mind the whole Special Brawl, 40+or-10 characters, more stages, more items, damage ratio option, the four game modes [stock, time, bonus, coin], and any new ones, all the event matches, all the special 1P stuff, etc. Plus ya know, we've seen like 2% of Brawl, and 50% of Halo 3. As far as we know, you can record Brawl matches in the game, play and watch them fast/slow, put them on youtube directly from your Wii, and Adventure Mode supports 4 players, etc. Smash actually has more options if you think about it. Until I put my hands on both games and play them, I'll wait and see.

That'd be sweet. Mixing OOT, elements with TP, with DKC, and with SMB3 FTW! I doubt it, but it would be cool. :)

^ Seriously, n00bs deciede who wins. N00bs, not dedicated gamers. n00bs were stocking game stores at Melee, in a event in which only Halo 2, GTA III, GTA Sand Andreas, and GTA Vice City topped, in sales and all. GTA is overrated. People don't realized the best selling games last gen went like this:

1. GTA: Vice City
2. GTA: San Andreas
4. Halo 2
5. either Melee or MGS2: Sons of Liberty.

And since I think GTA's overratedness is over, expect that not to happen again. GTA is good, but not THAT GOOD.

Woaw, ever considered 3 years from now=???? If the console sales keeping going the way they're going, the Wii will have sold around 40-60 million units in 3 years, AT LEAST. They're selling like crazy, almost as much as the DS.
Thats what I said!!! THe Wii will dominate the sales


Smash Apprentice
Sep 17, 2007
Considering the fact that Wii and 360 sales are neck-and-neck and the moment, Brawl and Halo 3, theoretically, should sell the same (give or take a few thousand). BUT, looking at the size of the Halo community vs the smash community, and taking into consideration that not everyone will buy brawl that owns a wii, i think Halo 3 will outnumber brawl

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
More isn't always better. Sakurai could add a bunch of stages like Icicle Mountain and have more stages than Halo, but that wouldn't mean a thing since the stages would suck. So far a decent number of stages have elements that will mess up gameplay, such as MK's Halberd, getting shot by cannons throughout a fight is not fun.

If I'm playing a crazy match like metal brawl with pokeballs on super high I won't care, but when I want a serious match I'd like as few interruptions as possible it won't be acceptable. [allowing us to turn off random occurrences such as cannons would be a good way to make more of the stages playable.

Correct me if I'm wrong but Halo had close to, if not more stages than Melee. I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
Source? Please? :confused:
He's making stuff up. He's trying to argue that since it hasn't been announced otherwise, those features could be in Brawl. Of course by the same logic, Master Chief and the Iron Chef Tekeshi Kaga will also be in Brawl as the ultimate tag team duo.

...that would be awesome.

Pit 42

Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2006
None of your business.
I predict Brawl will sell much better. But of course, this is coming from a Nintendo fanboy and I haven't seen a comprison of sales data between Halo 2 and Melee.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2007
North Carolina
There are more wii's out there than 360's right now...so if every owner of their system bought one, Brawl would win. I like that logic. :)

But on a more realistic note, I recommend we pay attention to the other big releases for those systems, for they might cannibalize each other. I can't really name any competition right now, but I'm sure it's there...

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
I predict Brawl will sell much better. But of course, this is coming from a Nintendo fanboy and I haven't seen a comprison of sales data between Halo 2 and Melee.
Melee has 6 million in sales while Halo 2 has like 9. Halo 1 outsold the original smash bros due to hype difference (smash was a low budget game meant to be released only in Japan). Halo 2 was even more hyped due to the first one being hyped and delivered. Same thing with Melee, but it was no nearly as hyped as Halo 2 or even one. It only sold more than the original by 1 million but the Gamecube also had less systems sold than the N64 21.5/33 million.

Due to both games being hyped even more than their previous games, both will sell more than their other games. Halo 3 is the most hyped the game followed by Brawl right now. Even though Brawl is second, it is not as mainstream hype as Halo 3. The only way the Wii can win is if they win the console race by a considerable margin against both their competition like 100 million to the others 30 million or something like that. If that happens, it is not too unreasonable to think Brawl will outsell Halo 3 but it depends on many things.

Halo 3 is more likely to sell more due to more hype and and everyone who has Xbox is going to get Halo very likely. While Brawl does have system seller written all over it unlike Melee, the usual audience of Joe Gamer might be outnumbered by casuals and non gamers on the Wii so those groups might not buy Brawl. Brawl still has a chance if Wii wins the console war thing.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Almost everybody who owned a Gamecube owned Melee. I think Smash Bros Brawl will be the same kind of game in the Wii's library. Except for that influx of casual players that Reggie keeps talking about! Hopefully they see the casual side of Brawl and get it too. Super Smash Bros. is only has hardcore as you make it, after-all. All the techniques are easy to use, there's no 8 foot long button combo's, and I think that anyone who has any interest in learning to play can. When I go to play Halo, I always feel intimidated by the competition who has played for years, and I don't stand a chance (so I always run for the nearest bigfoot and drive around like a maniac which I love to do.) But those same Halo junkies come to play Smash Bros, and they're as lost as I was in Halo.

Anyways, I don't know where I was going with this. I'll edit it if I remember.

Burning Lava

Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2005
Haha, these topics are always so pointless BUT, they're totally addicting! I mean, it's just fun stupid speculation.

Well, I'll say what probably lot's of people have already said. SSBB will sell more, because the Wii will have a potentially MUCH bigger install base in the end, and very nearly the same ratio of software to consoles as 360. (Speaking specifically SSBB, and H3... not ALL software.) Basically, even even if the ratio isn't the same, SSBB would have to be alot lower to sell less copies than Halo 3. Get me?

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
That reason has been disproved before. People buy Wiis for folks in nursing homes, the aren't going to get brawl. Wii is far to casual to look at raw sales figures.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2006
The Woodlands, Texas
(so I always run for the nearest bigfoot and drive around like a maniac which I love to do.) But those same Halo junkies come to play Smash Bros, and they're as lost as I was in Halo.
Haha, that made me laugh. I've never seen or heard of that nickname given to the M12 before. On that note, who here actually plays Halo 2 on the same level that you play SSBM? I'm hopeful for a few responses...


Smash Ace
Jul 6, 2007
Impact009, you're asking that on a Smash Bros. forum. what do you think the answer will be?

Anyway, as climactic and finale-like as Halo 3 is going to be, all I really care about in that game is whether or not the aliens lose..

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Impact, I would if I could, but I don't have a 360 or normal Xbox and my friend that does lives far away and his mom is pretty strict, not to mention he has 2 annoying cousins that kill any chance of getting a decent game, they like to give away positions.

I have only played Halo mlg style a few times, but it's pretty cool once you know how to play a little.

ARX-7 Arbalest

Smash Journeyman
Aug 13, 2007
Temple Hills, Maryland or University of MD, Baltim
halo 3 obviously but in terms of the wii, i believe that ssbb will be the highest selling wii game at least until the next zelda. most wii owners that i kno are waiting for one game, it wasnt mario strikers, it wasnt MP3, its not mario galaxy, its ssbb and im willing to bet it will be the top-selling wii game like ssbm was for the gcn


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
This is one of the worst threads I`ve ever seen. Why does it have 4 stars when it should be locked? All I see is stupid smash fanboys who make even the halo fanboys look good.


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2006
Nowhere, Ontario
Halo: Copy and paste everything from Halo 2, add a couple uncreative maps and weapons, spruce up the graphics, and replace Halo 2's story mode with Halo 3's.

Brawl: Improve old characters, add new ones, add new combat tactics, implement many different story modes into a collective plot, include plenty of nostalgia from previous titles with brand new elements.
somebody's prejudice.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Like the title says, which do you think will sell better.

But here's the twist:

Which do you think will be sold to more real gamers and not just the Halo fanboys who don't play any other videogame than Halo?
halo will sell more(at least initially(likely in the long run too))
but nintendo pretty much owns the real hard core(though that is kinda changing)so they will likely get the most real gamers


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
halo will sell more(at least initially(likely in the long run too))
but nintendo pretty much owns the real hard core(though that is kinda changing)so they will likely get the most real gamers
If you think Nintendo has the hardcore gamers, you're delusional.

@ Kent - Quote from Gamestop:

"Microsoft Halo 3 Limited Edition Xbox 360 ships on September 14th. Available in stores September 16th. Limit one per household. Click Here for a list of Xbox 360 compatible original Xbox games!"


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
If you think Nintendo has the hardcore gamers, you're delusional.

@ Kent - Quote from Gamestop:

"Microsoft Halo 3 Limited Edition Xbox 360 ships on September 14th. Available in stores September 16th. Limit one per household. Click Here for a list of Xbox 360 compatible original Xbox games!"
i am goinf to have to argue that,anyone remember the official gamespot retrospective on the NES(that about as nerdy as it gets),or the 1up embarrasing stories article(they werent talking about halo), what about the ign people(there imfamous for giving sony and MS game bad reviews(even worse than usual). i am not saying that all gamers are nintendo fanboys(like the C64 people) there just a good chuck of them


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
i am goinf to have to argue that,anyone remember the official gamespot retrospective on the NES(that about as nerdy as it gets),or the 1up embarrasing stories article(they werent talking about halo), what about the ign people(there imfamous for giving sony and MS game bad reviews(even worse than usual). i am not saying that all gamers are nintendo fanboys(like the C64 people) there just a good chuck of them
Well you're wrong, they've done polls and such, and a WAY higher of people who consider themselves hardcore have 360's than Wii's. The Wii nad 90% of it's games are built for casual gamers. Even the Gamecube left us in the dust with horrible third party support, and the Wii isn't much better.


Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
Well you're wrong, they've done polls and such, and a WAY higher of people who consider themselves hardcore have 360's than Wii's. The Wii nad 90% of it's games are built for casual gamers. Even the Gamecube left us in the dust with horrible third party support, and the Wii isn't much better.
i dont think i could count how many people i have meet that considered themselves hardcore just because they liked GTA and halo(where was this poll anyway)i will agree that right now the 360 is ahead, but i am talking about the whole run of nintendos(there thousands of NES,SNES,N64,etc diehards)
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