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Which will sell better: Halo 3 or SSBB?


Smash Master
Aug 26, 2007
What this thread is underestimating about Wii is the other great games coming out...

Sonic and Mario at the Olympics
Super Mario Galaxy
and Metroid Prime 3
are all 3 going to draw new customers to get wiis.... then Smash Bros come.

I actually think Super Mario Galaxy has a great chance to sell out both Halo and SSBB if they can get to Super Mario 64 popularity (too bad Nintendo sucks at advertising... back in day they were good).
Not combined but both Halo and SSBB.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2006
Orlando, Florida
volbound1700, please don't double post. Remember, you can edit your posts and add stuff in and such.

You do bring up some notable points though. I mean Galaxy and Prime 3 are highly anticipated games along with Halo 3 and SSBB. If Wii sales increase, as I imagine they will, and those people still have 50 bucks to spend a few months near CHRISTMAS time...

SSBB just needs to go into the hands of everyone with a Wii and boom: SSBB>Halo 3.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Mario Galaxy has so little hype I doubt It'll even beat Halo 2. I'm one of the people who aren't interested in it. The Mario formula is very old, no matter what you do with it.

Blank, most people bought Wii because it was about motion sensing. Stuff like Wii sports and Wii play and wii this and wii that got wii such high sales. The old folks that bought Wiis aren't going to buy brawl, they just want to play wii sports and wii fit [when it comes out] since they can't do it the old fashioned way.


Smash Cadet
Sep 17, 2007
Right behind you. seriously!
i'd bet by may of '08 almost everyone who has a wii will have brawl, and everyone who has a 360 will have at least 1 copy of halo 3. >_> so unless wii sells another 10 million consoles by the end of next spring, halo will win in sales.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006

Wii is now a casual console, not every Wii owner wants to play a fighting game, not every wii owner wants explosions and twitch reaction games. If this was the case Nintendo would have sold a helluva lot more GC units last gen.

Nintendo has reformed itself, just look at the ads for their games. They are putting their money into this whole casual business. Remember E3? Nintendo showed more wiifit that Brawl, Mario Kart wii or Mario Galaxy.

Wiifit. Who is wiifit geared to? Casual audiences.


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2007
19th ave &amp; Ocotillo rd

Wii is now a casual console, not every Wii owner wants to play a fighting game, not every wii owner wants explosions and twitch reaction games. If this was the case Nintendo would have sold a helluva lot more GC units last gen.

Nintendo has reformed itself, just look at the ads for their games. They are putting their money into this whole casual business. Remember E3? Nintendo showed more wiifit that Brawl, Mario Kart wii or Mario Galaxy.

Wiifit. Who is wiifit geared to? Casual audiences.
I don't see why people are down on Nintendo tending to casual gamers. I mean, it's a strategy that's working for the most part. If anything, Nintendo should leave 3rd party publishers to hit on the prime gamers list. That way they'd have a better chance at hooking more 3rd party with real intent on developing.

It just seems like "Casual gamers", is a taboo. "Harder gamers" even 5 years ago was taboo. I mean, who've heard of a person blending their lives with videogames as forerunner to a social life? That just wasn't done.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2006
The Woodlands, Texas
They both cater to casual gamers, but within their genres, I think Halo 3 will appeal to FPS fans, while Brawl probably won't cater to as many hardcore fighting game players as Halo would to hardcore FPS players. There's also the fact that most PC FPS players tend to stick to CS and Battlefield 2. Halo imo has been the best FPS series ever for console, but it doesn't match up to other FPS when played on the PC, simply because it was made for console play. UT and CS sucked balls on XBox compared to Halo 2. I'll stick to playing them with a mouse and keyboard and playing Halo with a gamepad. There really isn't anything "easier" or "harder" than something else, considering difficulty is based on your effectiveness versus your opponent's.

There's also the fact that FPS and Microsoft in general aren't as popular in Japan. Japan will be a huge market for Brawl, and probably one of the smallest markets for Halo 3. Have you ever played a FPS with somebody in Japan? They don't know how to use dual joysticks at all... Halo 2 outsold Melee in Europe and Australia. This is due to Halo 2's online play, and the Gamecube's lack of popularity.

Imo as a gamer, I chose to make my investment on the XB360. This is because of Halo 2, Gears of War, BioShock, Halo 3, and GTAIV. BioShock for the PC has problems with AVG and installation in general, until Dark Coder came on the scene. I'd prefer BioShock on the XB360 to save myself the hassle and be able to play an awesome game. I know for a fact that I would only play Brawl on the Wii, and the only thing else that would really appeal to me would be Metroid Prime 3 and the Virtual Console games. The only problem with VC is that I have all of the VC games that I would want to play.

Sure the Wii's recent sales are outperforming the XB360's (at least in the U.S. and Japan; I don't know about other regions' consoles sales), but newer items will have newer sales. Take into account the fact that the XB360 has been out for nearly two years, while the Wii is only coming up on its one year mark. Less people are going to by the XB360 because many consumers already own it. Sure the Wii will catch up, but I think Halo 3's going to have a bigger burst of sales in the U.S. than Brawl would.

Brawl's release date is closer to the holiday season than Halo 3's is, so that's also a factor.

Ultimately, for people who will want to play both games (like me), they're going to get both. Hell, I don't have a Wii right now, but I know I'll eventually buy it to play Brawl...and a router haha. A key point would be multiplayer. Sure, Brawl has online play, but anybody who isn't your friend is completely anonymous, and there's no ranking system. There's a lack of sense of knowing how well you compare to others, but I'm happy there's no ranking system. Rankings = cheaters. That's not to say there won't be cheaters, that there will be certainly less.

Back on topic, Halo 3 offers more than just simple multiplayer. Online co-op is something that the community has wanted for a long time (co-op speed runs anybody?), and the Forge offers something extra for those with creative minds. Sharable maps, not to mention good user-developed maps will be added to playlists, the ability to take special screen shots, and wide-scale team play. Let's face it, most people rather play with their friends against others than playing against each other. My biggest gripe with Brawl is the lack of VoIP. So...it's a mute player playing against another mute player. I can't even say something like, "Good game." No VoIP, so where's my **** keyboard? Oh wait, I can't use that either, shucks.

Halo 3's the end of the trilogy and actually has a plot, so those who actually have deep knowledge of the story besides that **** offered in Halo 2, well, this is the end after all. Bestsellers for Halo books say something right there.

This is all a very, very long opinionated post; sorry haha. My opinion? I think it's going to be **** close and can go either way. I'm going to lean over to Halo 2 though, because these two games will depend on multiplayer. I see Halo 3 offering more multiplayer content than Brawl is atm.

On another note, as a reply to some of the posts I've seen in this thread... For those people who think Halo 2 doesn't take as much skill (people won't directly say it but they're patronizing it), well, maybe you should experience the pro metagame of whatever you're comparing. Most of the time when I see comparisons about how deep a game is, such statements are based on observations from a spectator's view, and not onf one who actually has played to a high level. I don't think any modern competitive games are deeper than others, since how you play is completely up to you. If you can't do something to win, then you just suck, not because the game "isn't deep enough" for you. If it's too easy, then why don't you go play better people? Speculation shouldn't be represented as fact.


Smash Cadet
Jul 4, 2007
I think that Halo is implied to be a 1 player game n since the 2nd one the multi player mode became very popular. It's the other way around 4 SSB, the multiplayer was first, and now a longer, more in depth 1 player mode is called for. But SSBB has def. beefed up both it's multi player mode and done a complete overhaul of it's 1 player mode from what it looks. For SSBB there should be Classic, Subspace, All Star, Training, Event Matches, and Multi Man Melee's against wire-frame characters. So I think it's safe to say Brawl fans will have their hands full.

Hype wise I think SSBB actually has been hyped more online and while Halo has a commercial I think from a NES fan's perspective NES fans are anticipating SSBB more than Microsoft fans r anticipating Halo 3.

Yet again I don't even know why I'm entertaining the idea, I can't wait 4 Brawl either way!!!!

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
HALO 3 it even gets better tourny turnouts.
If I said I was giving people large monetary payouts for my choice of competition, i'm sure lots of people would even go to cow sh** eating tournaments...

but anyways... why do people care which one sells more? Is it gonna change your personal gaming experience with your favorite? Do people wanna have d**k measuring contests with their friends?

Games are games. When I'm tired of playing brawl, I will go to my friend's house and play Halo 3. And vice versa...

Simple as that. The whole console argument is stupid. Just play whichever one u like more or play both.

If you're a fan of either FPS or fighting, your choice should be pretty clear.

Typical convo with an ignorant console fanboy (TCF)

Me: I sure can't wait for brawl to come out
TCF: oh yeah? Well _____ will be so much better.
Me: yeah that game looks like fun too. I might come over and play it if you're getting it.
TCF: yeah!! Cuz NO one is gonna come and play STUPID brawl with you...
Me: umm...ok.. If you say so.
TCF: yeah praise _____!!! Cuz _____ is your master!!
Me: well everyone's entitled to their own opinion
TCF: it's not just MY opinion!! It's THE WORLD'S OPINION!!! Look at my fanboy drool. j00 d0n' hav3 teh fanb0ii dr00l
Me: I gotta go I'll see ya around
TCF: _____ is my savior!!!!!!11ONEjuan


Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Scissors, if you don't like this topic, don't post here. We arent' being fanboys, just having a debate. So take your crap and don't let the door hit you on the way out.


Smash Master
Jul 4, 2007
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Well, it's been said before. Even though the Wii's sold more than the 360 recently, it's mainly by soccer moms and they elderly, and I'm sure they don't wanna play Smash Bros... heck, not even Zelda.

But 360 purchasers are most likely gonna get Halo 3. So... still going for Halo 3.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I don't see why people are down on Nintendo tending to casual gamers. I mean, it's a strategy that's working for the most part. If anything, Nintendo should leave 3rd party publishers to hit on the prime gamers list. That way they'd have a better chance at hooking more 3rd party with real intent on developing.

It just seems like "Casual gamers", is a taboo. "Harder gamers" even 5 years ago was taboo. I mean, who've heard of a person blending their lives with videogames as forerunner to a social life? That just wasn't done.
Casual games aren't that great. They don't last long, they don't take much thought, are just aren't as wholesome as other games.

Look at wii sports. How many people do you hear saying 'I gonna play Wii sports now, it's so awesome', even though it was out for over a year? It's casual, no one is going to consistently play a casual game for such a long period of time.

Casual gamers don't buy 'hardcore' games either, therefore the figures are spoiled.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
You (pro Smash sales) argue that not only %50 (or some other made up number) of 360 owners want Halo. A random sampling of 360 players and Wii players would likely reveal that more 360 owners want Halo than wii owners want Brawl. Why?

As RedEx has mentioned the Wii is a casual console. You didn't think the Wii outsold the 360 in a year because Nintendo is just so awesome did you? No, it's because they are reaching more people than the 360 is. The fact that the Wii is a casual console should have been evident when the release of Prime 3 saw a drop in Wii sales rather than a rise. The casuals have been without their killer app for too long. On the other side of the fence the majority of 360 owners will be into shooters and what bigger shooter releasing this year than Halo 3?

The argument of 'how many hardcore fans will buy each game' is rather silly. You might be suprised to learn this but there are casual smash players just as there are casual Halo players. How do you expect to measure this?


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Well, it's been said before. Even though the Wii's sold more than the 360 recently, it's mainly by soccer moms and they elderly, and I'm sure they don't wanna play Smash Bros... heck, not even Zelda.

But 360 purchasers are most likely gonna get Halo 3. So... still going for Halo 3.
Melee sold 7 million units. It pwned Halo 1, which sold 4 million. Halo 2 sold 9 million, all because of online. The Wii is going to outsell the 360, and already is. Casual players love SSB Melee, and same with Halo. It comes down to which system sells more, and that is the Wii. So I think in the longrun Brawl could and probably will outsell Halo 3 if the Wii keeps selling like this. Because Melee and Halo 2 were to two biggest n00b attracting games last period [with multiplayer]. PERIOD.


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Tough Call

I don't think retail stores plan to sell Brawl as well as they sell Halo because, for example: I went to EB games and pre-ordered my Smash Bros. We asked if they were having a midnight opening, and no, they weren't, and they said that the only game they're doing that for is Halo 3.

Personally, I'm thinking Halo 3 will win, but not by much. However, I can't completely rule out the idea of Brawl winning, because as stated many-a-times in this thread, the Wii sales have been great, the DS is pretty popular, and Nintendo's comin' back, baby.

I'm rootin' for the Big N like always.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I definately think Brawl can outsell Halo in the long run despite being outsold initially. Brawl will likely see a jump due to online play and it seems to have a longer shelf life than Halo. I was just pointing out the flaw in the 'x amount of wii owners will buy brawl' argument.


Dec 13, 2005
2.412 – 2.462 GHz
Umm... yea... Halo's gonna sell way more copies. I understand this is a forum about smash, so most people are kinda biased, but... have you SEEN the presale numbers for Halo 3?! It's past 2 million pre-orders. t could easily move 3 million in the first week it's out. It's not even going to be close.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Let me edit!

You (pro Smash sales) argue that not only %50 (or some other made up number) of 360 owners want Halo. A random sampling of 360 players and Wii players would likely reveal that more 360 owners want Halo than wii owners want Brawl. Why?

As RedEx has mentioned the Wii is a casual console. You didn't think the Wii outsold the 360 in a year because Nintendo is just so awesome did you? No, it's because they are reaching more people than the 360 is. The fact that the Wii is a casual console should have been evident when the release of Prime 3 saw a drop in Wii sales rather than a rise. The casuals have been without their killer app for too long. On the other side of the fence the majority of 360 owners will be into shooters and what bigger shooter releasing this year than Halo 3?

The argument of 'how many hardcore fans will buy each game' is rather silly. You might be suprised to learn this but there are casual smash players just as there are casual Halo players. How do you expect to measure this?
I wasn't excluding casual smashers, if that's what you thought i meant. I mean the 'new' casual. Old folks, soccer moms, the kids that want to play baseball inside their house, etc. Those are now casual, at least, to me, since I can't find a better word. I'll refer to the old casuals as normal or neutral, although normal sounds better.

I consider myself a casual Halo player, I've played against people who play with MLG rules, it's weird because I feel like a scrub, I just get the urge to john about something [although one time my controller was possessed and it caused me to look towards the ground erratically, which screwed up any chance in hell I had of headshots, which I suck at doing anyway.

The only difference hardcore gamers might make is that they might play so much the disc gets several scratches so they had to buy another copy, which is what I have to do with melee, if I ever get a Wii.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 25, 2006
Well, the game retail store obviously believe that Halo will sell alot because of the midnight openings. But I bet if SSB had those, there would be quite a crowd.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Brawl doesn't have 1 million preorders, that's a decent sign. Besides, it's too early to even talk about preorders for brawl.


Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
I wasn't excluding casual smashers, if that's what you thought i meant. I mean the 'new' casual. Old folks, soccer moms, the kids that want to play baseball inside their house, etc. Those are now casual, at least, to me, since I can't find a better word. I'll refer to them as normal or neutral, although normal sounds better.
No, I understood you just fine. The word casual pretty much means old people/moms now.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Oops I left out a couple of words in that, I forgot to say that I'm going to consider the old casuals [guys that play once in awhile] as normal players now, to avoid mixing them with the new crowd.


XxVerry BerryxX

Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
I think halo has already sold more than anything else....its not even out yet. If the mahority of Wii owners get Brawl..it will sell better. I henstly think the xbox is a better system but the Wii will dominate the sales charts

1st post!:chuckle:


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Qualicum Beach, BC
just a quick question are halo 3 tournys split screen or what... cuz if so theres screenpeakers.

and compairing a FPS to a Audience View(yes thats what i call the view in brawl) i dono.

Smash Bros is a game thats going to get updated a f load more... better character texture... people say its having a havok engine.

so i dono its a close one but smash bros never gets boring and halo does

EDIT: look at this site for the sales of all next gen systems http://www.nexgenwars.com/

XxVerry BerryxX

Smash Rookie
Sep 18, 2007
just a quick question are halo 3 tournys split screen or what... cuz if so theres screenpeakers.

and compairing a FPS to a Audience View(yes thats what i call the view in brawl) i dono.

Smash Bros is a game thats going to get updated a f load more... better character texture... people say its having a havok engine.

so i dono its a close one but smash bros never gets boring and halo does

EDIT: look at this site for the sales of all next gen systems http://www.nexgenwars.com/
i did one and it was syetm link with 8 systems


Smash Champion
Dec 1, 2006
Tennessee V_V
ssbb will be sold more in time at launch halo 3 will come out on top. the japanese market dont like microsoft much.
correct me if im wrong
It would be "doesn't"

I corrected you, sorry, my ocd wouldn't let me read any farther till I did that.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2006
The Woodlands, Texas
Most tourneys assign one team per TV. Screen-peak all you want; they're your teammates.

For replay value, Brawl has the option to customize every aspect of the fight. Halo's multiplayer community is focusing on sharing data. The Forge, online co-op, and a new screenshot camera. The lack of VoIP or a keyboard support for the Wii even now is a huge disappointment for me.

Personally, I'd think being able to develop my own content and playing it would hold higher replay value for me. I'll definitely get both games though, and buy a Wii just for Brawl (just like how I originally bought a 360 just for Halo 3). Casuals are going to buy whatever is coming out for their game console. People I know who own XBs and XB360s all have a copy of Halo 2, and people I know who own a GCN or Wii all have a copy of SSBM.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not a "Halo fanboy" as some of you people would call it. I prefer playing Smash with my friends, but they got bored of always losing and made the switch back to Halo. I still ***** them anyway in score and kill to death ratios, but at least they don't have to play against me. Lame excuse...

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Halo has way more customization than brawl, that is for sure.

Had a cool match where someone shot 3 warthogs with one spartan laser? Record it

Got problems with the way items spawn in certain maps? Use forge and have it your way.

Want to play Zombie? [where one person, the zombie kills the 'survivors' and turns them into zombies until only one person is left, this was an idea sparked by a player, bungie worked it into the game btw] Now you can without having to deal with asshats that don't want to follow the rules.

Want to blast through online co-op with 4 people? Go ahead

Brawl has more customization now, but it pales in comparison to Halo. I'm not a halo fanboy or a smash fanboy so it's easy to see things as they are. If you think SSBB is more customizable you are fooling yourself.

P.S. Not directed to anyone.


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Panama(Central america)
Well, t6aking in consideration recent numbers.... is kinda obvious that Halo will give Brawl it butt handed with mnermelade on sales.

.....2 million pre-orders------------ against not even the million (brawl).............. its just too much fellas!.

Im very sure that Brawl will be one. if not the most succesfull title on Wii, it will even surpass by far Melee´s record of 7 or more millions................ but witnessin Halo 3 heroics.............. it hink we are at the verge of some awfully ridiculous sells in the first week of Halo 3.

I think now that we have a winner here. At least in the near future.




Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Qualicum Beach, BC
dude lol u can play zombie in Smash bros 2.. u got more cutomization in brawl... what attacks u use... what colors you want more stages different combos.

Smash is way more fun. honestly i dont remember a time in halo were a laugh or cheer as much as i do with smash. honestly get like 6 friends over loosers pass or whatever good times good times

im more of a nintendo fan if i only had one game in my life it would be brawl

Edit: i think brawl will sell more in the years to come ... some people who have wiis are younger kids when i was in line to get my wii the person infront of me was buying a wii for her neace and shes 2 I MEEN COMON 2!!!!... id love my aunt to buy me one.

ohh and for the hell of it



Smash Master
May 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
dude lol u can play zombie in Smash bros 2.. u got more cutomization in brawl... what attacks u use... what colors you want more stages different combos.

Smash is way more fun. honestly i dont remember a time in halo were a laugh or cheer as much as i do with smash. honestly get like 6 friends over loosers pass or whatever good times good times

im more of a nintendo fan if i only had one game in my life it would be brawl

ohh and for the hell of it

It being more fun is entirely an opinion, but it is a FACT that Halo 3 has more customization.

What armor you use, what color that armor is, being a Spartan or an elite, different levels, already more than you said.

By the way, I'm looking forward to Brawl as much as I am Halo, but I don't like lies.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I've never heard of zombie in smash. Explain.

EDIT: Gah, I wasted my 2662th post on such a lame reply, /wrists


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Qualicum Beach, BC
well basically its free for all and timed thers one zombie... he usually pics a green color but it doesnt matter and its everyone vs him. then once the zombie kills somone there on his team till everyones on his team... then the last person killed becomes zombie and so on and so on. i played it a couple times on max time.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2005
well basically its free for all and timed thers one zombie... he usually pics a green color but it doesnt matter and its everyone vs him. then once the zombie kills somone there on his team till everyones on his team... then the last person killed becomes zombie and so on and so on. i played it a couple times on max time.
But can you do that with 16 players online with built-in support for the gametype so you don't have to rely on the honor code? I really don't think the Zombie experience in Halo is quite the same in Smash.


Smash Lord
Jul 8, 2007
Qualicum Beach, BC
i know its different but alot harder cuz stage is like

THISbigthisbigthisbigthisbigthisbigthisbigthisbigthisbigthisbig BIG
(compairing to screens)

but halo is different.. just thought id share my version of zombie


Smash Journeyman
Oct 5, 2006
The Woodlands, Texas
dude lol u can play zombie in Smash bros 2.. u got more cutomization in brawl... what attacks u use... what colors you want more stages different combos.

Smash is way more fun. honestly i dont remember a time in halo were a laugh or cheer as much as i do with smash. honestly get like 6 friends over loosers pass or whatever good times good times

im more of a nintendo fan if i only had one game in my life it would be brawl

Edit: i think brawl will sell more in the years to come ... some people who have wiis are younger kids when i was in line to get my wii the person infront of me was buying a wii for her neace and shes 2 I MEEN COMON 2!!!!... id love my aunt to buy me one.

ohh and for the hell of it

You obviously have no idea what you're talking about. More stages? You have no idea what The Forge is. Combos? You're comparing an aspect of a fighting game to something that doesn't exist in the FPS genre, (no, the "noob combo" and BXR are not combos). A comparison between fighting game combos and weapon combinations in a FPS cannot be made because they are completely different.

How do you play Zombie in Smash? Last I checked, you can't switch teams mid-battle, and you can't force a player in Smash to only hold a certain item. What I'm talking about is Zombies Versus Hunters a few years ago; good times...

I don't know how your friends play, but my friends and I have done many things that make us laugh. Often in a session, I can create 5 minutes of montage of humorous events.

In the end though, they'll both be equally fun for me.

What's harder than what? Difficulty is based upon who you're playing against.
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