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What's Your Gaming History?


Smash Master
Nov 11, 2007
Brooklyn,New York
What's your Gaming History?

So the first video Game I ever played was Sonic the Hedgehog 2 for the sega Genesis. I didn't own any consoles so I just played it at my grandma's house. I must have been in 1st grade my first time I guess. I played some other games on her system as well. These included Cool Spot, Sonic and Knuckles, and Road Rash. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 was always my favorite of course. I was pretty terrible at video games but I was a little kid so who could blame me.

In second grade I figured out that you could connect the Sonic and Knuckles cartridge to the Sonic the Hedgehog 2 cartridge. I still can't believe I managed to figure that out. It may seem obvious to some but I am still surprised that when I was 7, I connected these games and stuck it back into the system. Well now that I had done that, for those that don't know, you can now play as Knuckles in Sonic the hedgehog 2. He's able to climb up walls and stuff. i was so much better with knuckles than Sonic. I still remember in the Chemical Plant Zone, there were a billion extra lives knuckles could reach.

Come third grade, my dad told me he would buy me a game system and a couple games. I was so happy. I'm only 14 so third grade was like 2004 I believe. I wasn't up with the times and I expected to get a Sega Genesis. of course, Toys R Us didn't sell that anymore. I had to pick from 3 systems I had no idea about. I ended up going with the Gamecube. I got Super Mario Sunshine And Sonic Adventure 2 Battle i believe. That was the beginning of my Nintendo fanboyism.

My best friend at the time and still one of my good friends, Jonathan, introduced me to SSBM. I wasn't so great at it and I only played at his house. Eventually I bought it for myself and improved a lot. I still wasn't as good as he was of course. Towards the end of 5th grade or 6th grade, we heard about SSBB. i started following the dojo and everything. It was in November of 2007 that I joined SWF. I was introduced to the competitive scene and learned a lot of cool tricks for the game(wavedashing, l-Canceling). I got my wii in january 2008 I think. brawl eventually came out and I got it. I loved it. I still enjoy playing it.

In 2008 I finally gave into my friend's begging and picked up Guitar Hero 3. boy did I suck at it. I kept trying though. In about 6 months I was playing on expert. 3 more months and I could pass everything in the game on expert. I loved it. Me and my friends were always competing for fc's(full combos). Hmmm I think I got 30 fc's overall. Eventually I got a full game 5 star except for 4 or 5 songs. Last year on black friday I got myself a 360. Stupidly i got an arcade, but whatever. I also got Rock Band 2 for Christmas and I love it. I can do everything on expert guitar and a lot on expert drums. That's basically my gaming history up to today.

So i don't actually expect anyone to read that but whatever. So what's your gaming history?


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2010
WOW! the first three (paragraphs) are the EXACT same thing for me...
only difference is mine is set back one year (yes I was playing at 5).

Um, as for the rest, it was a little bit later. I wasn't introduced to Melee
until Brawl came out...

And Like wise with guitar hero (but i'm really good at simulated-type games
so it only took me about a week to play on expert).

Thats so weird because as child I had all the same games as you lol.
(well, those and some mortal kombat and street fighers)

I am secretly... a female clone of you O_o; jay kay!

Um, when I first got my own console, my friends would make fun of me
because all I would do was play video games while they had tea parties and
shizz (which is when I realized that I wasn't very feminine).

Soon (at like, 7-8 ish) I started to realize that I wanted to become a video game
designer. Of course you'd think "you say that now, but when you get older..."
but I actually kept to it. Now I'm taking college prepetory (sp) classes like C++
and java-script so I can really get the feel of video game design. When I go
to college I plan to be a video game programming major and hopefully get an
internship with Blizzard Entertainment :]


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I think I was 3 when I first got my first system.

My dad had given my mom a nintendo 64 as a gift. I remember vaguely playing super mario 64 and I was astounded. I was like WHOA!!!! My mom gave it to me and I was like 3 at the time Then the gamer in me was born. I had it for like 2 years of my life until the PS1 came out. I played it somewhat, but I didn't like the games they released for it so I stopped. So I went back to 64. Hehe I remember when I was little. I asked my parents why they named it 64. Me being a 5 year old I knew nothing about computers and technology, so they told me they tried to make the 64 exactly 64 times before they succeded in making a successful console XD. Then the gamecube came out and I remember getting my first two games. Sonic Genesis Collection and Mario Sunshine. I remember liking it, but being let down, except for melee. I remember when I got it... anyways then came the xbox 360, which I got and liked instantly, and then I got a wii about 3 years later and here I am today


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
lol all of u are so young (maybe i am getting old)

I was born in 1988 and my family had a NES and before i was able to play myself i watched my brother and father play video game.

then we got a snes and a genesis (kinda shocked we got both now that i am thinking about it) and i played many games my fav on genesis was streets of rage 2. My fav on snes i guess was zelda or donkey kong country 2

somewhere in here i had a gameboy/gameboy color and played pokemon.

Got a N64, thought graphics could not get any better (i was wrong)

My brother got a gamecube and for the 1st time instead of sharing systems i was aloud to get my own (in middle school at the time) so i got a Ps2 which was a good choice and i got into FF games around here. Next with my Ps2 i started looking into reviews for games and built up a pretty good colletion which was greatly improved when i started buying games used.

At some time when i was in high school a friend of mine gave me a gamecube and some games melee being one of them, this was the 1st smash game i owned but i had been playing both melee and 64 before this but i was not very good at ether.

went to Indiana university roomed with a ******* 1st semester so i moved in with a guy i met there 2nd semester who was very good at melee. through him and a melee club i got much better at the game but i hated the school so i transferred out

Brawl came out the next year really liked it went to some tourneys did pretty well.

then i met some others who played as well at collage and started playing with them a lot.

Got brawl+ also like that a lot.

This was a brief as i could make it but this might be a little confusiong to read since it jumps around a bit.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
I also remember getting a game boy color around 6 or so and the next year I remember getting a gba game and it wouldnt fit into my gbc. I asked my dad why didn't it and he said he bought it thinking it would. We went to wal mart and the guy said that it was a gba game and so we bought it. I remember the game. It was a Rocket Power game. The one where they are all dreaming. Extremely hard game, never finished it. Anyways I remember getting pokemon sapphire later on and traded with friends and cheated in the game using master balls cheat XD then I got a DS and lost it the day I got a PSP XD. Then I gave it away to the less fortunate and now Im stuck without a handheld..... well until I learned of emulators. And the rest is history


I paint controllers
Aug 1, 2005
Hirosaki, Japan / San Diego State
My dad bought an NES before I was born, so I remember always being able to play it or watch him play. We had the NES quite a long time before getting another system, but in the meantime I got the original Gameboy (the brick one) and played that a lot. About the time Pokemon came out, I got a Gameboy Color so I had two Gameboys, and got both Pokemon versions, so I could "catch 'em all." A little while after that, my Uncle gave me his SNES, even though the N64 had been out for a few years at least. So what ended up happening was I would buy the previous gen Nintendo system when the new one came out. So I got the N64, Cube, and Wii a couple years after they were released, usually for really cheap.

Before I got the Gamecube though, I became really interested in PC gaming, and would always hog my family computer. When I was 15 I decided to work all summer and buy my own PC. So with my own computer, I got into the world of online games, namely Counter-Strike, and the MMO Ragnarok Online. After getting a brief intro to competitive gaming with CS, I found SSBM and found out about tournaments and stuff. Luckily, I moved into a very good Smash scene in Arizona, and met a lot of really cool people there. It was also in AZ that I met LAN party enthusiasts, so having my own computer was perfect for that. Gaming has held a pretty normal place in the way I grew up, and I have met a lot of really cool people through it.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
The first game I ever got was Mario Bros/Duck Hunt for NES, then Top Gun for NES lol

The only games I ever really got really into are SF2: Special Champion Edition (6-button genesis controllers! lol) Goldeneye 64, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 for PS 1, Quake 2 for PC, and Melee.

I don't own anything newer than a cube and melee hasn't left my cube in years.


Smash Master
Sep 26, 2007
Menswear section
Aw nostalgia...

The first time I played video games was when I was really, really young. My dad bought a box full of half rate NES games. They all sucked. Except galaga.
Sooner or later I got myself an upgrade to SNES, and the first real games that I got were Super Metroid, and Super Mario World, which was the first game I ever beat. (By incredible coincidence I've learned after the fact that SMW came out on the day I was born.)

I got a PS1 eventually, and got tekken 3 first, and started playing competitively at age 6 or 7. After a while I transcended into playing Street Fighter II Turbo competitively too.
Then I stopped arond 2 years later, and got an N64 with Super Mario 64. The first time I played Smash was at a friends house playing Smash 64, but never went competitive.
I stuck with nintendo for years and I bought melee the day it came out. I never knew it was competitive until 3 years ago though... I felt really stupid.

Well then I got Halo and yeah, my competitive gene exploded. And now here I am.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
I'm 16 (17 in april) now...so thats an example of age stuff and whatnot.
I think i learned to play video games around age 3 while at my cousin's house. He had a few systems...and he let a 3 year old try to play Turok. (Well...i do love dinosaurs x3)
Around age 5 (maybe 4? idk. I was a little kid, thats all i know), I got a N64 for Christmas with Pokemon Stadium. That was the beginning of the end. My sister and myself bought assorted games (Like Kirby64!! Still LOVE that game) for a few years.
I think in 2003, my sister and myself saved up 100$ on our own to buy a gamecube and melee. Well, we werent good. At all. But we still loved to play for fun. I got Tales of Symphonia a few years later...and now Im addicted to RPGs....
Since the gamecube, i've been delving into numerous genres of games. I got my PS2 Christmas of my 7th grade year (with DDR xD)...so that definatly expanded my gaming.
And then Brawl.
My friends were keeping me informed until its release. I'd go over their houses every weekend to play and see what all the hype was about.
Then, in 2009, my friend Denzi pushed me to get serious, so I got ready for the competitive scene. First tourney is next week :3


Banned via Warnings
Nov 15, 2006
Ontario, Canada
My first video game console was a Sega Genesis and I remember playing almost every single Sonic game I could get my hands on. (Sonic 1, 2 and 3, Sonic & Knuckles)

Then I moved over to Nintendo with their awesome N64 then the Gamecube.

Now my loyalty lies with Microsoft and their Xbox 360 video game console.

Mugen Infinity

Smash Apprentice
Jul 30, 2009
Great stories guys.

I started out playing 8-bit Nintendo, SNES, and N64.... all at my friend's houses. My parents were really adamant about us holding out on video games.

My first system was a Game Boy Color in 5th grade. Played all the Pokemon games, Super Mario Deluxe, G&W Galleries, and all the movie adaption games. Think Toy Story 2, Lion King, ect. (>_<) . Then got a GBA in 8th grade. Once again, played all the Mario games, Mario Kart, Pokemon, Advance Wars, ect.

Got my first real system, Gamecube, sophomore year of high school, FINALLY. Got it with Smash Brothers Melee. Me and my brother have bought every Mario and NBA game that came out for it.

Got the DS when it came out. Bought what seems like every game that came out for it... I'm definitely a handheld person. It's in my roots I guess. The Pokemon games, Mario Kart DS, ect ect.

Then 2 years ago I bought a Wii. The only game we have for it is Brawl, but we play it at least 2 hours a week so it's still a good investment.

The game(s) that sum up my video game career are Smash Brothers Melee and Brawl, Pokemon series, and the Advance Wars series. I've played them more than anything.
I just turned 23, to give it a little perspective.


Hates Semicolons<br>;
May 18, 2009
Mass Effect Thread
I'm only 18 but reading this makes me feel so old. :(

I had a N64 and my sisters old Snes. I completed Mario 64 with all 120 stars and everything, and i've had a game from every generation of Pokemon.

I cant wait to buy Gold again this March. The 2nd gen was fantastic, probably the best one.

sammy p

Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2009
good ole illinois
the first game i ever played was Super mario 64 when i was about 3 years old. my grandma LOVED that game and i had the pleasure of watching her beat it at that age. i was amazined, and it was my turn to play. by the time i was 6, both grandma and my mom were asking me to help them with it! :laugh:

after that, i had stuck with nintendo, and nintendo ONLY, through everything. ive bought every console since then, and im known at my school as the nintendo nerd(no kidding.... but people dont mean it in a bad way at all, and i embrace the title).
i dont think ive EVER touched an Xbox controller of any kind, and i think ive only touched a Playstation controller of any kind maybe about 10 times in my life.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I don't feel like typing a wall of text, so here's a timeline!

1996 - My parents visit a friend's house, and I play my first game, Sonic the Hedgehog, on their Sega Genesis.

Between '96 and 2002 I spend a lot of time playing games on my cusin's NES

1997 - The son of a family friend moves out of the house, I get his Genesis

1999 - I get a PlayStation for Christmas

2000 - A friend of mine gets a Dreamcast, and we play it a lot from 2000-2003

2002 - I save up my money and buy a GameCube

2003 - The same friend who was previously mentioned sells his Dreamcast and gets a PlayStation 2, in that same year his older brother buys an Xbox

2005 - I get a PlayStation 2 for Chirstmas

2007 - I save up and buy a Wii

2008 - I get a PlayStation 3 as a reward for having incedibly high grades.

2009-2010 - I take an interest in older games, and I spend $20 on a used Dreamcast. I also take serious advantage of the Virtual Console.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
Orlando, Sarasota, Tampa (FL)
Sonic Spinball for Genesis was the first game I remember playing (it was my older cousins). The first game that was mine was Donkey Kong for game boy (got it when the pocket came out). I was also introduced to some Megaman on NES when I was pretty little, and I always had a couple games to love at some time or another throughout my life.


Smash Master
Jun 17, 2009
the first game i ever played was Super mario 64 when i was about 3 years old. my grandma LOVED that game and i had the pleasure of watching her beat it at that age. i was amazined, and it was my turn to play. by the time i was 6, both grandma and my mom were asking me to help them with it! :laugh:

after that, i had stuck with nintendo, and nintendo ONLY, through everything. ive bought every console since then, and im known at my school as the nintendo nerd(no kidding.... but people dont mean it in a bad way at all, and i embrace the title).
i dont think ive EVER touched an Xbox controller of any kind, and i think ive only touched a Playstation controller of any kind maybe about 10 times in my life.
LOL Why would your Grandma need help with the game if she beat it?

Anyway, I started out playing the NES with Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt abd Super Mario Bros 3.

After a few years, I also got a Sega Genesis as a present which came with 6-Pak (Which I mostly played Sonic 1 on) and Power Ranger, then a few months later I got a N64 with Mario Kart 64.

Later on, Melee and the Gamecube were released and I bought both that and Sunshine, by 2006 I had about thirty games (after also getting a Game Boy Advance (I wasn't interested in handheld gaming when the original Game Boy was the "new thing") And then I went on a collecting spree, collecting more than one hundred games, all for the Sega Genesis or Nintendo Systems, as well as buying an SNES (which, for some reason, I had skipped out on).

So that's what I have to say, nearly 20 years of gaming, and (for the most part) I loved it!


Hail to the King
Nov 28, 2009
Getting bodied at the nearest local
Hmmm, the Pumpkin King's love for Nintendo goes awhile back while he was still living.
You see, when i was a wee lad, @ 3 years of age, my grandma(we call her meemaw) gave me a Super Nintendo Entertainment System for Christmas (oh, how i love Christmas...). She also bought two games; Super Mario World, and Super Adventure Island. Now i had heard much talk about the plucky plumber so my mind chose this first. I fell in love with this game no matter how terrible i was (which, i have to exploit, was actually good for a 3 year old).
I bought a few more games for the snes, most of them Disney related(let me just add, the Disney videogames for SNES were most splendid and epic). They seemed excellent as well, but i never like any as much as Super Mario World.

Then i purchased Super Mario All Stars. This contained many different Mario games. My once beating heart sprang with joy. Then i, along with my father, found Super Mario Kart, and played it many many times.(i have purchased it on virtual console recently)

Then, 2 years later, i came upon the N64 one magical Christmas(oh, how i DO love Christmas....). my first game for it was Super Mario 64. Seeing another Mario game, now in 3-D, i immediately started playing. I finally beat it when i was 9 or so. I soon learned who made all the magic games such as Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Pokemon, and others that i loved so much. None other than the great Nintendo.
On my 7th birthdate, i was given Super Smash Brothers. I had played the game at my friends manor earlier that year. I was overjoyed and couldn't wait to use DK(he was the largest so he appealed to me). I was soon to discover that Pikachu was my main.

In the Christmas(oh, it never ceases to amaze, wonderful Christmas) of 2001, i received a marvelous Gamecube. Alongside it was Super Smash Brothers Melee and a Memory Card. At the sight of it i was incredibly joyful. I had rented Melee along with a GCN in the past. At that time, we had no Memory card. Now that we could unlock the secret fighters of the marvelous game, my thumbs were nonstop on the controller. I read somewhere in an article of a cheat magazine that Mewtwo was a secret character. I was almost baffled why they would put such a powerful being into the game as a playable character. Nevertheless, i saw that one had to accomplish completing 700 matches. I was put into despair. I believed i would never unlock my favorite Pokemon.
One fateful day, i was playing my little sibling, and won again. I was Luigi(my worst character, i don't even recall why i was using him) and CHALLENGER APPROACHING. I saw, could it be i got my wish? What's This? What's this? it was the silhouette of Mewtwo. I was alittle afraid that my terrible Luigi wouldn't stand up to the challenge. my bones were shaking. I actually defeated him thanks to a well placed overload of side-B. then i unlocked Mr. G&W later. This series has always held a special place in my bones because it combined all the series i loved into an epicly splendid fighter.

Over the years my classmates recognized me as the gaming nerd, the mister who loves Nintendo. I used to actually dislike this title. However, i take pride in it now of course.
In 3rd grade, i became friends with two great gentlemen, Brawler17, and PyroChameleon. It just so happened that fate struck seeing how they loved Nintendo also.

we stuck with Nintendo vowing never to buy the competition system (Xbox). However, i have owned a Playstation and Playstation 2 @ one age and was pleased with their performance.

Here i am today, undead, still loving the glorious Nintendo 100%. I cannot wait to see what Miyamoto and the company has in store for the future.
-The Pumpkin King


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
she only had trouble with a couple stars, and things like wall jumping

she could do it if she TRIED long enough, but eventially she got flustered hahah
Lol my mom was the same way.

I really loved the super nintendo. All of the Mario and Loony Toon games were epic. And balloon fight of course.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 30, 2002
Ahh. I was first introduced to games with the NES and Megadrive (you Americans call it the Genesis right?) when I was about two. My first ever game being the first Sonic. I got absoloutly hooked to it! After I started playing the other major titles and some crappy kiddy games with being little and all lol.

It wasn't long after that I got more game consoles and add ons. I got the Sega 32x and CD add on, but only played a few games on that (Sonic CD, Mortal Kombat, Earthworm Jim are the first that pop in my head). Along with a few other minor and unfamiliar consoles, these got boring quickly...

My dad has his own gameshop (yeah, it's still running). I was able to get pretty much every game whenever I wanted! When the Nintendo 64 and PS1 came out, I was addicted once again at the age of four'ish. Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Castlevania, Banjo Kazooie/Tooie, SSB64, Crash Bandicoots, FF's, Ape Escape and many more blew my mind! I remember me thinking "Oh my god! How can games and graphics get any better than this". I was right to think that, of course. It was mostly a great time for gamers. I also had the Sega Saturn, but unfortunately (yeah, I'm a big fan of Sega) it died...! It was the same situation with the Megadrive's add ons, though. A small amount of good games and the rest being rather bad. My favourites were Nights into Dreams, Virtua Fighter 2, Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force, and Burning Rangers.

With my dad owning his own gameshop, I had access to pretty much every game. I occasionally played the handhelds, mostly the Gameboy, but just couldn't get into it. It wasn't too bad for journies, though.

I was about 9 or 10 when the Dreamcast was released. I really, really enjoyed this and was my favourite as of yet. It had some real classics that I still enjoy today. I was/am hooked to both Sonic Adventures, Shenmue, PSO, Soul Calibur, Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio, House of the Dead, Skies of Arcadia and so much more! The online play was amazing at the time too. I never thought I'd have seen the day lol. Yeah, sadly thee SegaNet servers were all shut down as we all know, but there's still some private servers and methods for accessing aaan internet browser. Heck, I still play PSO online and there's usually 500-800 other players always online!

I was pretty much a teenager now. I was still with the Dreamcast, but had been introduced to the PS2, Xbox and Gamecube. The Xbox didn't quite cut it out for me and I dislike Microsoft anyway. I sold this pretty fast. The Gamecube was ok. I only got it for the Nintendo exclusives of course, though. I still play this most as of today, with SSBM, SADX, LoZ:WW and TP mainly. I bring out a few others occasionally, but meh, that's pretty much it. I'd class the two Zelda games as occasionally pretty much too though lol. The PS2 was undoubtfully the best of the three, especially with the built in DVD player at the time lol. It had some of my favourite games and I'm still playing it reguarly. I've recently got back into Guilty Gear and I've gotta say, it's pulling me away from Smash slightly... :/. lol, though at the time, I never got competitive or serious with any games. I'm competitive now ofc though. I attend local smash tournaments frequently (around two a month) and plan to attend something like Apex or Genesis soon for SSBM. I'm competitive in a few Sonic games; the two adventures and the first few of em. I even hold some WR's!

I became agoraphobic/clausterophobic (not sure on the difference) and anorexic whilst a teenager. I left school for a while and did my work at home due to it. Don't wanna go into details on this really, but this is actually what got me competitive. I'd go on the internet more for random stuff about my games. I found this place and learned most of the advanced techniques from here for SSBM. I learnt about the Sonic Center and went there to learn all of the shortcuts, glitches, tech stuff to improve my times etc. I also started collecting games lol.

I'm a lot better now and unfortunately this is mostly the contrary for the state of gaming today. Nintendo pretty much gave up on us for the cash for the Wii so little kids can play with their mom. The rest of it is a mixture; multiplayer games that are fun with friends like Brawl (yep I said it) or Mario Kart, cheap and cheesy companies making quick games for cash such as the Carnival game, action/fighting games that beg to not use the WiiMote, an average to decent Mario platformer, or something like Wii Sports that's only fun and interesting for a few days. I'm probably gonna sell it today. A local store is offering £60 for them.

The X360 started off really well in sales but have been going down recently (or so I've heard). With CoD: MWF 2 being recently released and to be combined with a rushed in for christmas Halo game (they're all overrated anyway, IMO), sales should go up easy. I hate Microsoft so much, but I've still got three of these in my house! They're mostly there for multiplayer use when friends/family come round. I'll probably sell them before they break anyway (I've gone through 7). It's like I got them because nobody else wanted to play SSB/SSBM, Quake, Mario Kart 64, Goldeneye etc or any off my favourite multiplayer games. Everyone wanted to play Halo and Call of Duty. I'll probably keep one for my little brother. The other two can go. Sorry, I'm going on here lol...

The PS3! It's slowly rising up, which I'm happy for. Sony really deserves it. I prefer this out of the main three right now for the exclusives and free online play. To be honest I'm mainly using it to still play PS1 games though lol.

Same as before, I'm not into the handhelds and don't expect to be. There's still a few gems, but nothing that interests me majorly...

Here we are. At a point where many gaming to be considered at one of it's worst points ever, whereas the other and smaller amount of people think it's better for the decent online play, better graphics etc. I play my olddschool games a lot more than I do the Wii/360/PS3 tho. One thing I miss is a challenge though. Games are so easy nowadays...Well, what do I currently own. Besides the three major consoles, I've a Dreamcast, Megadrive and the two add ons, Japanese Sega Saturn, Gamecube, DS, broken PSP that I'll fix then sell, PS2, modded Nintendo 64, Japanese Dreamcast, two PC's, NTSC N64, laptop I got for xmas lol, and a SNES.

I'm obviously not gonna list every game I own...actually, I will do that:.......nah only joking lol. I do have a collection for my Dreamcast and N64 though:

I own 222 PAL Dreamcast games and 7 Japanese ones. I'm not sure on the total amount in existence since I dunno if it's official to count demos or not. Some lists have and some haven't. I still need to find out.

I own 257 PAL N64 games, 21 Japanese games (got two more a few days ago), and three NTSC games.

So...is anyone actually gonna read this lol? Not like anyone cares, but at the mmoment I'm trying to beat some of my WR's on SADX, ATTEMPTING sub 2:45 OoT speed runs (figuring out new routes), starting a new FFXII save from scratch and plan to reach max lvl, and playing PSO online about once every two weeks. Besides the one-two tournaments a month...COLLEGE.... :(. I also will be getting another copy of Super Mario RPG. My other waas stolen! I'll be starting a new YouTube channel soon and expect to upload a lot of videos and be really active for it. I also am working on a SSBM statistics list for PAL, similar to M2K's. I might release it, but I dunno if it'd be enough of importance to anyone, especially with it being based on PAL. I assure you it's more for quality than quantity though (eventhough it's slightly bigger than M2K's so far)...sorry I'm really getting off track here...

Woah! I typed all this... /post


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2009
ON, Canada
NES - no longer have was given away to relative. Played about 10 different games even though I had those "700 in one" game cartridges.

SNES - still have, played Super Street Fighter II, Killer Instinct, Donkey Kong Country, Super Adventure Island, All Stars Mario + Super Mario World.

PSX - still have, played many games, more notable ones like Tekken 3, GT, GT2, Einhander (which I totally miss), Point Blank 2 (with a controller lol), Rampage: Through Time, Bomberman World, Crash Bandicoot: Warped, Crash Team Racing, and Crash Bash.

PS2 - r.i.p. played games like GT3, GT4, Burnout 3: Takedown, Burnout Revenge,Flipnic Pinball, Killzone, Black, GTA3, War of the Monsters, and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2.

Wii - still have it, played Wii Sports, Sports Resort, Warioware: Smooth Moves, Mario Kart, Brawl, Rock Band 2, F-Zero GX and hopefuly will have time to play Metroid Prime, Prime 2 Echoes, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, replay Auto Modellista, Pikmin 1 & 2.

PS3 - got last month, been playing what came with my bundle: Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ratchet & Clank: Crack in Time, Little Big Planet: Game of the Year Edition. Also playing Street Fighter IV and Burnout Paradise.


Smash Lord
Jul 16, 2009
Makin movies makin songs &amp; FIGHTIN ROUND THE W
Growing up, I was a huge tomboy. I hated anything girly, so I played video games instead. I was playing SNES games when I was 5 years old. I played stuff like Super Mario Bros. 3 and Adventure Island II (which, sadly, nobody seems to remember except me). At the same time I had a Sega Genesis and was playing Sonic the Hedgehog 1-3, Pacman, and Sunset Riders. In 4th grade I was so stoked because Nintendo 64 had just come out and I was going to get Super Mario 64 and Yoshi's Story. We used to go to Blockbuster and rent different games all the time. That's how I was introduced to the Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. One of my friends at the time also introduced me to Super Smash Brothers, and I was obsessed with that game until I got a Gamecube and SSBM. I'd play different games over the years (mostly Mario) and finally got a Wii and Brawl in 2008. I stuck mostly with Nintendo games and never really wanted to play other game systems until two years ago when my friend introduced me to Kingdom Hearts for the PS2. I loved it so much I had to get a PS2 and KH1 and KH2. So far, I haven't touched an XBox.


Smash Champion
Jun 19, 2007
Syracuse, NY
the first game i remember playing was chrono trigger and super mario world for snes.
since then ive been playing most games on all systems, ive owned every major system since the snes and played everything i could get! today i now own a wii , a DS and a ps3 and i play all three systems all the time.


Smash Rookie
Nov 3, 2008
I had my first contact with video games at the age of 5-6 years. My older brother bought a Game Boy with some games for me.
I played for some time, but I didn't like it, maybe the games were too difficult, don't know^^

When I was over to my friend's house, he played Super Mario 64 and was doing this magma level with bowsers blurred face of lava kind of thing in the picture... That scared the hell out of me, and I didn't dare to walk over the street in the dark to get back home... It really was like only 20 seconds to walk, but I was just too scared xD

Some time later I got my N64 with Smash 64 and Pokemon Stadium 1 after I've played it at a friend's.
When the GC came out, I bought Melee at once and had a lot of fun with other Nintendo games like Mario Kart and others...except Zelda, I loved the games, but was too scared to play them. I was an avid Pokemon player back then too.
I didn't know anything about a competitive scene until I heard of Brawl coming out. I visited the Dojo, somehow found Smashwiki in the process and ended up here. Before its release I was starting to play Melee with some kind of awareness of what I was doing, but Brawl quickly took over.


Smash Lord
Jan 21, 2010
In NY, losing The Game (constantly)
I can't really remember how old I was when I got the SNES. I got hooked to my cousin's and I would always cry when I had to leave because I wanted to play more. My parents eventually got me and my brother the SNES and we usually played the Mario All Stars game and a couple of others, such as the Star Wars games, Super Metroid, and Duck Hunt. When the N64 came out, I was still hooked to Star Wars, so we bought a bundle pack with Star Wars Rogue Squadron and Pod Racers. After those came along Ocarina of Time, Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, Majora's Mask, Battle Tanks, etc. I have played the original Super Smash, but never owned it. We would also get a Playstation playing Spyro and Crash Bandicoot games most of the time, with a little bit of Megaman Legends. Sometime in between, I believe, my brother and I received Gameboy Pockets and got Pokemon along with them. My parents themselves were addicted to Tetris. When we begged our parents to, we got Gameboy Colors as a Christmas present and Pokemon Gold and Silver (Later on, Crystal would become another Christmas gift). Other games were the Link's Awakening and the Oracle games. When the GCN was released, the first games we got for it were Pikmin, Super Monkey Ball, and Luigi's Mansion. Later we would get Melee because we remembered how fun the original was. When I got re-hooked to Star Wars, the next game in the Rogue Leader series came out and I had to have it, as well as the third when it was released. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle, Wind Waker, the Timesplitters series, and the Metroid Prime Series are some notable games we played constantly. Gameboy Advance was a present for one summer vacation. First games were: Super Mario Advance and Rayman Advance. Advance Wars was, and still remains to be, one of the only games I can actually go back to (I eventually found myself on a forum for online Advance Wars). Of course, we had to have the Pokemon games, so we did get them (Ruby, Sapphire, and Fire Red only though), and sometimes connected with Colosseum just to battle in 3-D. The GCN and GBA so far have the highest count of the games we have in total. Then the Wii came along and we were hooked to motion controls. Around this time, I had heard about Brawl so me and my brother decided to look it up. We practically couldn't wait, visiting the Smash Dojo site everyday. Before that, Twilight Princess is the only game I can actually remember playing before we got Brawl. Then, tragedy struck. The day Brawl was released, we took the disc and inserted into the Wii. "Sorry. Disc cannot be read." I don't think I've ever felt so pissed in my entire life. When we found out we had to send it to Nintendo of America, we got everything ready to send our Wii and Brawl. I kept the instruction booklet just to see Ike's moveset, and a couple of other things. He was to be the first character I would play as. Ever since Marth and Roy from Melee, I got hooked to Fire Emblem, getting the seventh game when it came out. I would also eventually get Sacred Stones, then Path of Radiance. I don't really know, but there was just something about Ike that I liked. He was my favorite FE character. I loved PoR so much, it's the only FE game I have ever beaten at least 5-6 times (4 times in Hard Mode). Radiant Dawn was good, but I think I still like PoR over it. Anyways, we were basically Wiiless for a week. We played Melee just because (it's not even ours, we lost our own sometime). For a week, I felt real bad hearing about Brawl everywhere I went. When a week passed and we got our Wii and Brawl back, we popped in the disc and it worked. We were so excited, we skipped the opening just to play. Ike was the very first character I picked and my brother went with Lucas. Later on, we would go through Subspace Emissary, do a couple of events, and save some hilarious replays. I even remember beating Boss Battles on Intense and found my heart beating the fastest it has ever beat without moving my body at all. We also went Wi-FI, but the only other person I ever played with was a friend and there rarely was any variety. Fighting against random people was a bit disappointing because most were too easy and my connection sucked. Eventually I would make Olimar my second and my brother would always be unable to choose a main (he eventually stuck to Lucas). Then tragedy again in the summer. Yep, unreadable every now and then. It happened so many times, it eventually stopped reading it. I liked it, I even won a tournament at my school. Well anyways, we got more Wii games and stuff like: Resident Evil 4, Umbrella Chronicles, Galaxy, World at War, Guitar Hero, etc. We never got the DS until recently (last year). Not many games except for Diamond/Pearl, Revenant Wings, Days of Ruin, and FF 3 and 4. Just last summer, me and my brother managed to convince our parents to get a 360. With Brawl not working anymore, we now play CoD, L4D, and RB2 often. I need more playtime because there's a tourney at school tomorrow for: Rock Band, Modern Warfare 2, and Brawl (yes I'm really happy). Also as of late, I began trying to download Some Visual Novels just to try them out. I only have one, and I suck and surfing the web for more.
PS: Sorry it looks unorganized and seems to be off at times. Things like this are not my strong suit.


Smash Lord
Dec 4, 2005
NW Ohio
1994.) I was 6 years old when I started. First system was an SNES and first game was either Super Mario World or Aladdin. I got addicted to games for many years to come as more and more came out like Donkey Kong Country (1, 2 and 3) Prince of Persia and Mario RPG.

1999.) I had played Sports games before, but I really got into Madden 99. In the summer of 1999 I'd watch DBZ during the midnight run and then play two games of Madden every night on franchise mode. It was awsome. Went 13-3 and won the Superbowl with the Lions against the Seahawks. NHL 99 was fun also. Other games at the time were Twisted Metal 3, Frogger and Spyro.

2000.) Smash 64 grew on me heavily. Great game

2001-2002.) Meele was the next game to grow on me. I bought Melee before I bought me Gamecube when I was saving up to buy both with my allowance. This worked great for me because GameCubes went down in price by $50.00 the week I finally got mine in May of 2002. I always had to play Melee at my friend's homes otherwise.

2003.) Played TimeSplitters2 all the time that summer. Game was so addicting. Got into Pokemon Ruby in the Spring time when it came out in March.

2004-2006.) Didn't play video games all that much

2007.) Melee got popular again.

2008.) Went back in time and played a bunch of SNES. Began Donkey Kong Competitions with friends, played Ken Griffey Jr. and other games. Brawl was big and still is to this day.

2010.) Just got NFL Blitz for N64. Addicting game. Started a season. Ironically it's the same season as the Madden 99 game I played 10 1/2 years ago.


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
Buhl, Idaho
At the age of 5 I was playing against Wily in Mega Man 6
At the age of 7 I learned to play manly with Falcon in the original smash game
As soon as Melee came out I played to win against Giga Bowser
I went in to slumber and waited nearly a year after Brawl came out to start playing against Master and Crazy hand once more.


Smash Lord
Mar 12, 2008
Wow...I could go for awhile on this subject...but this is the very basic history of me as a gamer.

-I picked up my first controller when I was 2 and my first game was the original Super Mario Brothers.

-I started getting into clans for games like Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 when wifi came out for Nintendo.

-I set a world record for Coconut Mall and numerous other regional records in Mario Kart Wii in the summer of 2008.

-I'm currently into Brawl and I've won a handful of tournaments so far.

-I also play Melee, but I appreciate both games about equally.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 11, 2008
where you'll never find me
I believe the first game I played was Super Mario 64. I was about 4, and I was in this restaurant or something (memory's shaky, but I clearly remember Peach's castle, and hearing Bowser's laugh, and possibly chasing the Boo. I just remember I kept trying to do something, but this being the first video game I played, I kept failing, dying, and trying again.), but the first video game character I could identify would be Sonic thanks to those McDonald's Happy Meal commercials. Anyone else remember a 3D Sonic running around really fast in a commercial? I also remember playing Super Smash Bros. with a neighbor on their N64 because Pikachu was in it (back when I was really into Pokemon, and the show had just started).
Anyway, my opinion of video games was pretty low for a long time. I saw them as a waste of time (ironic looking back). Then Christmas 2003, my brother and I got a combined total of $200 from our grandmother. My cousin told us that we could get a Gamecube for 100, so we persuaded our parents to let us. we got the machine, an extra controller, a memory card, and my brother and I each got a game. I got the Spider-Man movie game, and my brother got Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Solid choices I know.
I remained a pretty casual player until my brother's friend brought over Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. I resisted at first, but then I got hooked on Sonic. I played nothing but Sonic until that same friend brought over Melee. At that point, I was thinking about trying Mario because all my friends were encouraging me to branch out a bit, so I gave it a shot because Mario was in it. The rest is history. I got hooked to Smash, and ended up trying just about everything else I've played because of it. Major exceptions being most third party games like Mega Man, Street Fighter, and Castlevania. I'd been planning on playing Metal Gear before Snake was confirmed, and I actually managed to play the NES version of Metal Gear online before Brawl came out. I also tried Kid Icarus before Pit was confirmed.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2009
Hmm....i think videogames has been just as influencing and early as music
Since i was 3 i guess...I played Kaboom! on the atari
4-7 DKC and Super Mario Bros All Stars any Rare game really....those were the golden days of gaming. I loved the vibrant colorful dkc, and the music, being young i never really knew how to play the games and i've currently only beat dkc1, but STILL not 2 or 3, also Simcity 2000, but i never really got my cities flowing till 10
8 or so i was introduced to smash bros 64 it was madd cool
9-10+ Resident Evil, the originals, the new stuff isn't all that.
10+ Sims and Morrowind also MELEEEEEEE!!! OMG Melee no matter how bad i am at it, will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart.
11-idk i think i played alot of sims 2, poorlly attempting machinima. Oh and animal crossing.
12 or 13-Oblivion all the way
14- FINALLY started and finished Banjo Kazooie, started playing tooie on my comp but my comp was so unreliable i never finished it (the comp died over and over causing me to restart tooie over and over) alll the banjo games actually, that's the early 14. Now I've been playing Fallout 3, alot!! oh and BRAWL those to games are amazing, I love the gore and violence of fallout, and the beautiful oldies songs to go along with my rampant killings. And brawl, i love wolf, no homo. So much fun memories, especially the time when I played my first friendly doubles with human players. I still haven't transitioned over to competitions yet so not that much memories.

I've played Zelda but because of my issues with every single game I can never finish it. I still play all the games i mentioned and there are many more games in my life but these are the ones i vividly remember as of now....


Smash Apprentice
Feb 14, 2010
Out of this world......
As long as i can remember i played vidoe games for the majoirty of my life

I played the nes bfore i went to pre-k
and i remember on my first day of school i didnt want to go becuase i wanted to play more super mario world! ( I am not lying this quite true)
I cant really go by years but i had a all the nintendo systeams and a ps2 I aslo played online games wheni gotten boraed now i have a wii and a 360!


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
When I was two I played Marble madness and Super Mario Bros for the NES followed shortly by the sonics and others.

Yeah I has mad gaming skills......even at 2.

I've owned every console to exist since NES/gameboy.

With the exception of a PS3.....because they are fail.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2008
Over the hills and far away...
I started off at 2 or so with Super Mario Bros.1, I had 0 idea how to play that game, but I played for years, I went to the end sometimes as well, thought I think it was cause the warp pipes xD. Due to nostalgia, it's my favorite game ever <3 also it's the only game all my family have played, I lived in Yemen, Aden with all my aunts and my parents and they all played as well, later I went to Sana'a to visit my uncle, he enjoyed the game so much he bought his own.

I played Sonic the Hegehog as well, apperantly, I don't recall playing ut my older sister said so.

When I came to england at 6 or so I belive it was the time of the PS2 or gamecube or something, I went without consoles for a while until I moved into my new house, it looked like the previous owners had a N64 which they left behind, I got Super Mario 64 and loved it! As well as some other game where you had to jump on block or something and Yoshi's Story. Very fun games! Then one day I found a game, I didn't know what it was but it turns out it was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, I had played it, then quickly got bored of it =/

I lost a wire to the 64 so now I can't play it ;___________________;

Then I got my PS2, Gamecube and gameboy, forget when, but I love them =D
Dispite most of them being broken >_>
Now I've got a Wii and a PS3, my gamecube is in a Barbie bag because we don't have any place to put it and it's very safe there too.My PS2 is under the T.V. along with my Wii and PS3


Smash Lord
Feb 28, 2010
wherever you live
i think da 1st game i eva played was Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition on my Sega Genesis and i havent stopped playin games since

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
I'm only 18 but reading this makes me feel so old. :(
Don't even.

My first console was the NES. My first game was SMB. Others included Kung Fu, Popeye, Pac-Man, 7-UP Spot, and Golf.

And Zelda.

We had a couple games for the Commodore on floppies. The kind that...flopped.

I also played a lot of those generic handhelds that only had one game each: unofficial "Tetris" and other stuff. I vaguely remember a handheld TMNT game (picture TMNT in Game & Watch form).

We got the official Tetris for the Gameboy later.

And there was Oregon Trail.

And SF2 and F-Zero on the SNES.

I declared myself "over" gaming during the N64 era.

Then came back for Melee during GC and PS2 era.

And managed to scrounge up enough cash to own a Wii.


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2009
Esquimalt, BC
I was born in 92. I started on the snes in like 94. I played a lot of good games like super mario world, dkc (all 3), zelda, super metroid (my favourite), crono trigger, etc. I really loved Yoshi's Island. I got a N64 like a year after it came out (so 97).
I loved my N64 like nothing else. I started with just mario64 and mario kart 64. But then I got games like ocarina, dk64, banjo-kazooie, banjo tooie, starfox64, majoras, etc.
I also had a gameboy color, the best dam thing to own at the end of the 20th century. Why? Pokemon. I got Blue after watching the show, and I wanted to catch em all :laugh:
I think My favourite was gold though. Lots of people's are. (CAN'T WAIT FOR THE REMAKE)

I also had a ps1. I didn't own too many games though. Just all the crashes, spyros, FFs and harvest moon (rare now, too bad I lost it :urg:). But I loved my ps1 too.

I actually didn't play Smash64 until after I owned a gamecube and melee. I didn't enjoy it too much, but I still bought it.
Before I even got a gamecube (I got it 2 years late, in 03), I was playing my gameboy advance. There's too many games to name, but my favourites are all RPG's (fire emblem is my favourite of all).
Then I got my gamecube. With melee. And Luigi's mansion.
Melee was already my favourite game, though I played it in a lulzy, party game way back then of course.
First game I asked for (For christmas, a month after my bday when I got the cube) was Wind waker. I loved it (no flamers plz).
My gamecube days were too good, and its still my personal favourite, and not just for melee. I absolutely love every game I own. Short list: Melee obviously, Tales of symphonia, Paper mario 2, Fire emblem: PoR, wind waker, metroid primes, zelda four swords adventures, etc.
I also got a ps2. It was amazing, too. My list would be repetitive, though, since all I had was RPGs like FF, KH and tales of the abyss.
This is getting long, so I'll just say I got a DS as soon as it came out. Eventually I traded it for a lite, and now I have a DSi (So i can trade with myself :chuckle:)
My first next-gen console was a wii, christmas 2007. I got it for brawl mostly, but I still enjoyed Mario galaxy. I still don't own metroid prime 3 or FE: radiant dawn (WTF, AMIRITE?)
Brawl was fun at first till I got interested in competitive melee in 2009. Then I realised Brawl is pretty lame. I still wanted to give it a chance, but I've been on and off (I'm off right now, Playing melee too much).
So I picked Samus, and now I'm the best samus in BC.

Oh yeah, I have a 360 and PS3. But those aren't important :p
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