Not my first i've been to 2 brawl only ones to play melee

but yeah I got ***** what should I expect I play someone who can't even SHFFL, in truth most of my training is done in my head so i'm more about mindgames. I did much better than I thought I would I won a few matches and I did better as pichu vs m2k's sheik than a fox did I at least got in 100% in one match unlike him.
of course on the recording tv I played pretty crapy

I mean one match I 2 stocked a really good marth. And I woould have taken 1-2 stocks off of m2k's gannon if he didn't quit out of pride. D*** him that was worse than going 3 matches in a row getting grab ***** by his sheik(I loled the whole way though).
I didn't get out of pools But I learned many things like
pichu's F-smash beats a full load of needles
I shouldn't be more afriad of pichu vs gannon than pichu vs sheik.
I have a much better feeling of pichu vs marth
perfect up-B is super legit if it worked on m2k a few times(didn't get punished for it once all day, but I never spam just in case)
Falco's make me sad

mindgames are more important than combos unless it's like mindgame to land a nair vs a drakrain combo or something. but mindgames are more important because there are more set ups.
what I need to work on
I'll be called to good if I keep this up and keep getting better.
edit I got ***** and side-B is pretty underated LOL it's better than you would think