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Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
True, but I doubt they'll make ridley a stage hazard or a boss, maybe when u unlock ridley u unlock the stage as well or something...


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
THAT'S one of the things I have hopes for. I really really hope.

Imagine Samus, in particular, sporting all of her major outfits from the past few games. Standard suit, Varia Suit, Fusion Suit, Phazon Suit, Dark Samus, the Dark Suit, the Light Suit...So many possibilities.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Woah woah wait a dark samus alternate costume? Hell no dark samus as a CHARACTER, theyre not the same person and DS has far diferent abilities than samus... but I agree on the rest :p


Smash Lord
Jan 17, 2007
closest to Sterling Heights, MI on your wii foreca
lol. maybe an unrealistic sizedown. bowser isn't that big. w/e, just a though. im just not expecting it.
haha have you played mario sunshine??? bowsers at least 20 times the size of mario there. but it still looks good. and it still looks good when they're the same size.

plus they show ridley the same size as samus in melee. it looked perfectly fine to me.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Ridley will be a playable character. Don't you see what Sakurai is doing to us. He is priming us up for E3 when a video demonstrating the new fetaures of Brawl will come out (yes this is all speculation, but based on common sense).

My theory is that Sakurai will only reveal the profiles of Metaknight and Wario along with their special moves during the four weeks before E3. (I say Zamus and Snake will be kept underwraps since I believe both are secret characters).

He may reveal stages and music that hints at returning characters.

So we are gonna mainly get pokemon, modes, ect. Maybe a little writeup on the new crawling feature. Perhaps more final smashes.

So the music (and Sakurai's wording) basically says that Ridley will be in Brawl, but you will have to wait to see his design look and moves.

Trust me.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
If Sakurai wanted to include Ridley, he would have done so instead of making the stretch of including a second Samus. They went with Zero Suit Samus because they wanted to expand the Metroid series, but none of the villians were particularly fitting.

The resize arguement is a stupid one, IMO. Take into consideration Ridley's actual physical size. Not the size of just his body. Even if they resize his body to match Samus (which would be perfectly fine) the length of his tail and size of his wing span would still make him take up virtually twice the space. They would have to do one of two things:

1.) Resize Ridley even smaller, to make his total mass match the size of other characters. Because of the included tail and wing size, he would wind up roughly half the size of other characters and wind up looking like a pet lizard.

2.) To avoid making Ridley an impossible-to-play character, they would have to make his tail or at the very least his wings not have hitboxes, otherwise he would have a hitbox registry twice his actual size. It'd be like trying to play Marth with the hitbox the size of Bowser. If they made this hitbox change, chances are other players would complain about Ridley being OP because of the fact that hits don't connect on his wings/tail.

Either way, I don't think he would feel like a very polished character to play as, or fight against, or to see in the game in general. I think all they're doing is making a stage similiar to Kraid's from Melee, just centered around Ridley. This seems like a vastly more superior choice, as they wouldn't have to modify Ridley - he could be seen in his full glory and as a ruthless killing machine trying to take out an entire stage and four players.

Keep in mind, that with a game of this magnitude, it wouldn't surprise me if they make stages, items and even music based around characters that aren't necessarily brawlers. I'm fully expecting to see stages from games like Animal Crossing and Pikmin, even though characters may or may not make it into the roster. Heck, we already have items (Pit's Stick, the Goldeneye/Perfect Dark weapons, the Nintendog) present, that don't necessarily mean anything towards the actual roster. Just be careful with your assumptions.

I could be entirely wrong, as Sakurai has a great way of blowing my mind, but this is just my opinion on things.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Ok a little offtopic, but IGN has this super smash bros evolution thing, heres the link: http://wii.ign.com/articles/793/793389p3.html check it out, but u just have to c theyre newcomers list:

Ign said:
1.- Luigi
2.- Bowser
3.- Captain Falcon
4.- Yoshi
5.- Peach
6.- Donkey Kong
7.- Various Pokemon
8.- Zelda/Sheik
9.- Wolf-Link
10.- Medusa
11.- Ganon / Ganondorf
12.- StarWolf
13.- Revolver Ocelot / Liquid Snake / Ninja
14.- Simon Belmont
15.- Dracula or similar
16.- Ridley / Space Pirate / Dark Samus
17.- Animal Crossing Boy / Girl
18.- Roy or Marth
18.- Ness
19.- Lucas from Mother 3 (Earthbound 3)
20.- Your Mii character
1.- agree
2.- He HAS to appear, but with less lag in moveset :p
3.- yep
4.- we already got the stage and the music, hes in
5.- give her a super princess peach moveset, and nerf the hel lout of her Dsmash and u got a deal
6.- yep
7.- mewtwo, lucario, deoxys
8.- just zelda, no need for TP zelda transfrom into OoT sheik...
9.- just midna by herself
10.- I rather go with pelutena but anything is good...
11.- tp ganondorf, ganon as final smash
12.- Its WOLF, but agree XD
13.- if we get 2 3rd party character per series, then yes lets add gray fox
14.- snake has the konami spot, why should knami get 2 reps?
15.- read 14.-
16.- Yes to ridley, hell no to space pirate (unless its weavel) and yes to dark samus, lets have ALL of these guys in brawl
17.- 50/50 on this but rather not
18.- marth, take away the tip, take out some spikes and dont make his sword so **** long lol
19.- agree
20.- PWNAGE **** YES!


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
If Sakurai wanted to include Ridley, he would have done so instead of making the stretch of including a second Samus. They went with Zero Suit Samus because they wanted to expand the Metroid series, but none of the villians were particularly fitting.
That's like when back in Melee Zelda and Sheik were revealed before Ganondorf. That's nonsense. Maybe Zero Suit Samus was chosen before Ridley because would make the trailer more dramatic, and Metaknight before Dedede because he has a personal warship (eye candy) and Dedede does not.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
True, its still early, besides ridley would make a HUGE impact if he were to apepar in a trailer, but doubt that will hapen if he appears in a weekly update, also the character that made the impact in the 1st trailer was snake :p


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
That's like when back in Melee Zelda and Sheik were revealed before Ganondorf. That's nonsense. Maybe Zero Suit Samus was chosen before Ridley because would make the trailer more dramatic, and Metaknight before Dedede because he has a personal warship (eye candy) and Dedede does not.
Zelda was included before Ganondorf because Ganondorf was a last minute addition and a clone at that.

Metaknight was probably chosen before DeDeDe because he's probably more popular of a character.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2007
North Georgia
Ridley will be a playable character. Don't you see what Sakurai is doing to us. He is priming us up for E3 when a video demonstrating the new fetaures of Brawl will come out (yes this is all speculation, but based on common sense)
Master Hand is the only Smash Bros. boss (except for the other versions and on Adventure mode.) Even though Bowser was a boss on Adventure mode, he was also a playable character, so if he's a boss it's safe to say you can play as him as well.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
WRONG FANEWGIE WRONG!!heres what happend (I saved it on my comp in case someone says ganon wa added at the last minute):

Im bettin everyone saw (at least some pics) of the trailer where link and ganondorf are fighting:

This was indeed of a trailer in developmetn a bit b4 or after GC release, u c miyamoto and gang were making this game, so Im guessin miyamoto told sakurai to use this ganondorf (with sword and all) for melee, after a while, miyamoto and gang were worried that this new game would seem just too similair to OoT, thus they cancelled it, and work on another zelda game (WW), miyamoto told sakurai to cancel the sword ganondorf, with short time b4 the deadline, sakurai couldnt make up a new moveset by then, thus he had no choice, and makde ganondorf a falcon clone...

The info is from an actual interview with miyamoto, where he said that trailer was an actual zelda game, anyway ganondorf having the sword in his trophy/victory pose proves it, thus he was intended to be a clone...


Smash Cadet
May 31, 2007
WRONG FANEWGIE WRONG!!heres what happend (I saved it on my comp in case someone says ganon wa added at the last minute):

Im bettin everyone saw (at least some pics) of the trailer where link and ganondorf are fighting:

This was indeed of a trailer in developmetn a bit b4 or after GC release, u c miyamoto and gang were making this game, so Im guessin miyamoto told sakurai to use this ganondorf (with sword and all) for melee, after a while, miyamoto and gang were worried that this new game would seem just too similair to OoT, thus they cancelled it, and work on another zelda game (WW), miyamoto told sakurai to cancel the sword ganondorf, with short time b4 the deadline, sakurai couldnt make up a new moveset by then, thus he had no choice, and makde ganondorf a falcon clone...

The info is from an actual interview with miyamoto, where he said that trailer was an actual zelda game, anyway ganondorf having the sword in his trophy/victory pose proves it, thus he was intended to be a clone...
Hey can you tell me where could i find that trailer


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I still say they won't put Ridley in as a character. While he is Samus' arch-enemy and constantly appears , he is too awkward and doesn't have enough personality.

It would make way more sense to me if he was an environmental character. Picture a Brinstar level with the newly released Ridley music, and Ridley coming in occasionally for a swoop strike, or tearing away at the map. I think it fits way better.

Also, since that is a song from a new Metroid level, that means the level will revolve around RIDLEY. Ridley doesn't really have a base or anything, and that theme belongs to Ridley, so what they must have done is add him to a generally known area, but have him in the background! What would the sense be in having a level (say Brinstar), with Ridley's theme playing the whole time...... but there's no Ridley in the background and NO ONE CHOSE RIDLEY AS A CHARACTER. It just isn't computing to me.

Also, I think someone like Weavel has a better chance of being in. Why is a newer character to the series excluded? He's got a history, role in the MPH story, and people have played as him to get a feel of him. It's my firm belief that past- playable characters are more fitting to add to Brawl, than villains that have solely served to fight the protaganist, because they playable characters have greater firmiliarity and (usually) persona.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Chavo: dont know I just find the pic, saw the trailer years ago :p
@ solid sneak: Awkward? GaW, Kirby, the pokemons, metaknight, cmon smash is made for awkwardness
personality? seriously how is a merciless fliying dragon-like monster who is the leader of the space pirates doesnt have a personality?

Ridley is the 2nd most requested character, Japan wants him even though japan dislikes the metroid series, sakurai knows this and he said it himself he wants to better represent the metroid series, and ridley being samus's riavl he fits the bill...

The music could simpy be a stage where u fight ridley, like the impact crater entrance, or one of the many times u face him in MP3, if no one choose ridley, so? the song is awesome and if its a stage where u fight him it makes sense, and the song could be only when u face him so u can unlock him...

Weavel and sylux would be great candidates, but I think everyone will agre that:

ridley 1st
Dark samus 2nd
a hunter 3rd

Dark samus is new to the series and is the main enemy in the prime saga, if anything he deserves the shot more than any hunter, but ridley has to get in 1st, and with the new theme I think he already is :p


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Zelda was included before Ganondorf because Ganondorf was a last minute addition and a clone at that.

Metaknight was probably chosen before DeDeDe because he's probably more popular of a character.
However, in the Melee japanese site you can read in the Ganondorf profile that he was intended to be a sword user since development began but he ended losing priority for other important characters. They threw him at the end as a clone because it was better than not having him at all.

I don't see how Metaknight is more popular than Dedede. He is indeed popular, but more than Dedede? Dedede is Kirby's archrival and is more popular overall (points at Melee polls) and definitely have had more important roles in more games. Metaknight was probably chosen because Sakurai had pictured him (his moves) since beginning, while Dedede possibly not, and Metaknight is a more "cool" character than Dedede is, would fit a more epic role in the trailer and all of that.

Zero Suit Samus won't cut Ridley chances (if there's any, I think it's the only Metroid character besides Samus that is worth having in Brawl).


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
@ solid sneak: Awkward? GaW, Kirby, the pokemons, metaknight, cmon smash is made for awkwardness
personality? seriously how is a merciless fliying dragon-like monster who is the leader of the space pirates doesnt have a personality?
Yo he does have personality, but the personality is awkward in itself (beastly tear-apart-everything mindless killing). He also has never shown too much intellect in any Metroid game. Also, when I say awkward, I'm also talking about his massive wings/tail, and big head.

Ridley is the 2nd most requested character, Japan wants him even though japan dislikes the metroid series, sakurai knows this and he said it himself he wants to better represent the metroid series, and ridley being samus's riavl he fits the bill...
That may be true, but Sakurai can say "He's too awkward" and then that's it! THey can't jsut add a character because people want it. If the character isn't working out, the next best thing is to add a level that exclusivley features that character. I think he could include metroid better with the inclusion of a Hunter, and more elaborate levels featuring prime Metroid characters (like ridley).

The music could simpy be a stage where u fight ridley, like the impact crater entrance, or one of the many times u face him in MP3, if no one choose ridley, so?
That song is a "Ridley Battle-Theme". It's intense, moody, and up-beat. If they added this song to a level, SOMETHING has to be happening. If 2 characters were fighting in the remains of a Ridley-FIght area, and THAT music was playing, it just would not fit - because there's no Ridley, who is flying around causing destruction and ****. Just close your eyes and listen to the song... What do you see happening in the level??


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2007
I sure hope Ridley makes it. Metroid surely needs more than 1 rep in Brawl (2 if Zamus is seperate).

This update also boosted his chances considerably IMO.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
Yo he does have personality, but the personality is awkward in itself (beastly tear-apart-everything mindless killing). He also has never shown too much intellect in any Metroid game. Also, when I say awkward, I'm also talking about his massive wings/tail, and big head.
That made me "lol." Let's look at the text from the Super Smash Bros. Melee trophy:
Ridley Trophy (SSBM) said:
The head of the Space Pirates on Zebes, Ridley soars through space on wicked wings. Ridley may look like a mindless monster, but he's actually quite intelligent. After the SR-388 incident, where Samus captured the infant Metroid, Ridley took the Space Academy by storm, annihilating the complex and taking the Metroid back.
If a Smash game says that Ridley is intelligent, then his "lack of intellect" isn't a reason to leave him out of Smash.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
About the stage part:

Cmon if no one choose a zelda character and went to a zelda stage, it doesnt matter, if nobody choose falcon but they go to the fzero stage it doesnt affect the gameplay/music/match, same with GaW stage...

And sakurai put that poll for a reason, Im sure the top five most requested characters are in smash already...


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Good thinking, Sneak, but... what's happening doesn't have to be Ridley.
Isn't there some really memorable stage where you fought Ridley?
Or maybe you actually fight in a place that's slowly collapsing ( or at least looks like it ), boulders constantly falling into the lava in the background, sometimes onto the stage as a hazard...
Maybe in some burning place.
I dunno, I never played the game. But there must be some memorable scene suitable for an arena and this very song.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
If a Smash game says that Ridley is intelligent, then his "lack of intellect" isn't a reason to leave him out of Smash.
I KNOW how intelligent he is man. I'm saying it'll be weird because they can't SHOW him lead an army of Space Pirates with tactical genius in BRAWL. What I'm worried about is him becoming another BOWSER.

Cmon if no one choose a zelda character and went to a zelda stage, it doesnt matter, if nobody choose falcon but they go to the fzero stage it doesnt affect the gameplay/music/match
True enough. However the difference is that this song is RIDLEY SPECIFIC. The Zelda FZ etc. stages are playing GENERAL themes, so it's fine. In Brinstar Depths they play Kraid's theme, and who's in the background? KRAAAID....

I'll kill myself if Ridley actually IS a character in Brawl, because I'll have looked like an idiot making posts like this lol...

Or maybe you actually fight in a place that's slowly collapsing ( or at least looks like it ), boulders constantly falling into the lava in the background, sometimes onto the stage as a hazard...
Maybe in some burning place.
Yeah, I guess. But to me that song just sounds too intense, and specific, to just have it featured in "Random burning level from Metroid". This song is only ever played when Ridley is around! Just listen to the intro... it sounds like "NOW THIS **** IS GOING DOWN".


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Well, I hear that the first time this song is heard is during the escape from the planet after defeating Ridley... thus the collapsing level.
I agree that it does sound a lot like Ridley, so much that it sounds weird without him there... but on the other hand, the Mute City song also doesn't fit while some n00bs are walking at each other to use smash attacks, and the Yoshi songs don't fit while a top-class Falco and a top-class Marth are facing off in a bloodfest of combos and destruction.
All the music in Brawl can sound really out of place...
I wouldn't put too much weight into it.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Well remember sarias song is kinda like Y. Links theme, the GaW stage is GaWs theme, the ICs and the music in their stage and so on, just cause its ridleys theme doesnt mean he'll be a stage hazard, and before u get flamed u might explain urself HOW exacltly will ridley turn out as another bowser

Erk Aduro

Smash Apprentice
Aug 13, 2005
Somewhere over the rainbow presumably.
I think Ridley would make an awesome character, and I think he's the most deserving Metroid candidate there is. I'm not even that big of a Metroid fan and I'd love for him to be in. But I'm not gonna bicker endlessly about whether he could be in or not. Whether or not I think Ridley would make a good character doesn't matter, what matters is whether of not Sakurai thinks he would. And there's really no way to tell what Sakurai thinks until he posts, "I want Ridley playable in Brawl and there's nothing any of you can say to stop me, so nyah."

I'm not gonna try to stop and argument on a forum (a futile effort) I'm just saying it's anybody's guess and everybody is allowed to guess, so why not just let them guess? Why argue about it? Of course, I guess there's not much else to do, no?

Also, this song rocks my socks. ^_^


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
I hear that the first time this song is heard is during the escape from the planet after defeating Ridley... thus the collapsing level.
Yes, but it's collapsing because of Ridley. He's there. The song starts when Ridley appears.

Well remember sarias song is kinda like Y. Links theme, the GaW stage is GaWs theme, the ICs and the music in their stage and so on, just cause its ridleys theme doesnt mean he'll be a stage hazard, and before u get flamed u might explain urself HOW exacltly will ridley turn out as another bowser
True, but they are stiiiiill general themes used in many parts of those games. G&W song reflect G&W game, not character. Ridley's theme is ONLY Ridley.

I think ridley could become another Bowser because he's huge (size scaling is BS... If they scale him down to the size of a regular player, he'll look too small to be ridley), broken, and beastly. I worry that he'll be cool, but just kinda sits there and no one really uses him. This would put to waste a perfect Metroid level with Ridley flying around causing havoc.

I'm just saying it's anybody's guess and everybody is allowed to guess, so why not just let them guess? Why argue about it?
I'm really not trying to argue, but rather debate. I think my points ARE valid and they DO provoke SOME thought about it. This is why we have a forum.


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I prefer a lame playable ridley than a stage hazard ridley any day, im that big of a fan, and since when is bowser broken?

Anyway cmon did u EVER complain about ridleys size in the melee intro, that size if perfect for ridley, a tad bigger than bowser, also check bowser in SM64 the guy is a gaint, and in melee hes just a tad bigger than mario...


You can't break those cuffs.
Jul 10, 2004
I think we can figure out if Ridley is a likely candidate through watching the unveiling of other characters. We know for sure Wario, Zero Suit Samus, Metaknight, Pit, and Snake are all newcomers. 3 of those characters derive from people who are already in Melee (Mario, Samus, and Kirby) and 2 of them were completely new. It depends. Is Brawl going to focus on the addition of characters from a new series, will they concentrate on adding more characters based on the series that already exists, or will it be an even combination of both?

I can tell you one thing; I'm leaning toward more characters being derived from new series simply due to the list of composers. The list tells us that the director wants Brawl to either:

1.) Have super duper amazing music. Period.
2.) Have the original composers make remixed themes of new characters to be imported.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
also check bowser in SM64 the guy is a gaint, and in melee hes just a tad bigger than mario...
Yes, but still... Bowser in Melee is one of the biger chars.

Also, for the Ridley song it says RIGHT THERE (Ridley Fight), as in 'now we're fighting with Ridley'. Why add the "Ridley Fight" song to a level with no Ridley??


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
It says ridley fight cause in METROID that song apepars when u fight ridley, in case people didnt know when that song appeared exactly, doesnt mean that u fight ridleys as a boss or anything,...
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