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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2006
Well good gosh gonet, lets see what they HAVE told us. . .

NEW items (you call those "garage").
NEW stage (Which you also called "garage")
NEW moves for Pitt (Which you called "garage")
NEW songs (^^^)
"How to play" for new comers (^^^)
NEW info on shooting (^^^)

Now, if you only think that " 2 updates that mean anything was the controller update and a release date" than Im guessing you would only be pleased with something HUGE like the "Release date" or "New character".

You even said "When I see a release date I'll stop complaining" which means you expect something HUGE from these daily-one-month-before-the-pimp-slapper-of-all-news day called E3.

And your other post contradicts it's self. You say that you would be "fine with no updates" yet you uppingly say that you will keep complaining about the updates we get until you get a update you care for. . . .:ohwell::dizzy:
I'm not asking for a new character, only a release date. I don't care if they even release a new character. All I want is an U P D A T E. Is that clear enough for you?

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
?? cant edit either, but I AGREE w/ u. all i want is a release date, that way i know how much time i have to save up, so it doesnt catch me off guard. Whens E3?

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
E3: July 11th - July 13th.
I'm fine with any update, and I already have my $250 prepared for when Brawl comes out.
Wanna wait for the Wii price to go down a little ;)


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
ethanrodgers223: Do not turn on your sig if your message is SO **** SHORT.

I have $236 saved for Brawl + Wii so far. Y'all think the price (of Wii) will lower down some?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 2, 2006
No. btw dont buy stuff you don't need like I got a memory card and an extra controller, also don't get a warranty nintendo will give you a free 90 day warranty.

My Wii+Wii Controller+Zelda:TP+Memory+Warrenty= $470


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
ethanrodgers223: Do not turn on your sig if your message is SO **** SHORT.

I have $236 saved for Brawl + Wii so far. Y'all think the price (of Wii) will lower down some?
Well, it did just sort of come out recently, console wise. It's a newer system, and cheap already as it is. I highly doubt that they will lower the price of the wii anytime soon, since I have heard MANY people buying wii's just because they were so cheap compared to the other 2 (especially ps3)

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
I'm getting my Wii when Brawl comes out, so you won't receive my code for a while ;)
All that I really will need is Wii, Smash Bros. Brawl, Wiimote, and GameCube.
Zomg, that's a total of 50c.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Wow would you guys just shut up about people that aren't satisfied? I mean, do you honestly expect EVERYONE to be happy with EVERY update?

I was disappointed with many-a-update and everytime some easily pleased guy comes up with some smart-*** post about how we should be overly satisfied.

Well EXCUSE ME for having an opinion.
Well EXCUSE ME for being different.
Well EXCUSE ME for wanting more juicy info than a 50 second clip of a song.

Just because we don't like a few friggin' updates doesn't mean we aren't happy with the idea of daily updates. As a matter of fact, by next month the updates should be a helluva lot better than what we saw 2 weeks ago, but as of right now the updates are barely above average.

P.S. Call me out on this post all you want, you'll only prove my point, Smashboards is full of haters..


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2007
Near Philly
It's not that people dislike the updates, it's their wording. Calling an update "garbage" or saying an update sucks is much different from expressing an opinion.

If you don't like an update, don't use harsh words that may offend people of differing opinions or else you're inviting an argument.


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
San Antonio, TX
I find the mess-up like a game. If you mess up and need to edit, you fail. :p

The next person to whine about an update is getting neutered. Srsly.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Wow would you guys just shut up about people that aren't satisfied? I mean, do you honestly expect EVERYONE to be happy with EVERY update?

I was disappointed with many-a-update and everytime some easily pleased guy comes up with some smart-*** post about how we should be overly satisfied.

Well EXCUSE ME for having an opinion.
Well EXCUSE ME for being different.
Well EXCUSE ME for wanting more juicy info than a 50 second clip of a song.

Just because we don't like a few friggin' updates doesn't mean we aren't happy with the idea of daily updates. As a matter of fact, by next month the updates should be a helluva lot better than what we saw 2 weeks ago, but as of right now the updates are barely above average.

P.S. Call me out on this post all you want, you'll only prove my point, Smashboards is full of haters..
I agree, i've been dissapointed a few times, but can't expect everything all at once, right? I just say something is better than nothing, and eventually the goods tuff will come around.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2007
Snakes BAIR
SCAV i would like to play you some time man i live in houston. Guys you should get your wii's, now becasue you guys are deffinettly not the only ones thinking about these...


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I'm not asking for a new character, only a release date. I don't care if they even release a new character. All I want is an U P D A T E. Is that clear enough for you?
. . . If all you want is a release date than WHY b**** and moun about the new news we are all getting? Hell, WHY even pay attention to the site in the first place? We know that it's more likely that the release date will be shown a whole month from now and not in one of these updates in the next week or so.

Simple enuff? I think I see it now. . . .you just want to complain.
Pretty simple I guess :ohwell:.


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2007
Wow would you guys just shut up about people that aren't satisfied? I mean, do you honestly expect EVERYONE to be happy with EVERY update?
If you are checking the site to begin with, you better be happy about the updates. For Heaven's sake, as many others have pointed out, who else does this? Pretty much Sakurai is the only developer to keep a daily blog while still bloody working on his game. Seriously, would you rather there were no updates? No? Then stop whining. Yes? Then stop checking the site.

If you don't like the updates, rather than get on to SWF so you can whine and complain, don't check the site (since you don't care about the updates anyway) and then don't whine and complain.

I was disappointed with many-a-update and everytime some easily pleased guy comes up with some smart-*** post about how we should be overly satisfied.
Why were you disappointed? Because you expect Sakurai to release EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY? Honestly, that's not going to happen. What were you disappointed with? The "How to Recover" update? The "Moving While Shooting" update? If you were really disappointed with those, you probably aren't really excited for Brawl, since they both showed HUGE gameplay changes (moving while shooting, as well as massive recovery for Mario). If you would stop whining about the updates for a second and start actually THINKING about thier implications, then you'd probably realize why people who whine get flamed: they have no appreciation for the actual gameplay of Smash.

Well EXCUSE ME for having an opinion.
Well EXCUSE ME for being different.
Well EXCUSE ME for wanting more juicy info than a 50 second clip of a song.
You are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to call your opinion stupid.

Really, if you aren't satisfied, don't bother checking the site. It's really that simple. If you don't care that Sakurai takes the time to give us this information, rather than taking it, then complain about it, don't take it to begin with. Then everybody's happy, since we don't have to hear you whine and you have nothing to whine about.

Just because we don't like a few friggin' updates doesn't mean we aren't happy with the idea of daily updates. As a matter of fact, by next month the updates should be a helluva lot better than what we saw 2 weeks ago, but as of right now the updates are barely above average.
If you are happy with the daily updates, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Obviously, you don't appreciate that Sakurai actually cares enough about people who are interested in Brawl to give them SOMETHING every single, bloody weekday. You'd rather say, "That's not good enough for ME, Sakurai! You should give me MORE!" Sakurai owes us nothing. Therefore, everything that is given is something he doesn't have to give us.

If your mom were just to start giving you $10 every day for no reason, would you start complaining if some days she "only" gave you $5? That's stupid, and that's why people who whine get flamed. I don't disagree that some of the updates are better than others, but they are ALL awesome, since I would rather get something than nothing.

P.S. Call me out on this post all you want, you'll only prove my point, Smashboards is full of haters..
Not full of haters, full of realists. It is not Sakurai's job to keep YOU happy. It is his job to help make Brawl. Any info he gives is above and beyond his job description, so instead of griping about getting "not enough info," be happy that Sakurai is actually giving us something. Something is always better than nothing, and if you don't like what's being given, don't check the site. If you can't stop checking the site, then be thankful it's there for you to check, and stop whining.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

I'll go ahead and be different.
Whoever whines about updates should be quiet, and whoever whines about whiners should also be quiet.

Personally, I just accept the updates, say "oh well" if there's something that wasn't so awesome and smile when there's something cool. Works for me.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2005
St. Louis
why are you guys arguing about bad updates when we just got the best one of them all! (not to mention the alternative of no updates at all)

4 controller choices!


4 controller options... I'm so happy.


I agree with A-Laon, you are being kinda ********....

And are you forgeting that people are forgeting about all the newbies who have NEVER played SSB games?

Don't you think THEY are interested in all these updates that WE alreasy know but THEY don't. Of course they do!

They HAVE a mind of their own..

And I dont like it when ppl make fun of newbies, just for being newbs.

Werent you a newb once?, and maybe you didnt understand the same thing they do now....

So my point is, NO ONE should brag about ANY update.

I just wanted to say that...

P.S. now i get to play 3 player brawl, I have 2 Wiimotes, 1 nunchuck and 1 GC controller

Off topic--- June 12 is my bday !!! 2 days!!!


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
my opinoin:

anything we get is at least somthing(scept for "you must recover",that was usless)
i am only satisfied with stages,but the rest keeps me contempt.
all thoes who are never satisfied ................SUFFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,if you are not satisfied with anything ,,you have no soul

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Ignorance is bliss

If you are checking the site to begin with, you better be happy about the updates. For Heaven's sake, as many others have pointed out, who else does this? Pretty much Sakurai is the only developer to keep a daily blog while still bloody working on his game. Seriously, would you rather there were no updates? No? Then stop whining. Yes? Then stop checking the site.
I find the first sentence ******** to the max. So we can't be disappointed with the info because we checked the site? Huh? What?

"Zomg0rz I 4m desapeont3d w1th t3h updt30rz s0 i'l st0p ch3kin teh sit3!"

That's what you want me to say? I can't have my opinion on anything I see on the site? Sorry, but that first sentence kills everything else you've said. I find that most arrogant.

Oh and thank you, A-laon I was beginning to wonder if I was on Gamefaqs or Nsiders.

If you don't like the updates, rather than get on to SWF so you can whine and complain, don't check the site (since you don't care about the updates anyway) and then don't whine and complain.
Wow, you sir, are a f***ing imbecile. If I don't like ONE update I shouldn't check the site? What the hell kind of logic is that? Why don't you just take a nap on a train track. Logic like that is just flawed beyond recognition.

Why were you disappointed? Because you expect Sakurai to release EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY? Honestly, that's not going to happen. What were you disappointed with? The "How to Recover" update? The "Moving While Shooting" update? If you were really disappointed with those, you probably aren't really excited for Brawl, since they both showed HUGE gameplay changes (moving while shooting, as well as massive recovery for Mario). If you would stop whining about the updates for a second and start actually THINKING about thier implications, then you'd probably realize why people who whine get flamed: they have no appreciation for the actual gameplay of Smash.
Did I say I was disappointed with the moving 'while shooting' update? go find that post now, give me the link, because right now you're pulling crap out of your ***.

And yes, the 'how to recover update' was crap.

'Hey everyone! Mario has a recovery move! Look he can get back to the stage now! This is so revolutionary!'

And people get flamed for being different, not for not showing appreciation, for being different, get it right.

You are entitled to your opinion. I am entitled to call your opinion stupid.
Right back at you.

Really, if you aren't satisfied, don't bother checking the site. It's really that simple. If you don't care that Sakurai takes the time to give us this information, rather than taking it, then complain about it, don't take it to begin with. Then everybody's happy, since we don't have to hear you whine and you have nothing to whine about.
Really, if you aren't satisfied don't bother making moronic posts about people you know absolutely nothing about.

If you are happy with the daily updates, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. Obviously, you don't appreciate that Sakurai actually cares enough about people who are interested in Brawl to give them SOMETHING every single, bloody weekday. You'd rather say, "That's not good enough for ME, Sakurai! You should give me MORE!" Sakurai owes us nothing. Therefore, everything that is given is something he doesn't have to give us.
Wow, you are truely ignorant. Help me out here.

Show me the post where I said I am NOT happy with daily updates. Gave me the link, because right now you are talking so much bull**** it's worthy of being placed in the Guiness book of Records.

If your mom were just to start giving you $10 every day for no reason, would you start complaining if some days she "only" gave you $5? That's stupid, and that's why people who whine get flamed. I don't disagree that some of the updates are better than others, but they are ALL awesome, since I would rather get something than nothing.
Moot. What does that have to do with this? That is your opinion, don't try to shove it down my throat.

Not full of haters, full of realists. It is not Sakurai's job to keep YOU happy. It is his job to help make Brawl. Any info he gives is above and beyond his job description, so instead of griping about getting "not enough info," be happy that Sakurai is actually giving us something. Something is always better than nothing, and if you don't like what's being given, don't check the site. If you can't stop checking the site, then be thankful it's there for you to check, and stop whining.
Who's whining? I'm merely expressing my opinion about certain updates. If you don't like it put me on your ignore list. Hell, put everyone who has an opinion that's different from yours on your ignore list. You expect me to look at every update and say '10/10 this is amazing!'

Well sorry to piss in your soup, but I have opinions and expectations, I'm not going to go out of my way to post about something that doesn't meet my expectation, but that doesn't mean I'll grin and bare either. Like I said earlier, put me on ignore, or don't bother replying if all you can add to the discussion is "d0d, dunt ch3k teh sit'.


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
Tis a good flash, saw it ages ago. And Red Exodus while I agree with what you're saying and everything, you really don't have to do the whole sarcastic ****** talk thing. It kind've takes away from the credibility that you're more mature than the moron you're arguing with.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada

It's like every time someone points out an update that doesn't really provide interesting information we are told to shut up and stop whining. Why the **** can't we discuss WHY the post was disappointing? Why can't we dislike the update?

And for **** sakes people, Sakurai is really not doing more work than humanly possible here. Once a day excluding weekends, he picks a few pictures, and writes a few sentances on a site that is created by other people. Why don't you aks Kojima just how hard he works for his games? MGS4? I'm sure the ps3 hardware is a dream to work with, let alone actors, scripting, game direction, cinematography, etc. Im pretty **** certain it's at least all 'within the same ball-park'. Sakurai is NOT slaving away on this more than any other director, trust me.

The daily updates are great, I love the news. I personally find some of it a let down, and uninteresting... So shoot me?

To put this into simpler terms: It's like me and balogna. I don't like balogna, and I perfer chicken. But if I'm given balogna to eat, I'll still eat it, but that doesn't ****ing mean i have to LOVE it jsut because it's all I have. You get me??

This is the beauty of a forum. Some people like things, other don't then we talk about WHY we like/dislike these things, and then....


Seriously, stop acting like children, and accept the fact that some of these updates don't appeal to certain people.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
wtf no n64 pad? this update is by far the worst ever.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
Tis a good flash, saw it ages ago. And Red Exodus while I agree with what you're saying and everything, you really don't have to do the whole sarcastic ****** talk thing. It kind've takes away from the credibility that you're more mature than the moron you're arguing with.
Yes, I realize, I just want that guy to realize how dense [mostly stupid, but I don't want to be so blunt] and one-sided he sounds. I might regret it later but for right now I just want him to hear himself and hear how his points sound to me. It's plain ridiculous.


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Seriously, stop acting like children, and accept the fact that some of these updates don't appeal to certain people.
I already know people don't like certain updates. We just can't stand people complaining about updates every day. It's annoying.

Don't call us children because we get fed up with it.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Well it's not being childish if people are whining with no grounds - that's a given. It's the people that say "This update sucks" and leave it at that who are moronic.

Also people that say "Stop whinning" to the people that DO have back-up for their opinion, are moronic.

Moreover, the back up that some of these people are giving makes NO SENSE.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
San Diego
Come on guys, give peace a chance!
I agree...but u know that won't happen:urg: ...there's always gonna people who dislike certain updates and some who don't and will argue with each other and blah blah blah, but we're all here for the same reason, we all love Smash :)
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