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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Smash Master
May 23, 2006
This is just plain dumb. . . .

The people who are saying "these updates are just garbage" and what not are moronic for just bluntly brashing off 3 weeks of updates because they don't show the release date or w/e.

The people who keep comparing SSBB too Halo are being moronic because they are two completely different games being many by 2 completely different divs. Anyone with any Nintendo history in them knows that Nintendo doesn't try to hype the mess out of their games with such things like those being given with halo.

The people who complain about the "how to play" updates are being selfish *^%$ seeing as Sakurai (on the front page) says that thats for people who don't know WTH smash is.

And to all the people who are complaining about the lack of heavy news and are going on about how we knew this and that already or how they have the right to complain or express their opinion than to them I say this. I have the right to express my opinion as well and that opinion of mean is that you should all STF^ and just be happy (or atleast content) with w/e you get because complaining aint going to change anything and, OMGZ, tommorow is another update.

I mean, think logically for a min. The main reason alot of us want big news right now is because we have gone a half a friggin year with Sakurai not talking to us and keeping us i the dark so that we go into huge battles about nothing. Now, would I prefer to be back in the times where all we had where a hand full of interviews and a full pics to go by for news compared to the 4 + screen shots we get per-day and small post that, lil by lil, tell use whats going on in the game? No.

Do I like every update? No.

Do I complain about it and whin about how we already knew w/e or how w/e is lame? No, because Sakurai is doing something that I have never seen before. He is taking out the time to stage screen shots (they don't just pick random characters and places to show us. . ) with what he feels is best for us to know and give us info on a daily basis about a game that aint out yet. I have YET to see a div be that commited to the fans and game they are working on.

Do I think every one has to like it? No.

Do I think you all have the right to complain? Yeah, you have the "right" to complain. . . don't mean what your complaining about holds any ground.

Do I have the right to express my opinion on yall complains? Yeah.
. . .And again, MY opinion is that you complainers should all STF^ and just be happy (or atleast content) with w/e you get because complaining aint going to change anything and Sakurai is doing us a great service with any amount of info he gives us seeing as he aint got to do jack but make the game Nintendo is paying him for.


Smash Lord
Jun 12, 2006
For the record I want everyone to know while I don't like all the updates that I hold no personal ill will to any of you. I hope to play you guys online (has this been confirmed?) and look forward to sharing tips and strategies. I enjoy Smash Bros as much as you guys do and I don't want anyone here to think I dislike like them or anything.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
This is where this thread is gonna turn to :

A) a flame war
B) a completely peaceful thread
C) a thread split in 2 by people who either like or hate an update.

I've seen people complain about, imo, good updates, such as the control one. But when someone complains with no grounds and just keep saying 'X sucks, Y is lame, is Sonic in or what?' I understand when people get annoyed.

As long as people don't jump down my throat when I don't like an update, everything will be fine and dandy.

But let me ask you a question:

When you say ' Hey this food tastes awful', 'I don't like this', 'I can't eat anymore' and someone says 'Hey, children in Africa would love to have this food, be grateful', how do you feel?

Now imagine that, but only everyday throughout the [5 day] week. Now that doesn't happen to me, because unlike some people, I actually like some of the updates once in a while. But most are you are the guys saying 'well, children in Africa...' and it's annoying to some of us. We KNOW we are lucky to have these updates everyday, but at least allow us to be disappointed once in a while [when it arises].

That's all, I don't think I said anything for anyone to go nuts on me for, I'm not up for dealing with more people like what's his face I argued with earlier.

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
For the record I want everyone to know while I don't like all the updates that I hold no personal ill will to any of you. I hope to play you guys online (has this been confirmed?) and look forward to sharing tips and strategies. I enjoy Smash Bros as much as you guys do and I don't want anyone here to think I dislike like them or anything.
Now there's the character that you look for in a person. :)
I agree, and second.


This is where this thread is gonna turn to :

A) a flame war
B) a completely peaceful thread
C) a thread split in 2 by people who either like or hate an update.

I've seen people complain about, imo, good updates, such as the control one. But when someone complains with no grounds and just keep saying 'X sucks, Y is lame, is Sonic in or what?' I understand when people get annoyed.

As long as people don't jump down my throat when I don't like an update, everything will be fine and dandy.

But let me ask you a question:

When you say ' Hey this food tastes awful', 'I don't like this', 'I can't eat anymore' and someone says 'Hey, children in Africa would love to have this food, be grateful', how do you feel?

Now imagine that, but only everyday throughout the [5 day] week. Now that doesn't happen to me, because unlike some people, I actually like some of the updates once in a while. But most are you are the guys saying 'well, children in Africa...' and it's annoying to some of us. We KNOW we are lucky to have these updates everyday, but at least allow us to be disappointed once in a while [when it arises].

That's all, I don't think I said anything for anyone to go nuts on me for, I'm not up for dealing with more people like what's his face I argued with earlier.

I also agree with this. Though it is completely annoying to see a person hate every single update, it's one's opinion. We can't change that, no matter how hard we flame 'em.


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2007

None of this is personally directed at you, Red Exodus, you were just one of the first people to start justifying complaining about the site rather than just complaining about it. I think that people may have gotten the wrong impression from my last post. Naturally, if you're going to complain, gripe and be unhappy about information, that's mostly your problem. I just have a problem when people bring their ungratefulness here.

Let me make my point perfectly clear. I don't think that anyone is justified in getting free information about Brawl (that, remember, Sakurai doesn't have to give us), then coming and saying, "I didn't get what I wanted, and that was a crap update." My initial response (not the long one, the one before that) was to NintendoWarrior, who had said that EVERY update was garbage. I think that my long response was written also with that attitude in mind. So while I agree that some updates are better than others, the attitude that all of the updates thus far are garbage is an ungrateful attitude to have, and (like I said) while I can't change anyone's attitude, if you're going to bring it to these forums, I can confront you about it.

As you pointed out in your response, Red Exodus, that attitude doesn't necessarily describe you. Others have that attitude, and that, by and large, is what I'm attacking.

I find the first sentence ******** to the max. So we can't be disappointed with the info because we checked the site? Huh? What?
Essentially, what I'm saying is that if you are checking the site, then complaining, it's better for everyone if you don't check the site. You aren't disappointed, people don't have to hear you gripe, and so on and so forth. If you are taking advantage of a resource that Sakurai doesn't have to give us, then be thankful that we're getting information instead of being disappointed that you didn't get the information you wanted.

"Zomg0rz I 4m desapeont3d w1th t3h updt30rz s0 i'l st0p ch3kin teh sit3!"

That's what you want me to say? I can't have my opinion on anything I see on the site? Sorry, but that first sentence kills everything else you've said. I find that most arrogant.
I'm sorry that the first sentence sounded arrogant. Like I said above, what I was trying to convey was that it's a waste of your time and ours to check the site and complain about it.

Wow, you sir, are a f***ing imbecile. If I don't like ONE update I shouldn't check the site? What the hell kind of logic is that? Why don't you just take a nap on a train track. Logic like that is just flawed beyond recognition.
Wait, you were only disappointed with one update? That's not what you said. You said (emphasis mine), "I was disappointed with many-a-update and everytime some easily pleased guy comes up with some smart-*** post about how we should be overly satisfied." You are attacking something that was never said.

Did I say I was disappointed with the moving 'while shooting' update? go find that post now, give me the link, because right now you're pulling crap out of your ***.
You didn't specify which updates you were unhappy with. I figured you were disappointed with the "How to Recover" update, since most people were, and since you said that you were disappointed with "many-a-update," I figured I'd give another example. If you were satisfied with the moving while shooting update, cool. I'm sorry that I assumed falsely.

And yes, the 'how to recover update' was crap.

'Hey everyone! Mario has a recovery move! Look he can get back to the stage now! This is so revolutionary!'
That's not at all what I was saying, and you know it. I said that the "How to Recover" update showed us that Mario has a massive recovery. Of course Mario will have a recovery move. My point was that his recovery seems much better than in Melee. Do you disagree with that analysis? This update was good for anyone checking the site, since it showed those new to Smash how to recover, while also showing those who have played Melee that Mario has a heavily improved recovery. So the "How to Recover" update gave us new information that will impact the way the game is played, and is therefore not crap.

And people get flamed for being different, not for not showing appreciation, for being different, get it right.
I am not engaging in this argument simply because you are "being different." I am arguing because you don't seem to appreciate updates that will drastically change the way we play the game.

Right back at you.
Let me expand on what I said a bit. I called your opinion stupid, then backed up my opinion logically. You have done the former, but have yet to accomplish the latter.

Really, if you aren't satisfied don't bother making moronic posts about people you know absolutely nothing about.
What does it matter that I don't know you that much? I know (from what you have said) that you have been disappointed in multiple daily updates, and I've decided to call you out on it.

What makes my previous post moronic?

Wow, you are truely ignorant. Help me out here.

Show me the post where I said I am NOT happy with daily updates. Gave me the link, because right now you are talking so much bull**** it's worthy of being placed in the Guiness book of Records.
You said:

I was disappointed with many-a-update
So there were some daily updates that you were unhappy with. Therefore, you are not completely happy with all the daily updates. That was the intent of what I was saying—sorry if it didn't come across that way.

Moot. What does that have to do with this? That is your opinion, don't try to shove it down my throat.
I was making an analogy. Essentially, Sakurai is giving us information that he doesn't have to give us, and on some days he gives us more information than others. In a similar fashion, let's say someone you see every day (not necessarily your mom) just decides, without you even asking, to give you some cash every time you see him. Now, he is not required to give you that money, so to gripe at him if he decides to start giving you less money is being ungrateful. He could have just stopped giving you money entirely, but he didn't. In the same way, Sakurai is under no obligation to give us daily updates, but he does.

This isn't my opinion. This is the definition of "ungrateful" (unappreciative, not displaying gratitude). You can check my reference here.

Who's whining? I'm merely expressing my opinion about certain updates. If you don't like it put me on your ignore list. Hell, put everyone who has an opinion that's different from yours on your ignore list. You expect me to look at every update and say '10/10 this is amazing!'
I don't put anyone on my ignore list since everyone can potentially say something worth listening to. And maybe whining isn't the right word, but I would definitely say that you are being ungrateful if you are complaining about an update.

I also don't expect everyone to think every update is as good as another. I think that the Final Smash update was one of (if not) the best, since it showed something completely exclusive to Brawl, and the Final Smash is something that will be (at least for a while, before items get turned off in tournament play) crucial to the game. If you contrast that with the other updates, yeah, we didn't get as much in some of the other updates. But we got something new, didn't we?

Well sorry to piss in your soup, but I have opinions and expectations, I'm not going to go out of my way to post about something that doesn't meet my expectation, but that doesn't mean I'll grin and bare either. Like I said earlier, put me on ignore, or don't bother replying if all you can add to the discussion is "d0d, dunt ch3k teh sit'.
Here's an idea: find something good about the update. There are a couple updates which, at face value, have little to offer. But instead of thinking, "Crap, that was a waste of an update," why not find something new/modified in the update? Then everybody wins.

Since this isn't completely relevant to the topic, if you still want to talk about this, why don't we talk over PM? I don't think everyone is really that interested in this argument.

*EDIT* Okay, maybe they are. Still, I'm not sure if this is the place for the conversation, since it's very hard to convey exactly what you want to say with just text. PM is a bit more personal, and is much less likely to become a flame war.


Smash Ace
Dec 6, 2006
Spokane, WA
wow... spending so much time debating weather or not the updates are cool... and weather or not its cool to think that theyre cool or not...


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
wow... spending so much time debating weather or not the updates are cool... and weather or not its cool to think that theyre cool or not...
Takes 10 minutes to think of a post and type it all out if you're good at typing, max usually. I highly doubt they would have cured any morbid diseases in that time frame. If they find it fun to debate their opinion, why should it matter "how long" it took to make that post?


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Fact: most of the updates aren't cool or are garbage(recovery... *sigh*).

Fact: it's cool that were getting updates and some of them are good(Pit's abilityes, the controllers etc).

Endless Nightmares

Smash Master
Sep 23, 2006
So...I'm gonna try not going to smashbros.com til friday. That way it will be chock full of updates and I won't have anything to complain about.

Think I can do it? :chuckle:

There's an update in 13 minutes...I just can't stand it! lol


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
I hope its a newcomer update... I want to check out the number of the "world" in the URL of the icon...

Imagine if it was a number higher than Pit's 18? It would confirm the addition of about 3 new franchises!


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
And forward throw... and Fire Fox... Fox illusion is now purple instead of blue...


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2007
Is the second screenshot his dash attack? He isn't kicking like he did in Melee. In fact, it looks like a Captain Falcon/Samus dash attack.

*EDIT* Never mind, that's the forward throw.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2005
Natchitoches, Louisiana A.K.A. "The South Ya'
Yup, Fox. Fox's up B move is confirmed as shown in the image with the fire. Also his Right B is confirmed as ya'll can see. BTW, I have an idea on the "always has his blaster out" thing that Sakurai said. What I think is that he can lose it completely during battle. Like maybe if he was hit hard enough or something like that. Then he'd have another attack. Just a thought though.

EDIT: post was late lolz!


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
No, thats gimmicky. Sakurai probably just did away with the blaster always being out. It did look awkward, and it would get in the way of grabbing items or foes...


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
San Antonio, TX
It doesn't look like the FireFox. Have you seen Foxs stage? It speeds toward a planet, and gets "fiery" when it enters that planets atmosphere. That could be it.

Sakurai could've changed his mind about the blaster. In some early screenshots on the site, Fox has his blaster out, and now he doesn't.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 5, 2007
San Diego
BTW, I have an idea on the "always has his blaster out" thing that Sakurai said. What I think is that he can lose it completely during battle. Like maybe if he was hit hard enough or something like that. Then he'd have another attack. Just a thought though.

EDIT: post was late lolz!
hmm...maybe he drops it and other players can get...idk


Smash Cadet
Jun 8, 2007
No, thats gimmicky. Sakurai probably just did away with the blaster always being out. It did look awkward, and it would get in the way of grabbing items or foes...
Yeah, that's what I was thinking, but his blaster isn't in its holster in the second picture either.
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