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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
It will come out end of summer/begging of fall. IGN said so, but Game informer stated it would release june 1st......& it said PLANNED for a 2007 release....


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Lol you have to start saving up now to buy a game in summer.

And the longest wait in my Life was between December the 8th and December the 18th waiting for Gamestation to get my wii. Its much longer when you know its coming and its even longer when you know its close.

And people why do you believe this stuff its not like they have any proof most of the time.

Katy Parry

The Only Zelda in Indiana
May 20, 2007
Indianapolis, IN
cool sig legolas

i use my wii internet browser for this, & only get on this & smash bros.(and a few other things...lol) so ive heard wat ign said & and ive heard igns never been wrong-i guess its just hope.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I am sincerely hoping since they launch the site updates in a bunch of languages at once that they will try to release it around the same time... waiting more than a month after a Japan release would be murderous.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Thanks your sig is great too (You clicked the Link in mine?) and shouldnt the site be updating around now?


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
Why is a release date so important? So 3/4 of the people can complain about having to wait X amount of months?

I'm happy with what we get, at least it's something, more than the nothing we had for the 6 months previous to the site overhaul.
Point taken,but you gotta look at the other side of it man.Most of the stuff they are showing so far is well expected from the vets/casuals that played the past two games,thus losing its organially from the get go(in other words,we already know wtf a Poke Ball does for example).They should be answering our questions like wavedashing existance,charcter balancing/tweaking,not showing us whats new and shiny.

I fear that if they kept holding on to info that we dont know,people may start to lose intrest in it,similar to the actions with Wii's Zelda TP(remember what ended up with that???delays delays delays..).A game that should of came out in late 2004-2005 came out in late 2006 due to them not giving us a set date for us(the consumers) to plan out ahead a time,rather it be finacial reasons,pre orders,the works.

For example,Microsoft already surprizingly annouced there hit title(Halo 3)and its lanuch date and such.Even if people get impatient and start complaining,at least they know they can start preparing and making plans and such on that specific date,or beforehand I should say.

Saying nothing about a release date only brings more spectulations to stuff like network Wi-Fi problems,delays due to manufactures and such,you know,the kind of **** that makes us mad,and end up saying"you know what..Time to play a game thats out,and ready to go".So,IMO,if they annouced a release date,just like whats going on at the Xbox forums(holy..),people would start paying more attention,and hype would explode though this website,thus making us want it that much more. :)


Smash Apprentice
Nov 14, 2006
New York
there was a statement by Reggie that the game will definitely be released before the end of 2007, I saw it on gamespot.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Point taken,but you gotta look at the other side of it man.Most of the stuff they are showing so far is well expected from the vets/casuals that played the past two games,thus losing its organially from the get go(in other words,we already know wtf a Poke Ball does for example).They should be answering our questions like wavedashing existance,charcter balancing/tweaking,not showing us whats new and shiny.

I fear that if they kept holding on to info that we dont know,people may start to lose intrest in it,similar to the actions with Wii's Zelda TP(remember what ended up with that???delays delays delays..).A game that should of came out in late 2004-2005 came out in late 2006 due to them not giving us a set date for us(the consumers) to plan out ahead a time,rather it be finacial reasons,pre orders,the works.

For example,Microsoft already surprizingly annouced there hit title(Halo 3)and its lanuch date and such.Even if people get impatient and start complaining,at least they know they can start preparing and making plans and such on that specific date,or beforehand I should say.

Saying nothing about a release date only brings more spectulations to stuff like network Wi-Fi problems,delays due to manufactures and such,you know,the kind of **** that makes us mad,and end up saying"you know what..Time to play a game thats out,and ready to go".So,IMO,if they annouced a release date,just like whats going on at the Xbox forums(holy..),people would start paying more attention,and hype would explode though this website,thus making us want it that much more. :)
I see it as lose/lose in most cases with Brawl. I mean, look at it, if they give a release date that is months away, people will complain about having to wait so long. If they give no release date at all, people complain about not having a date to look forward to. Just like the site, it's lose/lose. If they release everything we want to see at once, we'll have months of nothing to look forward to, if they don't release anything, people complain, and if they release things like they are now people want more.

Yes, Twilight Princess was announced way too early, and they sorta screwed theirselves when they released both at the same time (Wii/Cube), but Brawl is a bit different. I don't recall any official release date ever given, and the it isn't like brawl was announced in 2002 and is just now getting released (soon). Plus, if my memory serves, Halo 2 was pushed back a whole crapload too to the point where the guy had to put a tattoo on his **** arm so people would believe him.


Smash Ace
Jun 3, 2006
Location: 1vs1 no items online at this very moment
I see it as lose/lose in mose cases with Brawl. I mean, look at it, if they give a release date that is months away, people will complain about having to wait so long. If they give no release date at all, people complain about not having a date to look forward to. Just like the site, it's lose/lose. If they release everything we want to see at once, we'll have months of nothing to look forward to, if they don't release anything, people complain, and if they release things like they are now people want more.

Yes, Twilight Princess was announced way too early, and they sorta screwed theirselves when they released both at the same time (Wii/Cube), but Brawl is a bit different. I don't recall any official release date ever given, and the it isn't like brawl was announced in 2002 and is just now getting released (soon). Plus, if my memory serves, Halo 2 was pushed back a whole crapload too to the point where the guy had to put a tattoo on his **** arm so people would believe him.

See tho,when people complain about the dates(which is a win in my opinion),the fact of the matter is is that they know its coming out,and thats a bit of a relief no matter how you look at it,and way better than seeing"Oh,it will be out sometime in 2007...then towards Christmas time,oh sorry buddyyyy,DELAY UNTIL 2009 due to Fox/Mario's errr..gears,yea".See the crap thats happening to GTA4 currently?Thats a prime example of what Iam talking about.We wouldnt even need to go though that,even if we have to wait,but the point is,knowing something thats gonna happen for sure is helleva lot better than not knowing at all.

Brawl maybe a different game,but its still a title that should have its release date annouced,I mean hell,they even have reports of a actucal demo that Hideo played and stated that they could release it right now and sell millions.I mean,if the game is still incomplete,they should like,umm I dont know,let us know?And not tell us dumb**** about whos coming out of Poke balls this time around.If anything should be kept in the dark,its that **** for sure handsdown.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Well, I agree they should give us some bigger things every now and then other thank pokeballs. But my point is that it's still nice to see information coming out, even if most of it RIGHT NOW is kind of lame/we already knew it would be there type stuff.

The updates are bound to get better, why not get some of the little stuff out of the way first. I agree, I wish they showed us at least one new character a week, but beggars can't be choosers. I liked the music/new stage we got so far, that stuff wasn't bad at all.

It's all about opinion. Some people might want a release date and think "Ok, it's coming out that day, cool" and others might think "It's coming out that day? That's 5 months from now! I'm going to ***** every day for the next 5 months and annoy everyone." And judging by how some of the people act now about the sites updates, I'd expect a lot of people to be pissed if the release date was in fact 5 months from now.

The problem is with giving us a little bit is that a lot of people will just want more, and more, and more. I don't know when there was more complaining, the 6 month drought of information or the little updates the site gets after that drought.

And I don't pay attention to the PS3. That price tag on it has me too pissed off to care what's going on with that ******** system until it drops in price, which who knows when that will be.

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
I agree with SSoH in the sense that we should be happy we're getting anything out of the site. And currently, I feel like I'm one of the few who are actually appreciating the awesome updates we're having.

Why should we care what the release date is, as long as we know it's planned for 2007 release? And if we have to wait for the game progress, that's even better, the outcome will become more pleasurable.

And please don't tell me this all started with the:
"Weekend of waiting = stup1d yosh1 s0ng?!".


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
So get this. I work at a Radio Shack, right beside a GameStop (that I used to work at), and the manager was telling me how their Nintendo Rep came in today. Apparently, she said Brawl won't be out until 2008. I proceded to tell the manager that it would more than likely come out this year during the holidays, but he kept assuring me that she specifically said 2008. She mentioned that "it wouldn't be done this year." I mean, granted she works at Nintendo, but I've talked to a lot of Nintendo Reps in my day, and typically they don't know much more than we do.

Still, it's kinda scary. :(



Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
You know, i'm not to sure about the whole 2007 release date. I won't be absolutely sure of it until more information is given on the exact date/quarter. **** happens, things get delayed sometimes. you never know what could happen between now and then. Sometimes, if you expect the worst you won't be dissapointed in the end. Not always a good theory to go by, but sometimes, yes.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2007
Near Philly
the fact of the matter is is that they know its coming out,and thats a bit of a relief no matter how you look at it,and way better than seeing"Oh,it will be out sometime in 2007...then towards Christmas time,oh sorry buddyyyy,DELAY UNTIL 2009 due to Fox/Mario's errr..gears,yea".
Ever think that Nintendo doesn't even know when they're releasing it yet? Giving us a date they're unsure about is even worse than "planned for 2007". If a delay is going to happen, it'll happen whether a date is announced or not. People would get a lot more angry if they announced a date and the game was released later.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Just reading through a few post,it seems as if you people lack confidence for the development crew.

Sure Twilight Princess may have been delayed,but it was announced withing only a couple of years in its development cycle,which was a mistake on Nintendo's part for doing so.How many of you can honstly say that the game was near completion when you saw the first trailer?

Now when you look at the brawl trailer,alot of the things in the game actually look near completion,and the screen shots from Smashbros.com also look very complete in a manner.I believe that the game wouldn't be delayed because of the fact that they put alot of effort into the game.Not to mention,alot of Fighting games don't take as much time to create as most adventure games or RPG's because of the landscapes,cinematics,battle engine and such.Not to mention the efforts put into brawl have been great.

Another thing that people tend to forget is that Nintendo doesn't take direct creative control of the game development,Sakurai does.Even though he may be a subbordinate of Nintendo,he takes responasability with the control of the game.

I have faith in the team,and so should everyone else.Besides,if this game wasn't near completion,why would they give daily freakin updates?

On a side note,if they have a playable demo for brawl at this years E3,I will be over joyed.I will get a digital camera,record it,and upload it to youtube if anything(I'm attending this year).I really don't look forward to not getting free stuff,talking to booth babes,caffinated drinks(bawls,lol),T-shirts etc.

*sigh*Not to mention the pain of being on your feet for 11 hours in a cramped convention center playing games.*Looks at corns on toes*


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . . .(Sigh, again with the Halo crap. . . )

1. WHY does everyone keep bringing up TP? Yeah, it was pushed back 2-3 times (once for dev than again for them to make the Wii port) and yeah, it was hyped up the a$$ by fanboys. Still ended up being a great game that out sold WW by fare in only a few months and is still the 3rd most selling Wii game for the US and I think the UK (4th or 5th in Japan).

2. Sakurai said this game is definatly coming out in Japan in 07 (this could be stated like this because it was said in a Japanese intereview), the head man of Nintendo said it will be out at the end of summer to fall and Regg has also confirmed it to be 07. Its coming 07

3. Stop complaining about the news. Last week EVERY UPDATE had either new info or completely new news of some kind.

4. Big things to come at E3 (release and new trailer).

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
Recovering technique for the update. Ftw.
Edit: Mario can recover from a long distance in this game. =)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Just reading through a few post,it seems as if you people lack confidence for the development crew.

Sure Twilight Princess may have been delayed,but it was announced withing only a couple of years in its development cycle,which was a mistake on Nintendo's part for doing so.How many of you can honstly say that the game was near completion when you saw the first trailer?

Now when you look at the brawl trailer,alot of the things in the game actually look near completion,and the screen shots from Smashbros.com also look very complete in a manner.I believe that the game wouldn't be delayed because of the fact that they put alot of effort into the game.Not to mention,alot of Fighting games don't take as much time to create as most adventure games or RPG's because of the landscapes,cinematics,battle engine and such.Not to mention the efforts put into brawl have been great.

Another thing that people tend to forget is that Nintendo doesn't take direct creative control of the game development,Sakurai does.Even though he may be a subbordinate of Nintendo,he takes responasability with the control of the game.

I have faith in the team,and so should everyone else.Besides,if this game wasn't near completion,why would they give daily freakin updates?

On a side note,if they have a playable demo for brawl at this years E3,I will be over joyed.I will get a digital camera,record it,and upload it to youtube if anything(I'm attending this year).I really don't look forward to not getting free stuff,talking to booth babes,caffinated drinks(bawls,lol),T-shirts etc.

*sigh*Not to mention the pain of being on your feet for 11 hours in a cramped convention center playing games.*Looks at corns on toes*
Not so much a lack of faith in the development team, just not getting my hopes up too much. Plus, give me that youtube video if you actually do get anything xD

Nevermind, it just updated as i made this post, lol

Does anyone else notice that Mario'd recovery looks a hell of a lot greater than in melee? Also, one of Sakurai's lines may be referring to a new technique, or just an old one "edge guarding/hogging"


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2006
This will be the first of the updates that I've been disappointed in =/

I know we can't expect much since they're giving daily 'updates', but.. telling us that we need to recover by itself is a little.. eh..

Wouldn't have minded it in there, but come on.. give something a little less obvious.

Green Shell

Smash Journeyman
Jun 4, 2007
This will be the first of the updates that I've been disappointed in =/

I know we can't expect much since they're giving daily 'updates', but.. telling us that we need to recover by itself is a little.. eh..

Wouldn't have minded it in there, but come on.. give something a little less obvious.
I believe this update was directed to / for newcomers of the game, otherwise there really wouldn't be any "How to Play". Sakurai's gotta keep all sections of the site evenly updated, I think he's doing a good job with that.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
. . . .This update is clearly for people who are new fans to the series. Can't ignore them. . .


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
I believe this update was directed to / for newcomers of the game, otherwise there really wouldn't be any "How to Play". Sakurai's gotta keep all sections of the site evenly updated, I think he's doing a good job with that.
True, for people who know the game already, this is common knowledge. For someone trying to get their friend involved into smash I guess it would show a few things. Whatever, looks like mario's recovery will be pretty big.


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2006
Grass Valley, California
Recovery! Yay, we got that out of the way now.

And wow! Is it me, or can Mario jump A LOT farther than usual? Perhaps this change has been applied to all returning characters *crosses fingers for an upgrade on Link's recovery*

Also, I noticed that even though the Pokeball was added as an item to the site when you click on "Items" the Pokeball is completely absent from the list o_O


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2006
Oh, of course it is to the newcomers. Really, by all means, I like this being there.

My disappointment only stands in the fact that that was it. Sure he could've given a little something that the majority of the people llooking forward to this game don't know about alongside this..


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Recovery! Yay, we got that out of the way now.

And wow! Is it me, or can Mario jump A LOT farther than usual? Perhaps this change has been applied to all returning characters *crosses fingers for an upgrade on Link's recovery*
What about Ness's? At least link's isn't as bad as Ness's, plus he has the grapple. All you have to do with ness is "OMFG I JUMP INTO UR PK THUNDER U DIE AHAHA!" or "AHAHA MY CHARACTER HAVE PROJECT!LE U DIE NESS SUXXXX"

Maybe all the recovery's will get upgraded, tweaked, whatever.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
I'm happy about this update where others are not,why?

1.I learned that Mario's recovery has improved greatly.

2.Sakurai has hinted us on a few things in the game ; Edge Gaurd Tactics + Possible Aerial Battle.

If Marth is back,he's going to be even more boken.

; )


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2007
San Antonio, TX
I believe this update was directed to / for newcomers of the game, otherwise there really wouldn't be any "How to Play". Sakurai's gotta keep all sections of the site evenly updated, I think he's doing a good job with that.
Screw New Fans. Srsly.

I want some meat, not some fat.


Smash Lord
Sep 23, 2006
He's got Dr Mario ledge grab range...wow

Meta knight needs to learn how to edge guard


Smash Lord
Dec 21, 2006
New York, NY
Also, I noticed that even though the Pokeball was added as an item to the site when you click on "Items" the Pokeball is completely absent from the list o_O
Click- Items..
Look on the right of the "Normal Items" tab.


Smash Apprentice
May 20, 2006
Grass Valley, California
What about Ness's? At least link's isn't as bad as Ness's, plus he has the grapple. All you have to do with ness is "OMFG I JUMP INTO UR PK THUNDER U DIE AHAHA!" or "AHAHA MY CHARACTER HAVE PROJECT!LE U DIE NESS SUXXXX"

Maybe all the recovery's will get upgraded, tweaked, whatever.
Ness has a very unique recovery. The thing about it is that you have to use it in an area where your opponent would die from eating your thunder (I like low and as far away from the stage as possible). In the case of the opponent, jumping up and eating a PK thunder can be a risky move, and only a few characters can easily pull a stunt like that off.

Back on topic. I have to agree with one of the people who said something about the Battlefeild background looking really pretty. I imagine that it will also look really amazing when the lighting changes from day to night.

Croco: Oh... I just hard refreshed and now I see the tab to look at the Poke Ball with the list of all the Pokemon.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 8, 2007
Chicago, Illinois
Ness has a very unique recovery. The thing about it is that you have to use it in an area where your opponent would die from eating your thunder (I like low and as far away from the stage as possible). In the case of the opponent, jumping up and eating a PK thunder can be a risky move, and only a few characters can easily pull a stunt like that off.

Back on topic. I have to agree with one of the people who said something about the Battlefeild background looking really pretty. I imagine that it will also look really amazing when the lighting changes from day to night.

Croco: Oh... I just hard refreshed and now I see the tab to look at the Poke Ball with the list of all the Pokemon.
Yea, doesn't quite help when your friends think Shiek and Fox are the greatest ever and that no characters have advantages or disadvantages. I swear it's annoying when they ***** at me about edge hogging with ness when they play 2 characters with nice advantages -_-. I've worked on his recovery and it helped a little, but I still got owned. I resorted to picking up marth in an attempt to actually win and have some fun.

Anyways, I really hope a new character will be announced soon. At this rate it looks like they'll release all the little stuff first and gradually get into the bigger stuff many people seem to want, including characters, stages, and music o.0
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