-gasps- Here's my first post here lol. Well, I'm a bit under average. If there was a scale from 0 to 100, 0 being like " ZOMG YOU PHAIL IN LIEF", 50 being average and 100 is hardcore pro, then here's my stuff..
Falco (55) - I'm learning the basic combos, I'm starting to get good, and I can really make a comeback with him in the end, usually going into sudden death and win due to his attack priority.
Ice Climbers (45) - I JUST started on them, while I was playing some Zelos_ToS guy/girl/android yesterday, and I beat him/her/it with Ice Climbers four time, but I have FAR more to improve on. First, I need to get used to a Gamecube Controller, then I need to learn how to Blizzard Cancel for lag free Blizzards.
Samus ( ??? ) - I can randomly murder people pretty bad with her, and I don't really practice with her.