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What really bothers me about the racist UCLA girl video.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Link to original post: [drupal=4085]What really bothers me about the racist UCLA girl video.[/drupal]

Recently, this video went viral all over the net. It spawned some outrage, and plenty of hilarious response videos. Why wouldn't it? A girl chose to take a reasonable generic issue, people being too loud in the library during finals week, and attach that to a specific race. Thats racism plain and simple and it is appalling, but that is not why I am writing this blog.

I am writing this as a warning about and critique of modern online culture. Soon after this video went viral, the girl's real name was discovered and the entire online world knew who she was. I googled her name and of course a slew of pages regarding the incident and its backlash appeared. She mentioned in her video that her major is political science. A short 3 minute video has ruined this girl's future. Her name will forever be etched into the internet as the "racist white UCLA girl."

Her degree will be useless. She won't be able to get a real job especially a highly public relations centric field like Political Science. A normal step in the employment process is to google a person's name. (My own office has passed over interviewing people based on what is public on their facebook page). The first page that appeared after I googled it was about how the dean of her college decried the statement. Her social circles will most likely view her as a black sheep. People will recognize her. The next few weeks her public life will be the target of jeers and pointing and laughing. She can apologize, but it won't change the damage done.

Before this incident, I imagine her youtube channel probably had less than 100 views. She never intended to release it to the world. She never intended to offend so many people. She wanted to make a video to her friends. She made a supremely bad judgement call. She was angry and used youtube to rant, a situation that has happened countless times on the internet. I've seen smashers do it on occasion. It just so happens that her rant was filled with racism.

I've honestly heard much MUCH worse racist speech from people I have encountered. However, the forums for their speech allowed these people to go on living their lives normally. She foolishly released it to the web and subsequently ruined her life.

What she said was wrong. No reasonable person can condone it. However, the punishment doesn't fit the crime. The consequences from this will haunt her forever. While she feels this backlash, there are politicians who feel it is right to protest Muslim charity events calling the attendees terrorists (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSgirNjyiRo). These people hold public office and aren't receiving nearly as much backlash. They encourage a message of hate while this girl harbors nothing more than annoyance, yet she will feel the resounding consequences of her moderate folly for much longer and will have it much harder than those who actually deserve our scorn.

The internet as a community is fickle. Some videos get massive attention while similar videos fail to make the mainstream. Your video could be next. The internet doesn't forget anything and all that information is readily available to your dates, friends, parents, grandparents, employers, coworkers, and peers. So all you avid facebook users, bloggers, vloggers, and anyone who puts public opinions on the internet, heed this story as a caveat to "think before you post".


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Damn, you were right, she is pasted all over Google.

She really ****ed herself up for a job lol. That's why you never post racist rants on Youtube unless you want to ruin your life


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
That's why you don't put anything on the internet that you don't want everyone to find out and know.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
For most of the things I post on social networks, I ask myself if my grandmother would be ok reading this. If not I generally don't post it or rephrase or something.

I don't know why people think their private information will stay private when they post it on the internet.


Infinite Gravity
Mar 5, 2008
Formerly 'Werekill' and 'NeoTermina'
That's terrible; I hope that she win't be too badly hurt by this. :(

For most of the things I post on social networks, I ask myself if my grandmother would be ok reading this. If not I generally don't post it or rephrase or something.
Same here, but I do it because my mom is super christian; she has threatened to delete my fb page several times over very minor things.

Her reasoning is that all of the adults that I know would see it, but fortunately, I don't have anyone around my age as a friend.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
People seem to forget that the internet is a public space. Anything you post will remain on someone's server or hard drive for all time, and all someone needs is a little bit of knowledge and time to find it.

Examples like this are unfortunate, but they go to show that we think we know how to handle the internet, but in large part we still don't. We're still navigating this new world where everything we say will exist in perpetuity. Just think of the thousands, probably millions, of pictures on Facebook right now that someday people will wish they could have back.

This is the ultimate form of voyeurism, and we're doing it to ourselves. I hesitate to post pictures of my son on Facebook, because as innocent as it may seem, you really never know how any of this stuff will be viewed, and by whom. Someday, internet etiquette will be second nature, and everyone will know not to post a picture of yourself with large amounts of cleavage showing, or holding a beer bottle in your hand, or to post about how much you hate your boss. But we're clearly still a ways off from that day.


Smash Cadet
Oct 1, 2009
That was stupid of her, and targeting a specific race for that rant was unacceptable. However... freedom of speech, anyone...? She shouldn't be expelled for something as rudimentary as that. It's not even a hate crime, just an ignorant, racist rant. Sucks for her that she made a big mistake so early in her life. :(


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
I feel the internet in general has gone completely out of control. It's already forming a generation of people who are okay with (often anonymously) insulting and harrassing others and everyone seems to forget that not only are they in a public space, they're also dealing with other human beings.

I usually don't post things that I wouldn't feel comfortable saying to someone's face.


sugoi ~ sugoi ~
Dec 8, 2009
Columbus, Ohio
That was stupid of her, and targeting a specific race for that rant was unacceptable. However... freedom of speech, anyone...? She shouldn't be expelled for something as rudimentary as that. It's not even a hate crime, just an ignorant, racist rant. Sucks for her that she made a big mistake so early in her life. :(
Freedom of speech in a public space... and yes, the Internet is one for the most part brings with it the freedom of scrutiny by anyone that happens to view it.

The girl happened to do wrong, but you have to know that what you put in a public space can come back to bite you. The net is a wonderful and potent tool, but it is just that. People forget that anyone can manipulate and use it because it's exactly that --- a tool.

Information will get out on it and you have to make good decisions with wha information you want out there


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
she was clearly trolling...

however posting a vid of herself doing it was probably the dumbest mistake she made...

after all now everyone knows what she looks like.

she's done more then screw herself over in life as far as getting a job goes...she's literally just put her own life in serious danger...least the stupid 4chan kid for the most part would only get his comp hacked/made fun of if he appears on the street....she's likely to get killed, *****, ect., if she is seen by someone who hated her racist video.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Dear god I can't believe people are actually taking offense to this.
"Hey, you Asians talk in the library on your phone when we are trying to study." (although everyone else does it to.... lol)
What, did she hurt someone's feely buds? If someone takes offense to this they are ****ing ********! I would have hoped that so called adults would be past the "he said something mean to me so now I'm gonna cwy". Well, instead of crying people just curse up a storm and try to act all tough. Immature ingratiates. -_-

My family is military, I'm in the military and they say waaaaay worse things than that not directed at a single race (which you might be in) but directed at me directly or someone else. Numb nuts, limp ****, you make to much sound when I punch you on and on. How about someone hollering at you because you have messed up and making you more nervous so you keep on screwing up which just makes them holler at you more! I guess these limp ****s who have taken offense to this have an easy life if this up sets them.
Jesus Christ, please go grow up and grow some balls.

Oh, and that so called racism isn't racism, it's just ignorance and labeling/categorizing.
I am tired of people calling racism all of the time. If ya ask a black guy if he likes fried chicken your automatically called a *racist*. No, this is not racism.
This is racism:
http://www.nativevillage.org/Archiv...1 2009 News/1-1-2009 I193 V1/wounded-knee.jpg
and on and on and on. Racism is everywhere throughout history. For you Christians, the Romans were racist against your savior and his kind.
There have been many many many people die to racism.
Wanna see the true face of racism? Might I suggest a few movies.....
The Wind in the Barley
Jakob the Liar
Brave Heart
(and) Dances with Wolves

This so called racism that we see today is more or less after shock of true racism from the past.

And this is justice of true racism:

*there's my rant
I do have to agree though, with today's culture and their stupidity it was a bad move for her chosen career.
Oh, and here soon I bet even McDonalds will google you and check your facebook. lol
I know for military processing that they run a search on your facebook and then google your name and or any user name that they find with key words.

Stupid people need to stop getting butt hurt so easily and that ***** is stupid for uploading that.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
I highly doubt her comments would incite physical violence towards her. I mean, have you met the average Asian college student at UCLA? /racist generalizations ftw

Anyway, a friend of mine graduated with a poli sci major and ended up working in mortgages. After a year or so of that, she's back in school for an art degree. My point is, not everyone who goes into poli sci is going into public office. She could end up as an administrative assistant at a shoe store, or something.

From what I hear, you guys are right about the white-collar corporate world using Google to find people on fb or whatever. But in my field, I know my employers don't bother with Google searches. They sometimes do TSA background checks though, which are way more intrusive, but incidents like this, which aren't even illegal, aren't grounds for being denied clearance. At my last company, everyone in my dept. was on fb, posting up drunken party pictures of themselves and other coworkers. No one in upper management gave a d*mn (sometimes, upper management was in on the fun).

So, there are still opportunities out there for people who mess up online. But this is an opinion coming from a more technical/light industrial/blue-collar occupation, one that is still dominated by older people who have enough sense to not give a f*ck about social network sites or whatever dumb*ss sh*t the young folk are getting their punk *sses into.

Furthermore, although things get blown up on the Net, the hivemind will also drop anything like a hot potato as soon as it shows signs of going stale. Five minutes from now, the collective will already have moved on to the next atrocity to hit the web, and this girl will fade from memory. The Net is vast in its randomness, and there's too much information out there for this chica to hold the spotlight for longer than a microsecond.

Edit: @saviorslegacy - Actually most of the video responses were funny. She mocked one demographic, and they mocked her right back. Not a whole lot of people seem to be taking her too seriously, at least not on youtube. I don't know why they would. It's finals week though, so I think a lot of frustrated, stressed out people are just venting. Also, unless you're Asian, you're not in a very good position to tell people when they should or should not be offended.

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
Political scientists don't only work in public office, I wouldn't worry about her getting a job.

That being said: if you're stupid enough to post a video of yourself being racist on the internet then you clearly don't think more than 2 seconds ahead and probably just saved any potential future employer some time.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2008
She did generalize an entire race in a negative manner.

Do I feel bad? Nope, your actions have potential consequences. When you're an idiot, this tends to happen.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
However, the punishment doesn't fit the crime.
Just wondering, does anyone think this woman may get more sympathy based on her looks? I ask because I try to picture an unattractive guy saying the same things she said, and I can't imagine anyone saying, "Poor dumb thing just ruined his life."


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Edit: @saviorslegacy - Actually most of the video responses were funny. She mocked one demographic, and they mocked her right back. Not a whole lot of people seem to be taking her too seriously, at least not on youtube. I don't know why they would. It's finals week though, so I think a lot of frustrated, stressed out people are just venting. Also, unless you're Asian, you're not in a very good position to tell people when they should or should not be offended.
Do I look like this?....... http://www.beautyanalysis.com/images/pg42RF---Asian-Male-Model-[.jpg
No I do not. I am Native American and German (left before WW2) mixed in with American mutt.

I do however live in the country. I have to deal with the red neck ****. About half or more of the local college is from out of the town (mostly from up north).
About half or so of the people there have a real snotty attitude towards the locals and locals= red necks (I get lumped in with the others). On top of that, the smart red necks/locals have an elitist attitude towards everyone else because there are so many dumb ****s. So there is a lot of belittling going on.
Last week I had some wise crack over at the college ask me if I knew what cancer really was. -_- dumb ***
So no, I am not Asian. But I deal with people treating me like I am ignorant or stupid all the same. It is just part of life.

Oh, and the town that I am from is about to have its major debut! NBC is doing a full length documentary on Portsmouth Ohio! It will be covering everything from local violence to drugs (which the only thing in between is dead cops and car chases.... which are only cool when a street bike is involved).
Here soon it will be an embarrassment to be from this town. Hopefully "Southern Ohio" doesn't became infamous to the point that everyone knows about.

God I can't wait till I ship in May. HOOYAH!


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
Just wondering, does anyone think this woman may get more sympathy based on her looks? I ask because I try to picture an unattractive guy saying the same things she said, and I can't imagine anyone saying, "Poor dumb thing just ruined his life."
This is 100% guaranteed.

I dont know if usa got news of 'schapelle corby' here, a young australian surfer girl who got 20 years for smuggling a massive bag of marijuana into bali and had non stop media coverage for months on end and most of the country saying she was innocent.. You can bet your life that if it was an older aboriginal male, no one would have cared.


OK so I watched the video

Anyone who deems this as racist is a complete ******. Apply for a disability parking space.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 28, 2008
Fair enough.

In this woman's case though, she generalized and it came back to bite her in the ass.

All while posting personal information as well. Smart.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Hampden, Maine
This is the exact type of stuff that makes me embarrassed, and to some degree sad, to be an american citizen.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
I must have missed the part where she hated on an entire race.

All I saw was her pointing out how the asians at her university dont respect the rules of the library. Its undeniably true, just because she said it while every other student thinks it, doesnt make her the only racist there.

Please, tell me, at what point in time in that video did she state that all asians disrespect western culture when it comes to libraries? She made it quite clear she was always referring to the students and not the race as a whole.

El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
She made it quite clear she was always referring to the students and not the race as a whole.
Her little side comments come across as insincere disclaimers attempting to deflect accusations of racism, and at no point was I convinced that she meant them. She began by complaining about the "hordes" of Asians who get accepted into the school, adding a little "which is fine" at the end. The fact that she said it in the first place implies that it is not fine. If it were fine, why are you mentioning that there are "hordes" of Asians at your school?

She then complains about Asians having their families over every week. She doesn't even say why it concerns her what other people are doing with their families, nor does she bother to mention how their activities negatively impact her experience as a student. This implies that she is somehow bothered by this particular aspect of their culture just because she has to witness it.

She follows it with an accusation that "they don't teach their kids how to fend for themselves," an ethnocentric judgment based on Westernized values in which individuality is prized above the cohesiveness of the extended family.

None of these things have any relevance to her point about people talking on their cell phones in the library. But her emphasis of these things suggests that before she even witnessed people on their cell phones in the library, she already had a problem with this particular demographic, and that problem stems from an inability to NOT pass judgment on people for certain cultural characteristics that do not pertain to her, but which she seems to be bothered by simply because they are different and she has to witness them.

Furthermore, "ching chong ling long" is an old, old staple stock comment used to degrade Asians. It is as old and American as apple pie, the N word, "[derogatory word for Latinos]," "gooks," or "Chinaman." The phrase is a relic from old America. People who use it, use it knowing full well what it means.

Then she admits that the people on their phones were probably just trying to connect with friends and family affected by the tsunami in Japan, and she adds a little something about feeling sorry for the victims of the disaster, but I don't ****ing buy it. If she really did feel sorry about them, she wouldn't have complained about it in the first place. If you know that someone is going through a crisis at the moment, and you say you sympathize, you would not cut them down like that.

What probably happened (my guess) is people were looking up news on the tsunami using the library's computers, and they decided to call family members based on the images they were seeing, or they were calling emergency numbers they found off the Internet to try to locate missing people.

She did not explicitly say that she hates an entire demographic, but then, racists rarely do. They merely try to express themselves in language that they think will make them look rational to other people, to try to get others to agree with their points. Everyone knows the definition of a racist, so a smart racist addressing a wide audience is going to conceal the most obvious. But in the things that they say there are implications of where they truly stand on matters. The things that bother them about a certain group of people come from some place in their minds, and it is usually a deep-seated form of racism that manifests in what appears to be a minor complaint. They just avoid saying the most obvious things that would get them branded as racists.

Part of this is because racism is often deeply subconscious. People have prejudice, and they don't even know, or are unwilling to admit it.

It's like listening to a politician's speech. Those guys don't come right out and say what they mean. If they did, no one would ever get elected into public office. So they try to say it in a way that they think will be receptive to the audience.

At no time did she complain about anyone else being on their cell phone in the library. Nor did she say, "There was this one Asian girl who was on her phone..." She spoke about the people at her school as an entire group identified not by an action (talking on their phones in the library), but by their race. She saw the race first, the action second, and melded the action to the race.

She also repeatedly talks about "American" manners, and identifies herself as a polite "American" girl. There is no reason, if her rant is not race-related, to mention her nationality. The only reason, in this context, to mention her nationality is to make a point, a comparison, between "Americans" and "Asians."

She emphasizes that "IN AMERICA" we don't do this or that. The implication in that phrase is that the people who are being rude are doing so because they are not from America. Otherwise, what's the point of emphasizing it?

She also talks about Asian students bringing their families with them from Asia, completely ignoring the number of Asian-Americans who attend schools in the U.S. In fact, it's more likely that an Asian-American student would have family visitors on weekends than an Asian student because it's not convenient to have family fly in to the U.S. from Asia every week.

And if her only complaint was about cell phones, why did she have to preface the whole rant with a bunch of other complaints that have no connection to cell phones in the library except the race of the people involved?

Edit: lol. I can't say *****, but I can say "gooks." And "Chinaman."

Mini Mic

Taller than Mic_128
May 5, 2007
Not to mention the whole chubby **** look going on.
May 16, 2009
Austin, Texas
Man, I got to say that I have to agree with the Opening post made by Pakman.

I mean I generally stereotype people though I wish I didn't. Just don't say it out loud due to offending someone and in the case that it's not right .
It seems like recently she apologized for it, though it won't matter unfortunately. Wonder how she's going handle this.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
I just wanna say that her complaints about their family always coming over and cooking is pretty legit. Like they're usually pretty loud and their cooking makes the whole apartment smell. Just sayin'.


My avater is not a Sheik avatar.
Sep 25, 2008
Tacoma, WA
This is the exact type of stuff that makes me embarrassed, and to some degree sad, to be an american citizen.
I oughta ****ing track you down and have a heart to heart conversation. :cool:
I must have missed the part where she hated on an entire race.

All I saw was her pointing out how the asians at her university dont respect the rules of the library. Its undeniably true, just because she said it while every other student thinks it, doesnt make her the only racist there.

Please, tell me, at what point in time in that video did she state that all asians disrespect western culture when it comes to libraries? She made it quite clear she was always referring to the students and not the race as a whole.
For all we know her only contact with Asians could be her school. If most of them talk on the phone in the library then her generalization has some ground to stand on.
There are very few blacks around here and my generalization of blacks is that everyone is happy to the point of being annoying. They are a very bubbly people. I know that not every black is like this but every time I see one that isn't happy/looks angry or mean I kinda feel weird.

Her generalization was just some what negative.
So yeah, I agree with you.
I'm sure I'm not alone when I say I don't think she was attractive at all.
Meh, I don't like the all big boobs no brains blonde thing.
I prefer somewhat darker skin, dark hair, dark eyes and deep voice. So she is the opposite for me.

This is by far the best video response: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lOGpGoEMu2s
You know, something that I just realized is there are a lot of blonde hoes running around always talking on the phone or texting.
There, three generalizations. Anyone want to say that in a line up of all blondes that a higher percentage of them don't do this?


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
After watching the video, I don't see how you can argue she wasn't racist. Seriously. ''Ching chong ling long'' in the manner she expressed it is not ok.

Maybe it's harsh but I feel no sympathy here. People are calling her racist because she was racist.


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
Modern racism isn't slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow laws. It is more subtle than that. A story my black friend told me:

"I can deal with being called a ******. That is just some ******* being an *******. What really gets to me and where real racism hits home. Is when I am walking down the street, and an old white lady is walking towards me and instead of crossing paths, she crosses the street and clutches her purse."


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
"I can deal with being called a ******. That is just some ******* being an *******. What really gets to me and where real racism hits home. Is when I am walking down the street, and an old white lady is walking towards me and instead of crossing paths, she crosses the street and clutches her purse."
This is so true.

It's also why I don't mind outright open homophobia. Honesty is at least respectable. What I don't like are those ***wipes who pretend to be all "liberal" or whatever the stupid catchphrase is nowadays about things, then like showing the complete opposite.


Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
The internet as a community is fickle. Some videos get massive attention while similar videos fail to make the mainstream. Your video could be next. The internet doesn't forget anything and all that information is readily available to your dates, friends, parents, grandparents, employers, coworkers, and peers. So all you avid facebook users, bloggers, vloggers, and anyone who puts public opinions on the internet, heed this story as a caveat to "think before you post".
Very good blog. Very good read and this paragraph I quoted is some vital information for younger people who have yet to enter the workforce. It's true what Pakman wrote. When people hire you they do background checks, and I beleive along with that they google your name, check for facebook. This is why I NEVER use my full name anywhere, post pics/allow to be recorded (unless it was a bad pic and it doesnt really look like me at all.. even then I don't like it) and spammed online or even have a facebook. It's a shame, because a lot of my friends keep asking and telling me to set one up... but it just screams STALK me. It's true you can limit access or make your stuff private, but nontheless I don't trust using that network stuff because of a little magical thing called:

screen capture/ snipping tool.

people use it, can post it to a public sharing site like photobucket, person googles it and BAM it can be all over the place in a heartbeat

So watch out kids, you're being watched on the interwebz :oneeye:
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