Let's see, I don't think I'd like battle network from what I've seen. I have Okami. I have FE: POR. I have Chrono Trigger on ps1 although I'd prefer it on the DS, but I'd rather wait for the price to drop. I've been wanting to pick up Sonic Rush, Pikmin has interested me, although they are doing a wii-make, but I might prefer it on the GC. NMH seems good. I've heard good things about Pheonix Wright. I'm looking to get as many games as possible with this money, so I'd prefer games that aren't too much. I've been looking into Legend of Kage 2 for DS, ten bucks new. I've heard good things about it. Some people say it's mediocore, but it looks decent. Maybe it only has the depth of an NES game or something since it's the sequel of one, but that wouldn't bother me; the gameplay looks fun.