Wii Play's laser hockey. I'm up by 4 with 9 seconds left and the freaking CPU scores 6 goals in 9 seconds.
When girls tell a funny joke and the other girls screech. It drives me CRAZY!!
Crappy school lunch, today I had to eat Hot Ham and Cheese.
People younger than 15 with facial hair. Do they think it makes them cool? Attractive? No, just shave it and wait.
English Class, why is it necessary for people to know the difference between a preposition and a pronoun??!
People with too many cats, It makes everything stink like Crap.
People who say "make me" If i ask someone to stop being an idiot and they say "make me" so you want me to strangle you or something so you won't be an idiot?
People who make fun of people when they have a worse problem. There was a 400+ pound kid who had the nerve to make fun of my long hair. So i tell him to lose 100 pounds before you make fun of me.
People who think they're hilarious, my little brothers friend thought it was the funniest thing ever when he said that clowns wear spaghetti on their head. I just wanted to strangle him.
In public places when people kick the back of my chair, my favorite respose to this is grabbing their legs and jerking them upward, that is so awesome!!
People that are freaking oversensitive! I called my friend a loser (joking) and he punched me in the gut, threw me on the ground and kicked me. WTF!!??
People who say I complain too much. If there was nothing to complain about the world would be a boring place.