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Werewolves of Miller's Hollow | Game Over! Who could have possibly won?!?!???!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I think MK and mentos are scum partners

a) MK comes out and is like "cello/mayling opinions on mentos? i didn't read"
b) when i call him out on how he can put suspicions on cello but not have read mentos, he comes back saying he DID read the mentos case and that he'll be able to comment on it
c) the next post, this one... he just comes out and attacks cello MORE

like i've mentioned in previous posts, MK's actions and words just aren't adding up. he still has failed to comment on the mentos case, which he supposedly "completely missed" despite the fact he thinks town needs to be totally 100% upfront

so i can only assume him and mentos are scum partners and he's trying to avoid commenting on mentos

MK today and Mentos tomorrow. I know I'm a hungry hippocrite cus I told cello not to say things like this, but Mk is just making it way too obvious
I already commented on the mentos case in my wallo'text response to you. If you missed it, I said that I realize that mentos originally came under fire for the fact that he said there were 3 werewolves, even though it was stated in the role PM. I read through and I don't think that mentos is scum. Does that make him a partner of mine? I think you're town as well, but does that mean we have any sort of relation? No, not really.
I'm not making this obvious because I'm not freaking scum. God, I don't know why the hell everyone looks over the scummy **** that Cello says. In fact, I don't even know how people accept some of the oneliners of Kevin. May, you bring up really good points about people and they are DEVELOPED. However, this one is not correct. Your assumption is logistical, but merely coincidental.

No one agrees with Gheb

Dec 15, 2009
In Limbo
And I still don't see where the slip is. I assume that you try to push a correct lynch. How in the world is that a slip? Am I supposed to assume that you are eager to push an inncorect lynch?

Like the last couple of posts on mentos / Mkirby though and I'll do a reread with that "connection" in mind.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Meta, just because you comment on something doesn't mean that you've convinced anyone of your innocence. And you're wrong, mentos didn't come under fire for knowing there were three werewolves. Cello was actually the first one to say that, and then used it in a hilariously bad attempt to somehow frame mentos that didn't even get off the ground. Iirc, mentos has not once "come under fire" for this. You are clearly skimming at best.

Also think that Cello is really reaching with the "correct lynch" "scumslip". It was obvious to me exactly what Nodawg meant, and was obviously not a scumslip at all.


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
MK is giving me a hardcore frustrated tell. He seems pretty pissed about how the way the game is going. He isnt consistent but that isnt the biggest of tells. Gonna reread.

Cello is just being the reacher he is when this "correct lynch" being a scumtell. Stop telling people who to vote Cello. The only reason my vote isnt on you is because you are active and as such itll be easier to pile up your scumtells later on. For now you at least get people talking.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
We should start ironing out the kinks between townies. As long as you defend what you've done adequately, there shouldn't be any problems. And if there are problems, then...I'll be disappointed that I wasn't right, but that's good too.

Mayling and Kevin are town. I have no doubts now. Mayling should be obvious from her post content, and I won't comment on Kevin in deference to what I believe his wishes would be.

Xonar said:
@Cello, stop asking people to vote. Vote's are towns only real weapon, and trying to manipulate it is scummy.
If I feel someone's vote is in the wrong place, I'll try whatever I can to get them to move it. I realize that simply asking won't change someone's mind. I realize my own reasoning isn't satisfactory to some/many people here. I disagree that manipulating other people's votes is innately scummy. Technically, that's what discussion is.

@Ghebcus: Stop ignoring everything else that I asked. Why were you trying to insinuate that the Witch could clear a night-kill target? What was your purpose in claiming that I think anyone who's not with me is against town? Who's scum and why? Why did you seem to ignore the possibility of Mentos/MetaKirby as scum before May's post? Why is it only interesting when you consider them as a pair?

@Macman: After my #267, you advise McFox, then vote for NOAWG afterward. That would give you potentially just under 5 minutes to read my post and respond. Did you read my post, or just notice that I was mentioning Ghebcus and put your vote on him? If you did read it, then my post was apparently enough to tip your vote against him. Can you explain to the rest of us why you thought he was scummy before, and what parts of my post did and did not make you want to vote for NOAWG? Have you thought about McFox, in the sense of why you thought he was suspicious, since those posts?

@McFox: You seem to think Meta-Kirby should be the lynch for the Day. You think I should go at some point, or you're building up to that. Do you still think my original case against Mentos has merit? What has been said since that affects your opinion and in what way?

@Kirbyoshi: Hmm...what do you think about Kevin, Macman, McFox and Xonar?

@Junglefevah: What are your thoughts on Meta-Kirby now?

@Kevin: What are you thinking about Xonar and McFox?

@Omis: Everyone here should realize by now that I'm a stalker. You only have my word for this, but Meta-Kirby has visited DGames on multiple occasions without posting. Even if you account for passing by and reading new posts, then thinking about them to a built up angry/frustrated burst, wouldn't he have posted before now?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
EBWOP: @Omis: Nevermind about the point that I made to you. There's no way to confirm it or for MK to defend against it.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
I absolutely think Meta should be the lynch today. His exchange with Mayling left him looking incredibly scummy. I can't decide where I stand on you yet, so I'm ignoring it for now. I think we've got a good lynch with Meta, I can reevaluate where I stand on people once he flips (assuming he is lynched), and what happens during N1. A number of things could happen between now and D2 to change my opinion on everyone. Since this is what you're fishing for: I absolutely do not trust you right now, you seem to be trying too hard to me. You think you've already pegged all three werewolves and the piper, and we haven't even seen a single flip. I can't figure out if you're trying this hard because you are town, or because you're scum and know that some people (me especially) were pissed with the way you played L4S, and there was no way some people (read: me) were going to allow you to coast to victory again, so now you're doing the opposite.

As for mentos, I'll use this post as a summation of your case, in which case: I think it's possible that what you had to say had merit, but I think it's equally possible that it was coming from town-mentos. mentos has been criticized in his last several games for not contributing, and those could easily have been efforts to actually contribute, flawed though they were.

Not much has been said since then, quite the opposite, it's what hasn't been said that makes me think mentos might be town. Compare mentos' first real post:

*Cracks knuckles* Ok guys, after the horror show that was my performance in L4S, and the results it had late game, I'm going to be making a concerted effort in all my games to start playing like I used to instead of the crap I've put up recently. That said, let's begin. First of all, I like how the election situation has effectively destroyed the RVS.

etc. etc.
to his recent activity, which, despite what he said above, is pretty much exactly the same as his activity in the last few games he's played, where he's been town. He can make Johns and such, but the fact remains that as town, mentos seems (to me) to dedicate himself to the game is short bursts, interspersed with longer periods of inactivity. That was how he played L4S, along with several other games as town, and it's how he's playing this one. For me, that's enough to earn him a pass for now.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Hey everyone, I'm out on valentines dinner wit family and this post is coming from a blackberry. This will be short cuz these keys are tiny.
I want to know what I can do to adequately prove my innocence to you all! Please tell me, you aren't making the right decision and I need to know what I personally can do as town to convince u of this fact. :/


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
pardon the interruption

kevinM is now V/LA thanks to a borked computer


No one agrees with Gheb

Dec 15, 2009
In Limbo
Why were you trying to insinuate that the Witch could clear a night-kill target?

What was your purpose in claiming that I think anyone who's not with me is against town?
The purpose was to point a logical fallacy on your part.
Just because player X doesn't support the lynch you push the most doesn't mean they're on the same side.

Who's scum and why?
Meta-Kirby for his inconsistent play. Cacti / Macman for coasting, posting little substance and being rather distracting (in Macman's case). Maybe Kirbyo though it's a bit vague because I don't know his scum-meta. I still don't like his mentos Sheriff-vote and I don't feel he has contributed very much for a good lynch target.
Omis is looking a lot better imo now that he toned down the fluff / parroting and actually starts taking stances and I think he's not the best lynch toDay.

Why did you seem to ignore the possibility of Mentos/MetaKirby as scum before May's post?
I didn't ignore it.
At that time I thought the push vs mentos wasn't legitimate but now that his inactivity is rising again and that you're not the only one to comment on him I felt that there might be more to it - especially since a very specific connection has been pointed out.

Also, I'm still not sold on them being a pair. Townmentos often has strong connections to a selected bunch of players - sometimes even scumbags, which makes him looks suspicious even when he's town (Monster Mafia - Mentos X Rockin; Left4Scum: Mentos X Circus).

Why is it only interesting when you consider them as a pair?
More information in case of a flip. D1 is usually the most difficult day to make a correct lynch so obtaining information in the process is always good (as long as obtaining information doesn't overshadow the actual scumhunting.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
unvote meh

reread to come later

and cello, i didn't vote cuz of your post. You just reminded me about nodawg who I was still suspect of.

vote: nodawg


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Ok then

Who's scum?
I'm just a huge suspect of Cello at this moment because, to me, he seems to eager to lynch somebody. The phrase "I'm just ready to get this day over with" that he stated screams startled scum to me. The fact that he keeps asking individuals to vote his way, the rolefishing for Cupid early in the game unprovoked, the fact that the rolefish didn't actually do anything when all said and done, the constant blame-casting of other players, the fact that he's looking so desperately to point of the flaws of others (see: quick attack of mentos on three werewolves claim), the fact that he's trying to get votes of others "when he feels they are wrongly placed", and his questioning of the entire cast of players is absolutely scummy in my eyes.

unvote vote: Cello_Marl


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
Cello said:
@Kirbyoshi: Hmm...what do you think about Kevin, Macman, McFox and Xonar?
I'm always at least a little suspicious of Kev, so I don't think (yet) that he's scum.

Yes, Mac still feels scummy to me, but I feel more strongly right now about you (Cello) being scum.

I still believe McFox to be town, but I don't really know why.

I'm a bit confused about what I think of Xonar atm. Starting to think his self-SVote at the beginning was simply a joke, and he's been playing town since. Not ready to let him all the way off the hook yet though.

@Mod: Votecountz?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
In your face, Vundo computer virus! Spybot Search and Destroy completely fixed my computer with just 2 complete scans of my hard drive. My comp has been in varying states of "on the fritz" for like a month. I can't believe it was that simple to fix up. Anyway, I'm officially back, not that my presence has exactly been missed.

I'm just a huge suspect of Cello at this moment because, to me, he seems to eager to lynch somebody.
You're not eager to lynch people?

the fact that he's looking so desperately to point of the flaws of others (see: quick attack of mentos on three werewolves claim)
Once again, Cello was the first one to claim that, not mentos. That was not Cello's accusation against mentos at all. As I mentioned the first time you brought it up, you are clearly skimming, and cherry-picking which quotes will somehow help you, and not actually reading the discussion that's taking place.

the fact that he's trying to get votes of others "when he feels they are wrongly placed",
You didn't find his justification for this (that that's basically what all discussion in mafia is anyway, and he's just being blatant about it) to be adequate? It's not like he can actually force anyone to vote with him, he can only persuade forcefully, so to speak. Everyone's vote is still their own. (Note: This is not an endorsement of Cello's methods, but it makes sense coming from him due to the way he's playing this game, so I don't really consider it a scumtell anymore.)

and his questioning of the entire cast of players is absolutely scummy in my eyes.
We should be questioning the "entire cast of players."

That response just makes you look work Meta. You're OMGUSing Cello in an attempt to turn support against you an onto him, but you didn't hide that fact very well. Not to mention that, as I said, cherry-picking quotes instead of actually reading everything that's been said (and this is not the first time you've been accused of this (it's actually the third, if you count the last time I corrected you about the mentos/Cello thing)) before responding is incredibly scummy. You're just taking things that sound like you could twist them in your favor, but you're forgoing the context and everything else around them, so your attempt to use these points in your own arguments have no weight. They're empty, and they sound like an empty scum case against a townie who has him pegged. Even if that isn't the situation, that's exactly what all of your responses have made it seem like, ever since Mayling questioned you the first time.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
You're not eager to lynch people?
It's not that I'm not eager, but I'm definitely not in a rush to make a STUPID CARELESS DECISION which he's convincing you lot to take now. He's too eager for my tastes, and.

Once again, Cello was the first one to claim that, not mentos. That was not Cello's accusation against mentos at all. As I mentioned the first time you brought it up, you are clearly skimming, and cherry-picking which quotes will somehow help you, and not actually reading the discussion that's taking place.
There was a typo there, it should have said "on mentos" not "of mentos". Sorry >_<
^I'm basing his argument against mentos off of this post, which criticizes mentos for being able to pick out that bit of information when it's available to everyone, yet not being able to pick out stuff about Cupid/Lovers

You didn't find his justification for this (that that's basically what all discussion in mafia is anyway, and he's just being blatant about it) to be adequate? It's not like he can actually force anyone to vote with him, he can only persuade forcefully, so to speak. Everyone's vote is still their own. (Note: This is not an endorsement of Cello's methods, but it makes sense coming from him due to the way he's playing this game, so I don't really consider it a scumtell anymore.)
I do understand your point regarding the intentions of his methods, but to me, it seems like he's trying too hard. I'm sure that everyone can make a case for his or herself, and I don't believe that you/I/any player needs to announce that they are, in fact, voting the same way as Cello and are publically siding with him.

That response just makes you look work Meta. You're OMGUSing Cello in an attempt to turn support against you an onto him, but you didn't hide that fact very well.
It definitely was NOT an OMGUS. Hell, I don't even know where his vote is right now, but I'm fairly certain it's not on me. I find his actions scummy. First, people critisize me for not posting enough without pressure. Now, I'm being chastised for posting to save my own *** from being WRONGFULLY lynched? Oh, hell no, that's gotta be the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Why don't I just go sit in the corner with a piece of tape over my mouth with the words "Lynch Me" on it? You want this to be lol easy and just lynch me. That's NOT going to happen, because it's not the right thing to do AT ALL!!

Not to mention that, as I said, cherry-picking quotes instead of actually reading everything that's been said (and this is not the first time you've been accused of this (it's actually the third, if you count the last time I corrected you about the mentos/Cello thing)) before responding is incredibly scummy. You're just taking things that sound like you could twist them in your favor, but you're forgoing the context and everything else around them, so your attempt to use these points in your own arguments have no weight. They're empty, and they sound like an empty scum case against a townie who has him pegged. Even if that isn't the situation, that's exactly what all of your responses have made it seem like, ever since Mayling questioned you the first time.
Are you so certain that I'm scum? Can you really be that certain? I've tried to play this game in an assertive manner, and this is how I'm repayed. I'm sorry that my responses have been LACKLUSTER. I've been finishing out my sports season, and now, it's over. I have more dedication to this game. It pisses me off so badly that I'm the individual being targeted. What I have to say, disregarded. What others have to say, negligible. What you say, irritating.
McFox, this is to you: What do I need to do to prove I'm not scum? I don't even know how to do it now!


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Meta said:
It definitely was NOT an OMGUS.
You're right, that was bad phrasing on my part. I should have said that it "seemed OMGUSy," which would've been more accurate. Cello has publicly supported your lynch, no matter where his vote is now.

Now, I'm being chastised for posting to save my own *** from being WRONGFULLY lynched?
Everyone is wrongfully lynched, at least for their side. Any time you are lynched, it is wrongful from your own point of view. So saying you're going to be wrongfully lynched isn't exactly compelling.

Are you so certain that I'm scum? Can you really be that certain?
Despite what anyone has said in any game, ever, it's pretty rare that anyone can actually be certain. That said, I'd bet money on it right now.

McFox, this is to you: What do I need to do to prove I'm not scum? I don't even know how to do it now!
There's no magic set of words you can type that will suddenly make everyone trust you again. I see you as scummy because the last few major interactions you've had with people (Mayling and now myself specifically) have made you look scummy.

Here's the elephant in the room I've been avoiding: you are abusing the Appeal to Emotion. A lot of people are guilty of this one, myself included, but you have taken it to an extreme twice now. Here are a few quotes from your back-and-forth with Mayling:

Please don't blame me. =C
It's annoying to hear that people don't think I'm posting enough.
I have a packed schedule and I try to post as much as I can. =/
God ****, you assume that I have absolutely no brain for myself. That's annoyingly condescending.
Your argument is based on the fact that I'm stupid, unwilling, and unable to think for myself; all of these points are misguided and I would appreciate an opportunity to defend myself without being critsized for "Doing so because of the pressure".
Oh hi, how are you doing today Mr. Perfect? Would you like a side of modesty with your arrogant fries? Thought not.
I'm sorry that I wasn't there to chime in on the argument split-second after you had posted.
What did I JUST SAY in the part you quoted here.
You must have missed that, I'm sure you must have, because nobody can be this blind.
K, thanks for making the same point like fourteen times in one argument.
And I don't think you're stupid either. I know that we both have the potential to eliminate scum, and I feel that we're wasting time with a town v town argument here D:
(Also, MAJOR buddying with Mayling in the above quote, who was at the time Meta's biggest criticizer.)

Yeah, I know it's contradictory, and I guess you're right about that part. D: I'm sorry I couldn't chime in earlier; I swear, I would have ! D:
This is only my 2nd ever Mafia game. Am I not supposed to respond to everything directed towards me? :O
Also worth noting is that in the above scenario, the Appeals to Emotion worked. With Meta saying the above, Mayling started to say things like:

Mayling said:
I'm not trying to dismiss your comments, and sorry if I said something that made it seem like I was. I don't expect to lead the lynch today, or any day.

ok, i'll try to be less tyranty about that then. it just seemed odd at the time
And now you're trying the same thing on me. Your last post especially was full of AtE. Sorry, it isn't going to work. AtE is a classic scumtell, and one you've overused. I hadn't brought it up until now because I was waiting to see if you'd use it again, and you did.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
@Pierre: If the Little Girl visits the Werewolf Night Kill target on the same Night that the Witch uses the Potion of Life and decides to save that person, does the Little Girl still become aware of the name of a Wolf? Further, does that count as a visit from the Witch for purposes of the Little Girl's ability? Also, does the Lover role replace the previous role, or add to it? Examples: Can a Little Girl Lover still track people? (oh my god, that sounds wrong) Would the investigation of a Fortune Teller detect a Werewolf Lover?

At first Meta-Kirby's defense of himself was funny, then it just got sad, but then it got funny again. Anyway, MetaKirby, the point was that #93 was my original case against him, not the three werewolves.

@Macman: I asked you the same question Ghebcus did. Why did you find him scummy? Personally, I just want you to do my job for me. I'm finding my own tactics aren't working, so maybe the others will listen to you.

@Kirbyoshi: If you were scummates with Ghebcus, how much would you defer to his opinion? As in, would you be willing to go along with an idea of his against your own judgment? Also, didn't you "officially take back" your FoS on Macman? When did that change?

@Ghebcus: So now you're down to just "more than likely" when it comes to the Witch?

Ghebcus said:
There's one thing people don't seem to understand about the Witch, that is clearly specified in the description: The Witch knows the nightkill target - if he chooses to safe a player that player is confirmed not-mafia to the witch.

With that in mind: If you could confirm KevinM or Mentosman as townie would you still choose to safe the VI instead? I think it's bad to assume we should auto-safe the VI because the players are still more important than their role - and being safed by the witch confirms them as not-mafia regardless.
Bolded sections were originally italicized. You spoke as though the Witch is simply aware of who is being targeted. You do realize that he/she has to actually use the potion of life to gain that information, right? If it is used, then he/she doesn't save that person, then it is essentially wasted. You did, after all, read the Witch description. It's clearly specified.

You were previously trying to imply that the night kill target was guaranteed to be innocent. What if the wolves had tried to kill one of their own in order to gain greater credibility, especially if we agreed with your false point?

Also, do you still feel that a Village Idiot lylo claim is a good idea?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
@Cello: Not sure what you're trying to get at here. Scum have the same basic objectives no matter who's on the scum team, or what game it is. IF NOdAWG and I were scumbuddies, i would think we would have close to the same ideas, even though neither player of the hydra is one whose playstyle I necessarily like.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
The problem with the Witch's role description is that it isn't specified if she regains her potion after cancelling the saving.

@pierre, read above

No one agrees with Gheb

Dec 15, 2009
In Limbo
@Ghebcus: So now you're down to just "more than likely" when it comes to the Witch?
The thought that the Werewolves could target themselves for the night didn't occur to me back then:

What if the wolves had tried to kill one of their own
This is the reason why I changed the "confirmed" to "more than likely" - there is a minimal chance for the Wolves to target themselves. It is however absurdly risky for the Wolves to do as there is no way for them to know that the Witch will actually safe them. Killing one of their own would probably too huge a blow to take that risk.

For accuracy's sake I changed my wording but the point remains the same.

Bolded sections were originally italicized. You spoke as though the Witch is simply aware of who is being targeted. You do realize that he/she has to actually use the potion of life to gain that information, right?
So? The Witch has one PoL regardless of whom she saves. It doesn't matter whom she safes or for what reason. She has one safe for the entire game but in exchange knows the target for the kill in advance. The safed person is pretty much guaranteed not mafia.

If it is used, then he/she doesn't save that person, then it is essentially wasted.
Can you please rewrite this sentence? It's either the synthax or the grammer but I can't make sense out of it.

Also, do you still feel that a Village Idiot lylo claim is a good idea?
If he stops counting against the Wolves' WinCon he shouldn't do it. I didn't realize it back then that he stops counting alltogether - since this is the case he should claim earlier if he decides to reveal himself.


Nov 7, 2008
hello hello, you say goodbye i say hello

on another note. I'm actually kind of suspect of McFox, tho I can't really put a finger on it.

I feel like quite a bit has happened yet I have no solid reads. This is bugging me alot.
unvote: vote: Nodawg
They've also still been on my radar.
Later, Macman voted Metakirby, then hopped off back onto Nodawg.

Can you try and explain your suspicions on Nodawg? They seem to be coming out of no where.

I think you're town as well, but does that mean we have any sort of relation? No, not really.
If you're town, and I'm town as well, then that means we are related... as townies. >.>

Mayling and Kevin are town. I have no doubts now. Mayling should be obvious from her post content, and I won't comment on Kevin in deference to what I believe his wishes would be.
Can you say why KevinM is town? I don't see how you can be so sure from all his one-liners.

Also, Witch should Vig a blatant coaster or Scumacman asap.
Mentos has made 10 posts; Cacti 8. Bunglefever who replaced mid-day has 14... more than them! This isn't okay. :s

I don't see Cello's "command" voting all that scummy or suspicious. Cello's made cases against everyone he is trying to rally votes for, and I think he's trying to make sure we lynch one of them today so we don't hop ship off at last second like it seems has happened in the past. So, for me, I see where he's coming with that. it's sort of more like an aggressive "Here's who I'll lynch toDay. how about you guys? okay... let's do this thing."

@Mcfox, good point on the AtE. I thought maybe he was trying to use it, but was afraid to say anything about it as well.

@Nodaawgg, could you explain your suspicions on Macman a lil more? People who do one-liner stuff is hard for me to read. you touched on it a BIT before (distracting, one-liner, and you feel he's coasting, right?)


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
The problem with Cello telling people who to vote is the fact that he is telling specific groups of people to vote for them. Its pretty clear that he is still trying to hunt for Cupido lovers by cherry picking certain people to vote for certain others. What I really dont like is that Cello seems to look so much more into roles than into anything else. He is helping out a lot but this little notion cant help but tickle me badly. Also, while this point not make sense, Im afraid that Cello is trying to peer pressure people. Say he tells X to vote for Y and eventually Y is lynched and comes scum. Then Cello has the position to start bashing X and stuff making X more inclined to vote for say Z who Cello wants lynched now. I just dont like it.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I'm still suspect of nodawg because I didn't like his first post. I've skimmed this last page. I'll come back to it when i reread.

NoDawg, I hope you're voting for me. Wtf are you doing thinking i'm obvscum and not pushing for my lynch?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Ghebcus said:
At that time I thought the push vs mentos wasn't legitimate but now that his inactivity is rising again and that you're not the only one to comment on him I felt that there might be more to it - especially since a very specific connection has been pointed out.
You don't think that my push against Mentos was legitimate, yet almost all the fresh points made concerning mentos after that...well...he had nothing to do with them.

Mayling said:
a) MK comes out and is like "cello/mayling opinions on mentos? i didn't read"
b) when i call him out on how he can put suspicions on cello but not have read mentos, he comes back saying he DID read the mentos case and that he'll be able to comment on it
c) the next post, this one... he just comes out and attacks cello MORE
How did May's points manage to change your mind? You did say "that there might be more to it - especially since a very specific connection has been pointed out". That heavily implies that May's connections were a deciding factor. But, May's "connections" between Mentos and Meta-Kirby are all ones that were created by Meta-Kirby, not Mentos. A townie has no ability to directly affect the words of scum.

When you answered my question, "Who's scum and why?", you state that Macman and Cacti are your candidates for the reasoning of lurking/coasting/inactivity. You make no mention of Mentos. At all. Why was he omitted at that time?

Ghebcus said:
This is the reason why I changed the "confirmed" to "more than likely" - there is a minimal chance for the Wolves to target themselves. It is however absurdly risky for the Wolves to do as there is no way for them to know that the Witch will actually safe them. Killing one of their own would probably too huge a blow to take that risk.

For accuracy's sake I changed my wording but the point remains the same.
It's funny that you use a quote from my own post as reasoning for a post of your own that came before mine. That doesn't mean much, though, since I'd mentioned that point offhandedly to you before. Or does it? More on that in a bit. Still, I find it interesting that you'd consider that little jab as significant enough to change your wording on the "Witch confirms innocence" point, especially considering that you still have that belief, and so strongly.

Ghebcus said:
Can you please rewrite this sentence? It's either the synthax or the grammer but I can't make sense out of it.
Replace the first "then" with an "and". It's intended as a sequence of events, but "and" works just as well.

Ghebcus said:
If he stops counting against the Wolves' WinCon he shouldn't do it. I didn't realize it back then that he stops counting alltogether - since this is the case he should claim earlier if he decides to reveal himself.
A claimed VI does count...for determining the necessary majority vote. Further, he does count against the Wolf win condition, but he is in an impaired position to prevent them from fulfilling it. You're lucky you didn't make the same statement that Mentos did about stepping up your game. Otherwise, I'd be slamming you over statements like this that show you aren't paying attention to Pierre's posts.

Unless, of course, you meant soft-claim. In which case, that little remark I made:

CelloMarl said:
The Witch's decisions boil down to three key points: 1) In what order do I use my potions, 2) Should I believe that the person I saved is town (after all, the wolves may very well try to imprint the idea that a saved person is town, then gambit and hit one of their own. Much like you could be doing right now), and 3) Who do I kill?

These all require much more consideration than a normal doctor or cop. Personally, I'd use the life potion before death, but that's just me.
Why did this quote have enough of an impact on you to correct your speech about the Witch Potion, but the points about the VI, which you elaborated on by your own volition, were not?

@Meta-Kirby: Actually, I'd be willing to back off from lynching you if you manage to convince the town to lynch McFox or Ghebcus. I'm being totally serious.

@Kirbyoshi: Have you since thought about why you think McFox to be town? Have you thought about why you believe Macman is scummy?

Also, in reference to your answer to me, your goals would have been the same, however, you'd have differing methods by which you would accomplish those goals with. An example, then: Assume for a moment that you are scum. Meta-Kirby is your partner along with Ghebcus. Would you bus him if Ghebcus insisted that you should, even if you disagreed? If Meta-Kirby were innocent, would you join the lynch train if Ghebcus insisted that you should, even if you disagreed?

/posting in this soon as I get caught up in LoDscrew(yay better day at work!)
Glad to hear that. Sad that it didn't happen.

@Omis: Change your thinking patterns. A question. Would a Mayling, McFox, Ghebcus scum team make sense to you?



Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I tried to convince myself that Meta-Kirby wasn't definitely scum, but I really just can't see it any other way.

That being said, why don't we try lynching someone else?

unvote vote NOAWG

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
wait...so you think MK is definitely scum..if i understand your sentence correctly there...

why are you willing to hop off definite scum in your eyes

if i misunderstood your sentence then my question is moot obviously but..this seems weird.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
What he meant is that he's not going to get himself to tunnelvision off MK, so he switches his mind to NOAWG to prevent useless defending and accusations.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Hey, you know what's not helpful at all? When people try to play like Marshy.
Hey, you know what's not helpful at all? Posting fluff.

If you're gonna post use the post for something.
D1, I don't think we should be going for a lynch on who is scummiest ATM, I'd rather have a lynch that gives us information so we're sure to have a reward. If we can't find a proper target for that we lynch inactives.

Any suggestions?


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Also, since "the scummiest player" is not the one who'll give us "information" (apparently), who would, according to your criteria? Considering that that idea, on the surface, sounds ridiculous, I'm wondering who would qualify as giving us information on a flip.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Well, if someone has had arguments with people all day or had been accusating all the time, lynching that person would give us a great amount of information on the people he had been in contact with.
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