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Werewolves of Miller's Hollow | Game Over! Who could have possibly won?!?!???!

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
You call a vote a result?
I've probably done more this game then you so far, get off your high horse.

You're voting behavior in this and other games is so 'ugh' that I don't even take them serious anymore this early in the game


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
First of all guys, sorry, unexpected lots of busy-ness, pretty much had time to get things set for Boondock Saints, and get my read done for newbie the past couple days. Anyway

Still waiting for Mentos to tell me scum's benefit from the vote.
I have already explained this. Town has no benefit from putting a mid-switch replacement at L-1, whatsoever. Scum gains an advantage in the fact that there's a chance a townie not paying attention comes in and hammers, which would of course not only lose a townie if today/bungle is town, but also lead to another on the townie who voted him. It's only an off chance that someone would mess up like that, but the chances are much higher at -1 than at -2.

I see Mento's vote on Xonar really really odd, it's a really weak reason to vote someone on a chance that 'mafia MIGHT be ablet o quikc lynch' before I even get here. He even admits to this being a low possibility, yet he remains adament. It doesn't seem something like town mentos would push for.
As I even said in the post in which I called him out, his play so far coupled with a scummy move that has potential high risk to town, made me put a vote on him. I blatantly said that vote of his wasn't enough to lynch on, but with what I had seen of his play, it had earned him my vote.

I didn't really find the vote on Xonar odd, because I thought what Xonar did was odd, but mentos did say "It's enough to warrant a vote, but not a lynch." That made me go "wtf?" a little. Why would you place a vote on someone who didn't deserve a lynch... that's what votes are for.
I never said that May, don't go twisting my words. I said in response to that vote:

That alone is probably not enough to actually push a whole lynch, but coupled with your play so far has garnered a vote.
Which clearly implies that I don't find his voting ToBungle wasn't enough to lynch him for, but when I looked at it in tandem with the rest of his game so far, my vote was placed.

Anyway, yeah, I should be able to keep up fine now, sorry again about missing a few days>_>

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Well could you define 'my playstyle' then?

I do not agree with your point about dumbtown doing dumb sht, 'not paying attention' while I said L-1 in my post... Yeah.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
I out and out call Mentos the Piper and I don't even get a mention. My feelings. :(

Also, @Mentos - Twice, you've pseudo-scumhunted by dumbhunting. First, the electrion business, and then Xonar's "scummy" vote to put Bungleday at L-1. I'm curious, just who in the player roster do you really think would perform such a scummy/stupid action as hammering Bungleday or pursuing Xonar, and if you don't think there is one, don't you think that Xonar would have realized that?

Xonar and Mentos should hydra as He-Mantos.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
You call a vote a result?
I've probably done more this game then you so far, get off your high horse.

You're voting behavior in this and other games is so 'ugh' that I don't even take them serious anymore this early in the game
Such a terrible way to play, I'm not on some kind of high horse better then you trip just by saying you're scummy.

Wtf is up with new players lately.

Seriously you saying that you're just ignoring my votes early game pisses me off because you're BLATANTLY hindering both of us by not doing anything.

**** you.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
'such a terrible way to play'?
Funny, coming from you who posted this:
'Oh hey pseudo hunting and blatantly admitting it.

Vote Xonar

Him or MK today.'
'**** you.' / 'Wtf is up with new players lately. ' / 'Such a terrible way to play, I'm not on some kind of high horse' (contradiction much? 'your playstyle is lesser, but im not on a high horse!')

I don't even see what this discussion is about, your post is 100% distraction from scumhunt.

starstarstarstar you back.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
Eh don't really know what to say, to much inactivity hunting (which I don't mind but kinda can't reply on)

Anyway I'm thinking I'm getting a bit to much attention from this whole self-sherrif-vote before anything was said, I unvoted as soon as I was back online, and it escalated while I was asleep.

@ that post that kevinm found scummy, I didn't know that NOAWG was ghebhydra so I thought Mac asked me why I was so eager to vote.

I guess that's pretty much everything. Would like kirbyoshi to go most atm.
This is the first time I've noticed that you seem to be overly defensive in trying to clear yourself much before the heat even hits.

wait so because his amount of potions is limited he doesnt have to be smart? by that logic he has to be SMARTER then normal.
Debating game theory = trying to feign activity while not doing anything

First of all, a reply to NoDawg:

The witch only knows who gets killed AFTER she decides to use the potion. This means that you have to predict when exactly a valuable townie will die.

Now reading through posts, this tidbit stood out most.

This is just PURE GUESS WORK. You're making so much work of just an ASSUMPTION. Overall your posts just contain so much fluff and are often unnecessarily complicated (wording) and that's **** annoying.

Some of these wall of texts are 90% fluff.

Vote: Cello I just don't like how quickly you follow intuition and assume so much even when there's nothing evident.
This vote stood out to me as a real reach, you were mainly trying to throw a vote down so you attacked her style of posting nothing more.

Not so much compared to the rest, but it depends on how people react to your posts, AND if the other inactives are starting to post. Can't say these things for sure.
This couple with your 161 is looking ultra scummy since you keep leaning on inactives without actually voting or pressuring any of them.

Again feigning activity.

Plus your whole "i'm going to call everyone ********" playstyle isn't doing anything but making you look like an ***.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
'such a terrible way to play'?
Funny, coming from you who posted this:
'Oh hey pseudo hunting and blatantly admitting it.

Vote Xonar

Him or MK today.'
'**** you.' / 'Wtf is up with new players lately. ' / 'Such a terrible way to play, I'm not on some kind of high horse' (contradiction much? 'your playstyle is lesser, but im not on a high horse!')

I don't even see what this discussion is about, your post is 100% distraction from scumhunt.

starstarstarstar you back.
Yes you DID blatantly admit to Pseudo scum hunting and I think you don't even notice it.

You said "Before I vote ____" I'll do a reread.

Tell me WHAT information are you going to glean if you're rereading with the prepointed thought that you're already going to vote said person.

You're not going to clear read it that way, you're pseudo scumhunting.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
This is the first time I've noticed that you seem to be overly defensive in trying to clear yourself much before the heat even hits.
Why would I not try to prevent discussion that is pretty much unnecessary? If people wanted to discuss it anyway I don't mind but I try to prevent instead of heal.

This vote stood out to me as a real reach, you were mainly trying to throw a vote down so you attacked her style of posting nothing more.
It was more an attack on the blindly following of intuition, like I said right after my vote. It just really disturbed me, as it was grasping at straws.

This couple with your 161 is looking ultra scummy since you keep leaning on inactives without actually voting or pressuring any of them.
This I can agree on, I dunno there's just some doubt as in who to vote of the inactives. I just prefer voting someone who is outright looking scummy to me.

Yes you DID blatantly admit to Pseudo scum hunting and I think you don't even notice it.

You said "Before I vote ____" I'll do a reread.
Well, if I was gonna vote him 100% I wouldn't do it after a reread, would I? Besides, notice how I said that before he made a half-decent post, I'm simply waiting for more.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
But you DID say you were going to, I twisted your words to see if you would latch onto the reasoning.

You blatantly said

"unvote. will vote for kirby once ive done a read and drawn a conclusion"

Want to tell me where it looks like you weren't 100 percent on that.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
My bad, looked a bit to sure on that yeah.

Well, just a small john, I wrote it during class, was kinda a quick message to leave behind. Disregard that though, it's still my fault on miscommunicating.

Kevin, besides me, who do you think should go today if we were not to lynch lurkers? Or are you set on lynching lurkers?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
#40 and #41 don't seem like the sort of distancing ploy that I think Circus and Xonar would have tried at that point, if they were both scum. Especially when you consider that Gheb ninja'd his own hydra's unvote to mini-attack Xonar. And given that I believe NOAWG to be scum, that's why I think Xonar is town.

From what I understand, Kevin likes to discuss strategy with all of his scummates before he commits to anything. While he would be ballsy enough to do something like the Gheb-Xonar interaction, he would do so with permission lest it be "rude". Committing his stance about 36 minutes after receiving his role PM (by truly voting for Mayling), doesn't seem like something he would do as part of a group.

I want to read over Xonar and Kevin's back and forth before I comment on it directly.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
oh my god **** you both for switchin gavatars

i was so god **** confused.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
When I say in #256, "they wouldn't try that sort of distancing ploy", specifically what I meant was the idea of intentionally ninjaing to make it look like it was not coordinated. That, in and of itself, makes me think they aren't both on the same scum team.

Kevin, do you think that Xonar's actions would make him part of a group or a single scum, if he is one?

Xonar, you thought I was just following intuition. Do you still think that is the case?

Xonar said:
I dunno there's just some doubt as in who to vote of the inactives. I just prefer voting someone who is outright looking scummy to me.
I think this sentiment is one we can all relate to, at least in varying degrees. But, most of us agree that Meta-Kirby is the best compromise for both, right? Xonar, after your reread (which I'm assuming you didn't get to do), will you let us know whether or not you'll join us?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Cello, you're looking really desperate for buddies right now. I've seen you ask people on multiple occasions if they'll join you in voting. You'll have to realize that, as long as you provide sufficient evidence that supports your accusations, people will join you and you WON'T have to beg them.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Kevin already expressed his interest in seeing you dead, and Xonar is open to it, as far as I can tell; I just want to make sure they get back on track.

Frankly, I'm ready for this Day to be over.

No one agrees with Gheb

Dec 15, 2009
In Limbo
Cello, I think you should take a step back and think things over again. I appreciate your eagerness to make a correct lynch but I definitely think you are jumping conclusions too quickly. At this point you are so focused on mentosman being anti-town (either as mafia or the piper) that it's almost impossible to convince you otherwise. In the same hand everybody who doesn't fully support his lynch has to be anti-town as well to you? That's a pretty huge leap from one conclusion (that isn't even veryfied yet) to another one and you skip many other conclusions that might be just as logic.

What I don't like is how certain players seem to be pretty much completely off your radar. In your 211 you don't even consider McFox, Macman, Cacti or Bunglefever being scum an option. Maybe you should do a reread keeping a closer look at these people? It's rarely a good sign if somebody is not on your radar for whatever reason because it might be that players intention.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
ATTN Pierre and everyone else.

I should be considered V/LA until I get this computer virus sorted out. Hopefully soon. It's Vundo, which is supposed to be pretty hard to get rid of.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Hello, Gheb.

Ghebcus said:
I appreciate your eagerness to make a correct lynch
A "correct lynch"? Scumslip, much? But just to be sure, was this in relation to Meta-Kirby or Mentos?

Ghebcus said:
At this point you are so focused on mentosman being anti-town (either as mafia or the piper) that it's almost impossible to convince you otherwise. In the same hand everybody who doesn't fully support his lynch has to be anti-town as well to you?
If you think I won't consider what Mentos himself has to say fairly, and you would like to defend him, then please do so. I'm listening. However, I don't remember making the other assertion. It might have turned out that way, but I certainly don't use that as my reasoning. Why would you claim that I am?

Ghebcus said:
That's a pretty huge leap from one conclusion (that isn't even veryfied yet) to another one and you skip many other conclusions that might be just as logic.
Who do you think are scum, then? Why?

Ghebcus said:
In your 211 you don't even consider McFox, Macman, Cacti or Bunglefever being scum an option.
#211 is a response to Bungle's #208 and #209, which was in and of itself a response to my #207. Admittedly, I do not go into detail there either, but I want to point out that 211 is not a series of thoughts, it's a series of responses. The exception is Bunglefever, who I do state I had considered as a possible independent, but rejected that for the moment.

Ghebcus said:
Maybe you should do a reread keeping a closer look at these people? It's rarely a good sign if somebody is not on your radar for whatever reason because it might be that players intention.
I promise that I will continue to do this.

@McFox Hope it's not to hard to take care of that. We'll see you when you get back.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
go here, browse this site, follow the directions and make a post.

mbam is the best for removing viruses, when I had vundo, this place took care of it pretty quickly.

on another note. I'm actually kind of suspect of McFox, tho I can't really put a finger on it.

I feel like quite a bit has happened yet I have no solid reads. This is bugging me alot.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
Xonar, did you mean me or Meta when you said 100% that you'll be voting for Kirby after re-reading?

Good point by NOdAWG, Cello does seem a bit hasty.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009

You said, "I appreciate your eagerness to make a correct lynch but I definitely think you are jumping conclusions too quickly."

The sentence itself implies that you either know or believe either Mentos or Meta-Kirby to be the correct lynch, depending upon your answer to the question after my calling it out as a scumslip. Seeing that you expressed doubt of Mentos's guilt, and you've never even talked about Meta-Kirby except for KevinM's opinion on him, I do not think that you believe it, which leaves that you would know it. Which means you are scum, and have slipped.

Of course, I could be wrong on the Meta-Kirby part. If you do believe that he's the correct lynch for the Day, would you be willing to join us?

Actually, I just noticed that you've never even said Mayling's name. Not sure if it's significant, but I just thought that was interesting.

Also, would you care to answer those other questions? What was your purpose in claiming that I think anyone who's not with me is against town? Who's scum and why?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
I thought the same thing as NOdAWG. Why should they come under suspicion for saying they appreciate that Cello is trying to make a correct lynch? Even if they were scum, they wouldn't be dumb enough to say that they appreciate that Cello is trying to screw town.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
That's why it's called a "slip", Kirbyoshi.

If it's any consolation, I could see the case for Kirbyoshi just being really, really...
not suited to participate in town's interests, even if his interests lie with town's.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Also, Omis, I'd really rather not break momentum against scum, but you haven't said anything in a while now. What do you think of everything you've been seeing so far?


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2009
Lynchburg, VA
My point was, I think what they were trying to say is that they appreciate you trying to make a correct lynch, but they don't think who you're pushing for is a correct lynch. At least, that's how I took it.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Thanks Cello and Mac. I tried Malwarebtes already, because it cleared my computer the last time I had a virus. But it didn't even make a dent this time, so I've got to try some different options.


Nov 7, 2008
2 scum: 1 cup

Cello, you're looking really desperate for buddies right now. I've seen you ask people on multiple occasions if they'll join you in voting. You'll have to realize that, as long as you provide sufficient evidence that supports your accusations, people will join you and you WON'T have to beg them.
I think MK and mentos are scum partners

a) MK comes out and is like "cello/mayling opinions on mentos? i didn't read"
b) when i call him out on how he can put suspicions on cello but not have read mentos, he comes back saying he DID read the mentos case and that he'll be able to comment on it
c) the next post, this one... he just comes out and attacks cello MORE

I know my actions don't really reflect my words as of now, but after tomorrow, I'll have ALOT more free time on my hands to equalize the balance between what I say and what I do.
like i've mentioned in previous posts, MK's actions and words just aren't adding up. he still has failed to comment on the mentos case, which he supposedly "completely missed" despite the fact he thinks town needs to be totally 100% upfront

so i can only assume him and mentos are scum partners and he's trying to avoid commenting on mentos

MK today and Mentos tomorrow. I know I'm a hungry hippocrite cus I told cello not to say things like this, but Mk is just making it way too obvious

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
That's somethin I can put my vote behind.

vote: metakirby

i see why everyone likes mayling now

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Xonar, you thought I was just following intuition. Do you still think that is the case?

I think this sentiment is one we can all relate to, at least in varying degrees. But, most of us agree that Meta-Kirby is the best compromise for both, right? Xonar, after your reread (which I'm assuming you didn't get to do), will you let us know whether or not you'll join us?
Honestly, I still think you do, but not basing anything on it makes it easier for me to not get stressed by it. I still see tidbits of it back in your posts, but it doesn't bother me that much. (which nodawg pointed out)
I also like how you stopped posting how you posted before, which makes it easier to reread a (for me) night.

Xonar, did you mean me or Meta when you said 100% that you'll be voting for Kirby after re-reading?
Well I never said '100%' yet it was easy to imply I did so. Like I said a couple posts back, I never meant 100%.

I also don't like how people call Cello hasty. He has been posting the most in the thread so far IIRC, and someone who would be hasty would just draw a conclusion and keep it at that. I don't think Cello matches these criteria (only the first one, though)
I guess that's just Cello, shares his conclusions rather quickly with a bit too much force behind it.

@Cello, stop asking people to vote. Vote's are towns only real weapon, and trying to manipulate it is scummy.

My point was, I think what they were trying to say is that they appreciate you trying to make a correct lynch, but they don't think who you're pushing for is a correct lynch. At least, that's how I took it.
This I agree with. Cello, while searching for scum everywhere can be profitable, don't search for the forest while being blinded by trees.

I agree with Mayling. Searching for Cello wouldn't be profitable at the moment anyway, as he's actively posting.

Unvote. I still don't like Kirbyoshi, but MK is plenty.
Would like a votecount before voting first though.
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