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Werewolves of Miller's Hollow | Game Over! Who could have possibly won?!?!???!

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005

I actually reread.

MK's AtE is so strong. And I'm generally a sucker for that kind of ****. So it makes me question my initial scummy view on him.

I really think Mentos is scummy as ****. Starting from the 'electrion unvote' thing on Xonar that he brought up. When he got a bad response from that, he turned it around and said that he was trying to bait scum into hopping on. Seemed to me like he was presenting this tidbit without revealing his intentions purposely so that if people went with it and found xonar scummy he could go along with it too. But on the otherhand, if people rejected it he would have an easy out by saying he was baiting scum. This is something ronike did in Omis's Unlucky 13 and I've been wary of it ever since.

Then Mentos's vote on Xonar was questionable, as has been stated by others. Jungle's 196 pretty much explains my view on this. Also Mentos has made very little waves. If I recall correctly, he did not really touch much on the whole today wagon, never really provided his thoughts on it. He also stayed away from talking about MK.

Mayling made a post earlier about a possible Mentos/MK connection. Which I can see. I'm gonna ignore MKs AtE and just go with his lynch. Especially since theres this connection to Mentos who I think is really suspect.

I would much rather lynch Mentos and it would be cool if we could get something started on him. But I would def commit to MK if it doesn't seem like the Mentos lynch will go through.

vote: Mentos

No longer getting scummy vibes from McFox. NoDawg is soso, not really sure what I think about him anymore. Right now KevinM is suspect to me. And he'd probably be my 2nd or 3rd candidate for a lynch.

I don't like the way he has been seemingly removed from discussion up until this whole little spat with Xonar.

and I've been pretty scummy I think. My fault. I'm still very unsure in most of my reads. Def nowhere near as confident in them as I usually am in most games. Can't seem to find a focus, but hopefully i'm on the right track with Mentos.


Nov 7, 2008
cus i get a thousand hugs

McFox and I must be hive mind cus I agree with 95% of what he said. Like I'd seriously copy/paste what he said if it wouldn't be obnoxious. Only thing I disagree on is that MK's case on Cello was good. Found it pretty loltastic myself.

Also, found Mentos and Macman's sudden revival into this game pretty cute. 1.5 days before night and they make semi big posts so they won't get vig'd by witch. If witch uses Pot early game, then I think Witch should blast one of them away. And failing that, kill Cacti for extreme coasting and to save us from Magnatoon.

Pierre the Scarecrow

Grasping at Straws
Jun 23, 2009
Meta-Kirby (5) Mayling, McFox, KevinM, Bunglefever, Cello_Marl
Cello_Marl (2) Kirbyoshi, Meta-Kirby
Kirbyoshi (1) Cacti
Cacti (1) NoDAWG
mentosman8 (1) Macman

Not voting (3) Xonar, mentosman8, Omis

A majority 7 of 13 votes is required to lynch.
The day will end at the latest on Thursday, February 18th, Noon EST.

No one agrees with Gheb

Dec 15, 2009
In Limbo
Meta-Kirby looks like the best lynch toDay. Even though his recent posts look good (ignoring those ugly AtE's) he should've defended himself a lot earlier. This has me considering him stalling because he hasn't done much in terms of scumhunting. Even though he made his case on Cello he hasn't really looked at other players too much and the only other player who agrees with him so far is Kirbyoshi who is hardly trutworthy himself.

What worries me the most is the amount of Vigfodder. Cacti, Kirbyo, Mentos ... I hope there's at least one scumbag among you. Said it many times, will say it again: IF YOU ARE TOWN THERE'S NO JUSTIFICATION FOR PLAYING LIKE THAT. Get your ****ing act together.

Vote Mentosman

Really, if nothing else goes I'll switch to Meta-Kirby but Mentos seriously needs to die - him, Cacti or Kirbyo. Meta-Kirby will continue to talk toMorrow if he does toDay. Mentos, Cacti and Kirbyo will be inactive forever and ever, Amen.


TB12 TB12 TB12
Jan 30, 2007
Sickboi in the 401
would rather go mentos.

Unvote Vote Mentos

Wagon him we only have until tomorrow.

Unacceptable how much inactivity is in this game.


Nov 7, 2008
what the

i don't even

whatever mentos is a good lynch too i'll subscribe

but mk's argument's so bad, it's going to be the same thing toMorrrow sigh

gonna follow cello cus he's town and mcfox cus his thinking is smarto

ps hello kettle kevin... or are you the pot


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Yeah, I had thought that you had typed all that out and posted it after I made mine just then. I was just, like, "Wow. That was fast." I didn't have a point to it.

So, vote Mentos?

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
vote: mentos

im ok with this as well, stated my reasons several pages back, we gain info about MK this way too (Mentos soft connection)


claim or die


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
And once we get his claim, will we be switching to McFox?

Nah, that would be a bad idea.

Or the best idea EVAH.

No one agrees with Gheb

Dec 15, 2009
In Limbo
Not suspicious of me anymore?
Not as much as I used to be. I thought your "catching up" stuff was more like an excuse to coast through D1 especially since you never touched any of the current issues. But your mentos vote and your latest posts line up with my thoughts and now I'm convinced that you really were catching up and not just feigning activity.


Jul 27, 2006
Naperville, IL
Ok, well, I guess I may as well go ahead and claim>_> stupid votes swinging so quick. Anyway, I'm the Little Girl, so, yeah, back off plox?


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
...really? I kinda figured the Little Girl would be in the game. But, wouldn't that be an even better claim than vanilla? After all, it isn't something we can confirm or deny immediately, and it's something the real Little Girl would be afraid to CC.

I say we finish him. Even if he was the real deal, he's dead toNight anyway, and so is someone else.

Unless the Fortune Teller comes forward, in which case we can test his claim. The Little Girl should watch him/her tonight. The Witch should Life Pot. If Mentos is attacked, and the option to save him is available, then he's obviously lying, and you should let the attack go through. If he dies, then you should save only yourself or the Fortune Teller. Let anyone else die. If he's not targeted because the wolves are worried that he is lying, then we can test his claim by seeing if he knows who the FT visited.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Also, the "best play" for him would be to not watch people at this point, since he would be putting the town in danger. So, the wolves would get someone that we can't confirm or check as townie, but would be squeamish about lynching. Perfect Piper claim.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Unfortunately, we don't have time for caution. Do you think the FT should be substitute CC? Finish him? Jump back to MK? McFox sounds good.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
I'll elaborate: I'm cautious on letting him off the hook just because he claimed.

I don't see the case on McFox really

would rather go with Mentos or MK today


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Why do I sound good? You, like Mac, keep pushing against me with absolutely no reasoning (that makes any sense anyway).

Also, hey, look at that! It's almost deadline, most of the votes are now on someone who isn't likely to get lynched, and we don't have another one set up because now that you've all jumped ship from MK (a good lynch), you'll be unwilling to go back to him. So now we'll have to scramble for a last-minute lynch. What a surprise. You're thirsty for another claim, and you know it. Instead of just going with the very good case against MK, you've decided that that isn't haphazard enough, and will now spend the last 24 hours scrambling.


I'm leaving my vote on MK. Feel free to join me.

Also Mayling,

Mayling said:
Only thing I disagree on is that MK's case on Cello was good. Found it pretty loltastic myself.
I didn't actually think (or say) that the case he made was good. All I said was that it touched on things that I had been thinking myself, but then I dismissed it anyway.

*The rest of this post appended after noticing Cello's most recent post. Despite my feelings towards you, I won't recommend your lynch just for being obnoxious. Wow.

I think mentos should live for now. If the town is really set on their last-minute lynch candidate over the one we set up a few days ago, then I'll go along with it. However, if he is the Girl, the wolves are sure to kill him anyway. And if he doesn't die, he'll make an excellent lynch candidate on a later Day. MK is still absolutely the best lynch we have set up.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
This is part of the reason that I pretty much quit SWF mafia. The only time it's actually played is within the last 48 hours until a Day's deadline. We had a perfectly good D1, and I'm fairly certain we even caught scum. But now we're going to shove everything we (and by we, I mean most of you) regret not doing during the Day into the last 48 hours, even though there's no reason why it can't wait until tomorrow.

We could have easily waited until tomorrow to make cases against mentos, or myself, or whoever you like. And tomorrow, even better, you know what we'll have? Flips! Roles that may have gathered evidence (not that I'm telling them to claim toMorrow). Actual concrete stuff! MK should be lynched. Period.


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
McFox, those last posts are the very sort of play that makes me think you're scum.

How many times have you seesawed on my alignment, despite my never veering from a bonkers playstyle? How do single posts change your mind so easily, but you try to put forth a veneer of stalwart surety? You set up Mentos for a future lynch later, while saying that you don't think he's a good lynch candidate!

You should work as a cook, Mr. McButter-up Waffles.

Also, the very last *****-fest is complete and UTTER BULL****. How dare you try to demoralize us by making such a blatantly hypocritical statement?! Where were you? You talk like you came in like a shining beacon of hope, presenting the person who could only be described as the weakest link of the Mafia chain, and then your efforts were all for naught. You didn't do jack **** for the case against MK! You had a nice little back and forth, but by that point every major point had been made! You try to claim credit for revitalizing the effort, but May had that **** in hand.

You need to die.


Spread the Love
Sep 9, 2001
Visiting from above.
Cello said:
How many times have you seesawed on my alignment, despite my never veering from a bonkers playstyle?
I recently came to a conclusion (for now) about you, as you may or may not remember. Just because you're sure about everything all the time doesn't mean that I am. Unlike you, I constantly question myself, and everybody else. This does not make me a bad player, and I would argue that just because I'm not 100% about everything doesn't make me an incompetant player, or a werewolf.

How do single posts change your mind so easily, but you try to put forth a veneer of stalwart surety?
I'm fairly certain that I have never ever "put forth a veneer of stalwart surety." Do you even read my posts? I've said the exact opposite of this numerous times.

You set up Mentos for a future lynch later, while saying that you don't think he's a good lynch candidate!
2 things:

1) I said that if the town decided they wanted to go with this lynch, that I'd go along with it.


2) I think MK is the better lynch for toDay.

It's easy to see how this can be the case, and I'm starting to think you're just looking for things to use against me.

Think about if they are both telling the truth. Would you rather lynch a PR on D1, or a vanilla townie?

You didn't do jack **** for the case against MK!
If you really believe this, then you obviously Did Not Do The Research. I'll refer you to this post.

You had a nice little back and forth, but by that point every major point had been made!
So the point that MK was majorly skimming and that that was a scumtell had been made? Answer: no, it hadn't.

The point that MK was cherry-picking quotes instead of trying to make a real case and that that was a scumtell had been made? Answer: no, it hadn't.

The point that MK was seriously abusing the Appeals to Emotion and that that was a scumtell had been made? Answer: no, it hadn't.

You try to claim credit for revitalizing the effort, but May had that **** in hand.
Once again, I refer you to this post, wherein I show that Mayling had let the case drop, and so I picked it up. If I had not, it is very likely that the case against MK would have gone away entirely, or at least been gone for a while.

There is absolutely no reason I should die, and you know it. I haven't done anything inconsistant, all I've done is push a lynch on someone whom I'm fairly confident is scum. Despite what you've tried to paint me as, I've never once said that I was absolutely sure about anything in this game. That's how I play, always: with a skeptical eye, instead of an arrogant one. The closest I've come is saying that I'd bet money that MK is scum. And it surprises you that I'm pushing his lynch?


my friends were skinny
May 22, 2008
including myself in your posts
Unfortunately, I believe we should just go with MK.
Stop baiting claims people
Mentos is a weak player for claiming
Cello is too aggressive and selfish
I hate claims in general


Smash Rookie
Nov 4, 2009
Fine. I'll finish this with McFox toMorrow, too.

unvote vote Meta-Kirby

Witch, for God's sake use the Life Potion toNight. If the wolves target Mentos and the option to save him appears, let the liar die. Mentos, watch someone tonight, if you really can. The Real Little Girl should watch me. I think I've stirred up enough to get killed over it.

Omis, put your ****ed vote on someone. There's less than 18 hours in the ****ed DAY.
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