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Wario Video & Critique Thread -- Diamond City Theater


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
True, true. Damn shieldgrab haha. It seems it would be beneficial to start mixing in platform drop Bite maybe? I really love platform drops!


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Ahh yes, I remember that discussion now. My memory is not the best haha, I'll try both platform drop bite mixups and jumping away to better position. The problem is, on levels like Battlefield my opponent often waits under platforms for me to approach. I supposed you could say I fall into their traps a lot haha. Gotta fight against those aggressive urges sometimes! :p


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Great match RedShadow! I just finished watching the first one, and damn it was a great match! In they ways of advice, I noticed a few things about your game.

-A bit of difficulty getting kills.
-Tech Reads
-Improvement needed in item control!

Diddy is a crazy damage building character. If you blink, he can banana combo you to 60% in 3 seconds flat. The trick to beating Diddy is staying even stockwise. If you die, then it's the danger zone for you. He has a chance to get you up to high percentage before you can kill him if he does it right. This means that you have to know how to kill Diddy, and this takes a bit of exploration into Wario.

Every one of Wario's moves has a use. Every single one. In order to survive in a competitive world, you have to know what moves to use when. For example, there was a point in the first match at 2:28 where you could have used a Bair. possibly killing Diddy or improving your stance in the edgeguarding battle. Bair is not a very commonly used move, but it has great uses (especially in edgeguarding scenarios).

The next thing was item usage. The beginning part with the bananas was awesome dude! Too good, seriously! You got Gnes up to 60%, smooth like butter. However, there is always room for improvement! :) Try incorporating Wario's glide toss into your game. It is really quite useful, especially the Dthrow glidetoss! Wario's glide toss is really great, goes a far distance and can lead into all kinds of cool stuff!

Oh yeah and on tech reads. Whenever an opponent techs, you usually have the opportunity to read that tech. If you read it correctly, you can get a fart out of it! A great way to set up farts, just learn the timing and you're good to go!
Bair @ 2:28, glidetosses


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
platform drop bite isnt worth it imo... smallest mistake in the timing and you end up wasting your fart...thats BS. wasting your fart just to get 9% when you could have jumped away and been safe? yeah. I'd even prefer to platformdrop airdodge and then buffer the bite out of that. slower, but definitely safer.

Lord Chair

Smash Master
Apr 17, 2009
Cheeseland, Europe
So, you completely neglect an option because you expect yourself to mess up.

Seriously, it's not that hard, just learn how to do it. If you're tempted to platform drop uair or whatever, you should definitely mix it up with Bites. If you don't, your opponent can simply ALWAYS just stand beneath the platform and shield, always getting away with it.

Mixups, my man, they make the game.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
I dont completely neglect it and I dont regularly expect myself to mess up.
All I'm saying is, platform drop bites are not very safe in an actual match or when theres pressure and stuff... you could easily just rush it and input downB by accident. we've all done a fart before whie attempting to fast fall bite.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
I'm not worried about accidentally doing a fart at all, honestly. Never even crossed my mind until you said it Mack haha xD


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2010
Up B's instead of Bikes (I call it Cork-Screwed), Wafts instead of bikes, bikes instead of waft. It happens to me all the time. =(


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
I used to be able to do the run-off bike crash on the edge thing perfectly... but these days I fart by accient a lot.. so I just bike towards stage in the air and jump off. or do the insta-crash onstage.

bike-failing when trying to recover with diagonal UpB... makes me rage so hard.


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
the other player should feel free to chase you up there and attack you... but I wouldnt advise it lol.

that needs testing though... what happens if you jump off the bike? what happens is you bike crash? what happens if you wheelie/taunt?

gonna CP RC at next tourney just so I can watch people go wtf.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
It's pretty simple--

If you're at the top of Rainbow Cruise, you would normally die, because your feet are on the ground, but since you're on your bike, you're "just recovering," in a sense. As long as you don't fall off your bike, you don't touch the ground, and are therefore just really high in the air, as far as the game is concerned.

You can only die from a Star KO if you have some sort of knockback on your character, if your feet are on ground and you are at the limit, or if you use the Waft too high. Barring those three things, anything you do will not KO you at that height. You can jump off, but make sure you don't put your feet on stage up there.


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
the other player should feel free to chase you up there and attack you... but I wouldnt advise it lol.

that needs testing though... what happens if you jump off the bike? what happens is you bike crash? what happens if you wheelie/taunt?
jump off: will kill you when you land
Crash: you will die
Taunt: you look BA
Wheelie: you better not **** it up and fall off.
It's pretty simple--

If you're at the top of Rainbow Cruise, you would normally die, because your feet are on the ground, but since you're on your bike, you're "just recovering," in a sense. As long as you don't fall off your bike, you don't touch the ground, and are therefore just really high in the air, as far as the game is concerned.

You can only die from a Star KO if you have some sort of knockback on your character, if your feet are on ground and you are at the limit, or if you use the Waft too high. Barring those three things, anything you do will not KO you at that height. You can jump off, but make sure you don't put your feet on stage up there.
All correct


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I assume we post vids here to get some critque?


I feel like I'm not doing much here but still won. I simply posted this one for any bad habits i may have that were not being punished.

http://www.youtube.com/user/CanadaBrawl?blend=1&ob=5#p/u/8/35igFlMbgds (this one is my counterpick, the title is incorrect)
http://www.youtube.com/user/CanadaBrawl?blend=1&ob=5#p/u/3/y835iZ5AaJ8 (last game)

Game 1 wasn't recorded unfortunately. But yeah in these two matches I see that I don't know the diddy MU AT ALL and the same goes for my opponent in the wario MU. For this MU I definitely need tips, thanks.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Haha ooooomg that first match is tooo good dude! You had great spacing, move choice and played a solid game. Never fell for any tricks to get KO'ed, so you were simply never KO'ed. The only advice I have would be to dodge the arrows better hahah!

Watching next matches now.

Match 1: Overall good ****. Great use of bite, one thing I would recommend would be to try to branch out to a wider variety of moves. Every one of Wario's moves can be used, you just have to know when to use them. Your usage of Dair and Uair are great, maybe sometime try to explore with Bairs and Nairs, really great moves when you use them right! I saw plenty of Bair opportunities in this first match, try seeing them yourself!

The next thing is item usage. In the Diddy matchup, you can expect there to be bananas, and there are a few ways to deal with them.

"The Equalizer" - A defensive playstle, main focus being to keep bananas off the field, bringing the fight to more even terms. You can use bite to quickly eat bananas, and throw them off the stage into the abyss. Diddy without his bananas is more approachable, more vulnerable and easier to handle. Blue Rogue is a great example of this playstyle.

''The Aggressor" - An aggressive playstle, main focus being to use Diddy's bananas against him. Wario has a great item game with tires, but tires will be less useful in this matchup. Bananas have a different feel than tires since they don't bounce, but they bounce off shields instead of disappearing. If you can successfully use Diddy's items against him and keep them away from him, the battle will be in your favor. I myself favor this style when I play against Diddy.

Most people will be somewhere in the middle, incorporating both styles into their game.

Overall Diddy advice:

-Your motorcycle rides over banana peels easily, use this as an approach! Pull a wheelie to deflect any banana peels thrown your way. You can use the bike to cover your landing, a time when you would otherwise be open to banana attack.

-Nair is great against Diddy's up b. Any part of the Nair will send the monkey falling down with his barrels shooting every which way!

-When Diddy is recovering, edge crash the bike and throw it upwards, grabbing the ledge afterwards. This situation is severely dangerous to him, because he will be at a large disadvantage. If he doesn't fly into your bouncing bike and take loads of damage, he risks getting gimped via edgehog. Very good situation for you to be in!


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Remember to always throw items with a purpose, don't just throw them to throw them. Think before you throw: what am I expecting to happen when I throw this item?


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2010
Halifax, Nova Scotia
Remember to always throw items with a purpose, don't just throw them to throw them. Think before you throw: what am I expecting to happen when I throw this item?
Mindgames. I throw them away, expecting the opponent to expect it being thrown to them, and then punish.

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