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Wario Video & Critique Thread -- Diamond City Theater


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
there were post a lot of videos on the last 2 pages, why werent they put on the first page?


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Ive been slightly busy with some stuff. I will try to get to them within the week. Sorry for the wait.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Why nair instead of dair...? Cause of nair's reduced ending lag? Dair has a bigger hitbox that is transcendent on its final hitbox
When, exactly? If it's out of shield, I figure the larger hitbox that comes out faster is a safer bet.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
It flattens Wario's body and moves his hurtbox slightly upward during the animation, which allows you to avoid moves if they're looking to space perfectly. Snake has a similar benefit with his B-Air.

That said, I really should've stopped fastfalling it, because it weakens the effect, as Lord Chair pointed out.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
@ Dyno's matches: Damn... really outplayed against BigLou, P-1 seemed a lot more on your level. Great matches against P-1, I have some advice against Diddy that might help in the future.

- If you get hit, don't zoom in for a predictable counterattack immediately. A bad habit in general, even worse against Diddy because his bananas can lead into high damage strings or KO moves.

- Try to incorporate Instant Throwing into your game. Against a Diddy player, you are going to have bananas on the field. You either have to learn how to **** with bananas, or camp like a mofo in order not to get owned. It seems there is a middle ground with holding onto a banana and eating the other, and that's perfectly fine. Improving your item game can only help, though!


Smash Champion
Feb 23, 2008
Atlanta, GA
Thanks for the tips pwneroni.

As for biglou: i feel like i can beat him, i was just in an improper mindset while fighting him.

I have beaten him in a money match before (his diddy) so i know there is a chance.

He is getting good with his diddy quite fast.


Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
This is from two weekends ago. The first half of this set is -really- embarrassing. I hadn't practiced all week due to school being really rough, and I just wasn't comfortable with anything. No good excuses, though--I just sucked. I did make up for it in the end, at least, but I was very dissatisfied with my performance overall


I'm definitely not going to fall behind in practice again.

Also, I think this is game 4 of that set--


Also-also, some stuff from Micaelis's Wario. Give him advice--





TheReflexWonder (:warioc:) vs. kismet2 (:metaknight:)
Part 2 of the same set, apparently.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Haha can't wait to watch em all Reflex :D I think I'll go get a snack, maybe a bowl of popcorn and a large fountain drink! BRB.

@ Dyno: Ah, I totally know what you mean! My wrestling coach used to say that wrestling was 90% mental, it's definitely the same for Smash. Something that really helped me I think was listening to Daft Punk, awesome intense repetitive songs that totally get you in the ZONE! Maybe I'm just being superstitious, but the first time I've beaten Nerd in 2 years was when I was listening to "Human After All" haha.

@ Reflex: Wow! Stupendous! Amazing! I just finished watching your set against M2K, sooo good! He's such a beast but you took a game off him, and most of those matches were pretty close. Good job! Oh and fantastic usage of DACUS throughout the entire set!

Now I'm not going to pretend I know how to beat M2K, that part is up to you. What I can do for you is point out a few small things that could give you the edge, and possibly pull out a win.

First thing is the use of Bair. I noticed you used Bair a lot, which isn't bad at all. The bad parts are A. Hitting a shield and B. Not auto canceling it. Hitting a shield with an auto cancelled Bair is actually a pretty good poke, you can DI really well after you throw it out. Like Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jin says, "Be mindful of your lag, my young padawan". Except you're not a padawan, more like Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Also I noticed that you kept missing Uair to Uair at low percents, and got punished. Not only are you doing half the damage, you're taking a small chunk when you could have smashed his face in between your hands like a stressball soaked in Jello for 3 centuries! The Encore Combo is really one of Wario's bread and butter combos at low percents, be sure to nail those!

On the usage of Nair: Wario's Nair is literally my favorite move in the game. SO GOOD!! However, to truly master it you must first know it's limitations. It has a very small vertical hitbox, so if your opponent is below you it is probably not a good time to use Nair. The best time to use Nair imo is when you're close to the ground (or platform), since it's lasting hitbox, while ****, can leave you open to counterattack if you're not careful.

The next thing is the usage of tires. Using tires is really a give or take scenario: if you are really good with tires, you can do some serious damage. However, if your opponent is better with items than you... *shudder* you can guess what happens. Well I guess I'll just say it: R-A-P-E. Most people are fairly good with tires, yourself being no exception. There is always room for improvement though!

For example, a good situation is when you baited M2K to grab the tire, then farted on him. Now that's what I call Class A mindgames, son. There was a particular spot in the last match, where you hit M2K with a dthrow tire glide toss, and could have reversed Fsmashed him immediately for a sweet little 2 hit combo! Little things like that may make the difference in the end of the match! edit: okay maybe you just messed up, but practice makes perfect! :p

My advice for incorporating tires into your game is to do it SLOWLY. Very slowly. Before you try some mobility maneuvers with tires in a match, I would highly advise practicing in training mode. Experiment with getting the bike out fast, breaking it, tire trajectories once the bike is broken, glide tossing, instant throwing, zibble dropping, the works. My AT guide has a lot of useful info about the bike, take a gander if you ever need help with anything :) I'm also open for questions anytime!


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
OMG Reflex, you are without a doubt one of my favorite Warios to watch!! :D Sooo good with DACUS and mindgames, you have such a good Kung Fu Wario and I can't wait to see what you can do when you master tires!

I just finished your matches against BigLou, and DAMN you really stepped it up in those last 2 games. One thing I noticed about BigLou is after he does the Monkey Face Hump into Falling Crane Stance move, most of the time he goes for a Fair immediately. Maybe a weakness to take advantage of eh? Muahaha. Uair -> Uair -> Bair -> UpB was the greatest thing ever haha!

Not much critique from my end, but I think incorporating more instant throwing into your game would benefit you against Diddy. It allows you to move bananas quickly, either towards him or away from him, whichever you prefer. You can land on a banana and instant throw it I think, come to think of it though I'm not 100% sure now.

Oh! Another thing that's really good is when you have a banana/tire in your hand and you're on a high-ish platform, platform drop -> dthrow item onto opponent -> Nair/Dair. It's a pretty slick maneuver, it puts a lot of pressure on your opponent and has a good chance to poke them. For an added risk/bonus, throw the item right behind them and then Nair their front. Or vice versa. This is a poke that is safe on block, because the Nair will push them into the tire/banana and allow you to safely escape, or continue the rushdown as you see fit.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
I watched my own videos after I watched Reflex and Micaelis, and WOW we all play so differently! It's really subtle, but at the same time they look like different characters being played! Brawl is truly an amazing game <3 I love all you guys! Goin to bed now haha, now that's what I call a movie night xD


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
lol its 10:33 here at me, and im sitting in the school while lesson xD

about wario styles, mine is very aggressive :) but i should think more, would be better ^


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Ah, guten tag! Ich spreche eine kleine deutch, zwei jahre im schule learnen. Ich komme aus Oregon, USA :)

Gut? xD


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
Ah, guten tag! Ich spreche eine kleine deutch, zwei jahre im schule learnen. Ich komme aus Oregon, USA

Gut? xD

Ah, guten Tag! Ich spreche ein bisschen deutsch. In der Schule habe ich es bereits 2 Jahre lang gelernt. Ich komme aus Oregon, USA :)

that would b better ^-^ your 2nd sentence was right ;)
the german grammar is pretty difficult and so many commas xD


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Haha I knew I would totally mess up xD German is so cool! Yeah the grammar is tough though, that's what gave me trouble back in high school haha.

Now Japanese, there's some easy grammar. It's always the same in every sentence, and you can jumble it up and it will still make sense lol!


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2010
Japanese omg, i dont even know hmm a few words^^

i got in Englisch only bad marks :D my grammar is pretty horrible

ok btt ;P

im waiting for the op update


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Lololol :p Wow it's like 8 pm right now where you are right S!C? That's so crazy haha, all the way across the world! The internet is truly a marvelous thing.


Smash Lord
Jun 10, 2010
Halifax, Nova Scotia


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Haha I always love watching you vs Biggie Smalls, Croi! Such good matches, and you hardly ever get grabbed! Good job!

Croi it's hard to give you tips when you already **** these guys haha. Matches where you lose, get owned, or it's really close are the best ones to critique. My official statement on the matches you posted is "Good ****."


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
no offence but I'm convinced Biggie Smalls isnt even a good player... at 2:56 of the first match you whiffed a dsmash(never use dsmash in this matchup btw) and while you were flailing about in endlag, instead of him to just grab you, he rolls back and throws a waddle-dee at you.


Smash Champion
Aug 6, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpLbOfk9nSg mm vs neo (yes he's back!)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu7HMqkHSqk tourney vs GIMR

Go ahead and critique(nothing basic like me obviously being way too aggressive vs gimr)
Yo, I watched your Marth match and I usually hold back on saying things cause like, who the **** am I right? lol. But I just have to say something on this vid. I've seen one other wario, don't remember who, but aside from him/her you you seem like a way more polished me. I was playing two marths some day before the tournament and like wow, that MU can be ridiculously gay. So when I was watching your match, you really weren't doing much wrong, in fact you were playing the MU pretty damn well. You punished some of those fairs soooo well, especially the one with the fart, and that's a move that sometimes feels hard to punish yet you did it effortlessly. Next, you played the ledge game nicely. you used it to find openings and be defensive at the same time, it didn't look like you were being pressured, more so it looked like your opponent had a hard time hitting you (although he snuck that utilt). You weaved in and out well to, some really nice grabs to.

You tried to grab a lot, which is something that is quite effective in that MU. It just sucked that he rolled nearly each time you coulda caught him with a grab, who would have thought that roll is making a comeback lol. I remember it to be so scrub to do it. Poked with some nice bairs and fairs nicely to.

Pretty much, you just got MU *****. Only thing I noticed, which helped me a ****load in this MU, is that you didn't use the bike often. Really, those tires do actually make a difference in this MU cause you have something to "pressure" with from a distance rather than just jumping around. That tire will make them think more on their movement while you predict when to hit them and such. It;s such a great camping tool against Marth seeing as how he just plain ***** us in range. Even the bike alone is great, tossing it at them and such. Just try to mix that bike in, especially for Marth.

The obvious flaw, which really it's difficult to do anyways, is pressure his recovery more. But to tell you the truth, I usually let them on to because Marth's side B is just so effective at stalling them to wait for you to get off that ledge and they recover safely.

Overall, good ****. Sucks to lose $3 I guess lol.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
Oooohh such good matches Slik! I just finished watching your mm vs NEO, and great job! The first minute and a half of the first match was really awesome haha. That's what I call "Bubble Camping", basically forming a bubble around your opponent and dancing around it, attacking when you see an opening. First stock was beautiful, you held the momentum for a long time. Your tech chasing, bites and hits were all spot on.

However, it looked like NEO figured you out after a while, and that made the match a lot tougher for you. It's hard to keep playing the same style against a smart player, so you have to mix it up. Maybe incorporating tires into your game could provide that mixup, you have great Kung Fu and complementing that with tires could be just the ticket.

A great way to score kills on Marth is when he is recovering. It comes down to reads basically, because he can stall with a side b or two before up b-ing to the stage. It is very important to be able to adjust your timing accordingly, and you started doing this in the 2nd match with good results. Try to improve in this area, because this is definitely one of Marth's weaknesses that you can exploit with practice.

The next thing I noticed was your recovery. NEO did a great job covering your landings, and intercepting you when you tried to get back to the stage. One thing to help against this is adjust your recovery methods. When you bike towards the stage, a lot of the time you tilt the bike forward, which in turn makes your jump off the bike a LOT smaller. What I would advise is to tilt the bike all the way back before you jump off; it's worth it, because you gain a lot more distance than you lose.

I've found that staying in the air slightly off the stage discourages the opponent from following you too far, so jump really high off the bike and aim for the ledges of the stage. From there, you can ledge drop and bike away from the stage and try to recover safely.

On dealing with momentum: When your opponent has the momentum and keeps hitting you over and over, naturally you will probably want to continue trying to land and dodge, which in return gets you hit more and more (if your opponent is on his game, which NEO was). Something you can do to try and disrupt this momentum is creating space. Wario is really good at creating space thanks to his motorcycle! When you are getting hit over and over, try biking away and give yourself some breathing room. From there, it may be easier to gain your momentum back and get back into the game.

Oh! One more thing, try being more aware of stage control. You had a great pivot grab near the left side of the stage in the second match, but then you Fthrew Marth into the center of the stage (his strongest area), and proceeded to get attacked multiple times. It's almost always a good idea to get your opponent off the stage, however small it is. Bthrowing Marth off the stage and then pressuring him would be exponentially better than Fthrowing him towards the center and gaining 3% more from said Fthrow.

My advice for the GIMR vid: Don't Fsmash shields, don't rage quit, and start your Ftilt a tad bit sooner so they don't perfect shield it. Try listening to music so you don't get wrapped up in your own self doubt or anger. 90% of Smash is mental, and if you are mentally distracted or distressed than it will greatly affect your game.

Oh and be careful of using Dair against GnW, if he SDI's then his own Dair is a good punisher.


Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2008
OMFG Jeepy that first match was so awesome! If it was that fun to watch, I can only imagine how fun it was to actually play that! Your item control was fantastic, you've truly come a long way since I last saw you play (a few months ago). Have you ever thought about making tires your next step in improvement? If you're that good with Diddy's bananas, you would totally **** face with tires dude!

@ Gichan: Dude, everyone's input is appreciated! A. You're not a scrub and B. Even if you were, your input would still be appreciated, because we would have to use our brains in order to prove you wrong, thus making us think about our Wario game/Wario in general, thus improving our own understanding of the game. Therefore, by infallible logic, scrubs are essential to any competitive game.

Your input on tire usage was awesome (and true!).


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2009
I'm way worse than you, Gichan and I know for a fact that I have constructive input every now and then


Smash Lord
Feb 17, 2009
Seattle, Washington
The funny thing is that I could probably give sky more advice than I could give you
Aka i know how Diddy ***** wario

Also slik, ftilt is pretty useful vs gnw
It beats out his nair and I think bair too
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