Wow okay. Yes, I realize that using the ability this early is a terrible idea. I actually side with the mentality of not using it at all in the absence of condemning evidence. I thought Kantrip was setting up for a gambit and I wanted to help him do so, and I'm still skeptical of his claim, to be honest. I would straight up not believe it if it weren't for his saying it can be used at Night, which would weaken the believability of it being used during the Day. If it's real, then fine - my true stance on the matter lies here. If it's fake, then I apologize if this ruins anything you were trying to do.
So you are inclined to believe it is a gambit over an actual claim?
This is fine, but I have one thing to ask, then, since you even addressed it yourself: If you thought that what you're doing had the potential to ruin what you think is a gambit, why did you do it?
Don't answer, that's rhetorical. I know why you did it: To defend yourself.
You see, this post came along when you started getting scrutiny for your stance and opinion on my ability. You
claim that you answered how you did because you thought it was a gambit and you were helping. This is bull**** because if that were the case you would still answer truthfully about what you would have done about the ability. You are backpedaling out of your terrible suggestions by saying "I was just playing along."
The fact that you pointed this out now proves that you think defending yourself for your actions is important, even at the cost of "ruining what [I'm] trying to do". This shows that your play is more centered on defending yourself than potentially finding scum. This in addition to your backpedaling is bad, bad news.
FoS: T-block
I would vote but there's a lot of those already on you.
This sort of emotion looked somewhat over-the-top and staged, which along with the leading question, made me think he was setting up for a dayvig-type gambit.
I breadcrumbed JOKER in my first post addressing the role to show my true intentions.
I see why you thought that, but I can assure you my frustration about my play is legitimate.
I must ask you, though, why did you crumb that? Why would you crumb "JOKER"? What "true intentions" were you trying to show, and why did you feel the need to crumb them? I'm sorry but this kind of foreplanning is very scummy. I see no reason for town to be crumbing things in advance just so they can help out with someone else's gambit. You're just being meticulous at this point.